Players Looking for DM

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Dec 5, 2019 5:38 pm
Granted, this is an unusual request: We three players (Arina, FlyingSucculent, and rpgventurer) are seeking a DM to run an adventure for our 5th level D&D 5e characters. The previous game we were in stopped soon after it started and we would like to continue the fun roleplaying we had.

Our characters are a Human Variant (Dragon Origin) Sorcerer, Tiefling Druid, and a Dwarven Paladin. If interested, please PM any of us to discuss. We're more than willing to join others or have others join us.
Dec 6, 2019 6:45 am
What adventure were you last playing? :)
Dec 6, 2019 6:57 am
We were (1) fighting undead in the marshes trying to (2) find and rescue survivors in a remote outpost. So far, we only accomplished #1. We are not necessarily looking to continue the same adventure, just to continue adventuring together.
Last edited Dec 6, 2019 6:59 am
Dec 6, 2019 7:00 am
I'm asking because I'm considering taking over a Descent into Avernus game which has stalled, and I can certainly add players in there, but that starts at level 1.

It'll probably be hard to take over your game since I wouldn't know the scenario, but I'm glad to hear you have 3 ready-to-go 5th level players. Hmm, let me chew on this if you don't mind.
Dec 6, 2019 7:39 am
Same here, I have a game (where FlyingSucculent actually is) that could take 2 more players... but calling it DnD or even assume any PC levels would be ... difficult ;)
Dec 6, 2019 3:45 pm
It is all interesting.
Dec 6, 2019 4:09 pm
It might help if you described something of the style of DMing you'd prefer. The tone of the game you left, whether you'd like that to continue or change, what you feel would enhance the kind of roleplay you most enjoy, etc.
Dec 6, 2019 5:01 pm
Moonbeam says:
It might help if you described something of the style of DMing you'd prefer. The tone of the game you left, whether you'd like that to continue or change, what you feel would enhance the kind of roleplay you most enjoy, etc.
^^ yup, I was going to suggest the same
Dec 6, 2019 6:31 pm
I think the general idea is that we'd just like to play the same characters, we didn't discuss the style of GMing - and I personally am not sure how to even determine said style. I just like the trio of characters we created and wish for them to stay together, even if in another setting entirely!

As for the original game's tone, it was a moderately serious, somewhat gloom setting with an accent on survival - homebrew rules about food and water, harsh weather, the undead everywhere. I would like it to stay with the same tone, not overly dark, not entirely light, and maybe keep the survival aspect? And, of course, it was fantasy.
Our characters are friendly to each other and work together, and they volunteered on a mission to help the outpost. There wasn't much danger faced in our first and only battle, and not a lot of character development yet. They do seem to be a nice type of adventurers, though, so settings with a lot of intrigue and backstabbing probably wouldn't fit them?

Not sure what else I can say that will help... I can link my character, since he's in the library! Here, Egret.
Dec 6, 2019 9:43 pm
FlyingSucculent said it better than I would have. And my paladin, Brindel, is also in the library.
Dec 6, 2019 11:33 pm
You certainly paint a good picture, ripe with possibility for any DM. If I can come up with a campaign idea, I'll be sure to let you know.

But if another DM wants to take the reins, don't let this post be considered me calling dibs, heh.
Last edited Dec 6, 2019 11:34 pm
Dec 6, 2019 11:58 pm
If you haven't found someone by Christmas, I'll take over (I'm just far too busy this month). If you can direct me to the thread where the game is, I'll try to adopt my ideas to the plot threads that you were following.
Dec 7, 2019 1:45 am
Last edited Dec 7, 2019 1:46 am
Dec 7, 2019 8:49 am
Fairly new to this forum but not to running games could easily pick up where you all got dropped off at and move things forward. Do you have these home brew rules on survival I can see that being interesting to implement but I would rather keep to what was rather than make my own (although I may tweak them but may not have to see them first). Next as to my style, I am about role playing and I am about the players -- I have in the past created entire games based of player's wish list of things they would like to and not like to see and most players enjoy themselves as that again is part of my focus. If you are not having fun, then we need to talk -- if you think something might be more fun if done another way I am open to such thoughts.
Dec 8, 2019 4:09 pm
I'm not exactly sure if describing the plot, the setting and the homebrew rules in detail will be polite to our old GM? It was an original setting, and I wouldn't want to disclose the finest points of it, as I don't know if aforementioned GM will be okay with it. And it might be a while before we can get a permission - besides, I don't think continuing the old adventure is the best idea.

Our group wasn't an original one, we were the reinforcements and didn't have time to get involved in the main storyline. We just had our specific mission to go and check on an abandoned outpost in the marshes, not really knowing much about the bigger picture and not even getting to meet the old characters. I believe it'll be easy for us to just go on a new mission altogether rather than continue the same quest - I'm certainly up for a new one!

And for survival homebrew rules, it was mostly nerfs for the spells and abilities that provide supplies - as in one goodberry not being able to satiate a person, for example, - and requirements to gather food/water each day. I think it's easy to implement in a variety of ways, and it doesn't precisely matter for it to stay the same, as long as the core idea is present?
Oh, right, and there were Evolving cantrips! I loved that one, I'd like to keep it. XD
Dec 9, 2019 4:15 pm
I contacted our previous GM, Ornux, and he was flattered we wanted to continue with the characters. He will look into making the game public and is happy to answer questions in a PM.

However, as usual, I agree with FlyingSucculent. A new adventure in the style he described would be just fine if that's easier for the DM.
Dec 12, 2019 12:11 am
I can flow with whatever is desired by the players -- and perhaps merge that original concept with a shift -- aka we pick up sort of where you left off -- you are reinforcements tasked with checking out an abandoned outpost in the marshes -- its a fairly straight forward and generic starting point -- we could even start over at the base where you started out from

Note I can probably work with most things -- such as Evolving Cantrips -- I will look into that if you all decide to move forward with me GMing the game.

Now as what would be the easiest for me -- well a wish list from the players outlining in as much detail the things they would like to see in the game and if there is anything they would not like to see in the game -- as from this I can generally build a very enjoyable game -- for example I had one player list these things - I want to have a real nemesis that makes sense, exotic monsters and would rather not see your typical orc and such, I want a treasure map, and there were a couple of other things he wanted that I do not recall off the top of my head -- I managed to eventually weave all of that into the on-going adventures bit by bit -- he had a blast -- I know this because he told me so -- I also do not believe in railroads -- I generally have a starting adventure that as you progress you get to decide what you pursue and/or when -- one group once stopped to take stock of all their leads and realized that they had a total of 9 different side leads to pursue and they had nearly forgotten about their main mission that they had been commissioned for. There dilemma was which leads to pursue as some seemed very important and time sensitive as well as getting back on track with their main mission as well. I mention all this to outline the potentials and such so that you can roll that around when you think about perhaps what you would and would not like to see in the game going forward.

Also about the old game I am mostly just trying to get a better feel for where you were but you also mentioned you liked the survival aspect of the game that was based on "homebrew rules about food and water, harsh weather, the undead everywhere" which is why I asked for those -- its easier to utilize a set of rules already established than go about creating ones own in order to bring that element more strikingly into the game -- aka emphasize it enough but then not too much -- and I am guessing these homebrew rules created that feel for you as players.
Last edited Dec 12, 2019 1:06 am
Dec 13, 2019 12:26 am
Still here waiting on responses from one or all players
Dec 14, 2019 1:15 am
Okay game opened with one potential spot still open
Dec 14, 2019 7:08 pm
I'll hop on that last spot if that's alright. Been keeping my eyes open for a D&D campaign to get started here again.
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