Nov 20, 2019 2:26 pm
Hi ya'll! So I just finished BG2 for at least the 5th time since first experiencing its wonder back in 2000/2001 (Thank goodness for the Enhanced Editions). I'm not sure how many people on this site are familiar with the game. I was in Chapter 5 when I started having the urge to run BG2 as a 5th edition D&D campaign.
It might be a stupid/crazy idea, but I have it and I want to explore it. I have the Dragon magazine that lists out Bhaalspawn abilities and there's a document from Wizards about converting older editions to 5e, so I feel like this idea is feasible. I'm posting this expecting responses such as: this has been done, this can't be done, here are some pointers, etc.
I would think it could make the game much more interesting if all the players were Bhaalspawn, but that isn't a requirement. If no player wanted to be one, then I suppose they could be hunters of Bhaalspawn. That would change things up from the game significantly and reduce potential meta-gaming some (not usually something I worry about).
I understand this idea is incredibly ambitious and would take a significant amount of prep/conversion.
It is exciting though, no?
Curious if anyone is interested in playing this.
It might be a stupid/crazy idea, but I have it and I want to explore it. I have the Dragon magazine that lists out Bhaalspawn abilities and there's a document from Wizards about converting older editions to 5e, so I feel like this idea is feasible. I'm posting this expecting responses such as: this has been done, this can't be done, here are some pointers, etc.
I would think it could make the game much more interesting if all the players were Bhaalspawn, but that isn't a requirement. If no player wanted to be one, then I suppose they could be hunters of Bhaalspawn. That would change things up from the game significantly and reduce potential meta-gaming some (not usually something I worry about).
I understand this idea is incredibly ambitious and would take a significant amount of prep/conversion.
It is exciting though, no?
Curious if anyone is interested in playing this.