interst check on specific style solo/duo PC game

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Dec 13, 2019 3:32 am
Ok, I just had a few games I was in abruptly end or die a slow death. So I am thinking of running some more games if there is interest. So I am looking for players who want the type of game below and want to post regularly, which means almost daily and on occasion multiple times a day. I am thinking at least 5 posts per week though I hope the count may be higher. I also expect that you can take initiative and not always need a prompt to post.
These games are going to be solo or possibly duo games that are heavy into roleplaying/character development. They are based on some books I have recently read and a combo of stories that I was/am thinking of writing. That in mind they have specific starting points and character backgrounds. They will also explore various tropes including the flawed hero, romance, politics, loss, tragedy, tough choices that will cause loss whichever path is taken as well as various others. Each of these games will have more or less of these things but it will not be a typical D&D style dungeon crawl. Capture, surrender and fleeing will all be options as you may find yourself against unbeatable odds that will cause you to have to find your way around them.
I have been using rule-light games recently such as Tiny Dungeons. I am willing to use a more complex system but would need someone willing to be a co-GM to create the encounters as my time is limited to spend time just creating one encounter. That is why I am seeing if there is interest so I can put my time into fleshing out these games.
Here is a starting idea for each game.

1. The Kinslayer War

The Elven kingdom ruled for thousands of years in peace. Slowly evil crept in unaware until elven lords rose up against the High King. At first it was small but as more and more lords turned against their King the land began to run red. The High King sent out a pronouncement declaring the end of the Kingdom until it was needed once more. The royal army retreated to the Capitol City as they prepared to leave by the stone portals. The stone portals were/are a way to transport instantaneously around the kingdom. All major cities had at least a small one nearby. Kept out of the cities so that invaders could not use them but they were there none the less. The day came as those loyal to the High King followed him out to the great portal and passed through it to the unknown.

It is said that in that day the Iron Mountain at the center of the kingdom closed its gates and no one has passed them since then. It was that day the figures clothed in black began their lone sentry duty upon the great walls of the mountain. The Stone portals which flickered with light went dark until that night. Though that night at midnight every portal flashed open at midnight and two elves walked out of each one. No one knew their purpose until the next morning. The castles awoke to find their lords dead. Some of the elves that came that night were found dead with their moonblades in their hands as they struck down the rebel lords. In some places only the dead were found and those that did it, vanished. All that was known even in death none failed their mission as wherever they appeared the Lord and ladies died that night. Thus ended what was called the Kinslayer War. Since then it is said that no true elf walked the lands only those of mixed blood some with greater or lesser but the only thing that is sure is that elves are dying at younger ages than before.

It has now been almost 1000 years since the war. The age of elves has ended and the age of man arose. Some elves still rule but true elves are hard to find and those with elvish blood are both sought and feared in equal measure. Elves are a rare treasure but one sometimes held at arm’s length. Rumors started about 20 years ago that some have seen the dark stone portals flare with life but nothing has become of it and have been forgotten except to cause some to look over their shoulder if an elf walks past.

It is here that your story begins. You grew up on the streets trying to take care of your father (or mother) who is well past his prime while you have only seen 18 summers. You try to hide your elven features the best you can but your heritage cannot be concealed. Your father/mother tell you that your father/mother was the most beautiful thing ever seen. Your only parent tell you that you were loved but sadness and tears fill the eyes as they remember their loves death and will not speak of it.

Now is not the time to dwell on the past as you run through the streets with Eric the Eye’s men chasing you. Your best friend was caught skimming off the money he owed Eric for doing business (thieving) in town. In your desire to help your friend you drew a knife and stabbed the man grabbing your friend. Not sure if you meant to kill him or not is unsure even in your mind but that was the result. You turn a corner and find yourself surrounded with no place to go.

(You start out as a half-elf that has grown up on the streets but desire for something more. Your father/mother was a warrior that held the status of weaponmaster and told tales of heroics in serving a lord and the glory found in battle.)

2. Rite of Passage

You have grown up as the son and or daughter of a lord (this game can have 2 players who are twins, one should be male (human or half elven is to be their race). You have just become adults at the age of 18. Your mother died in childbirth and you were raised by your father. He is a kind man and takes good care of his subjects. This is especially important as the kingdom is no more. The king died childless twenty years ago and the various lords took to fighting who should replace him. In the end each lord looked to his own lands though many seek to still the crown. An uneasy peace has held sway as each lord tries to build enough support to be named king.

You father a minor lord to a greater baron has ruled well and have taught you as well. You have lived a life of ease though your trainers work you hard to know how to rule or fight. Still you see your father full of life and know that you have time to enjoy life and not have the worry of leadership on you.

Your life would be that of a normal noble but except for a few oddities at the castle. First is the gardener, a man with a scraggly beard always wearing a large hat on his head. Most pay him no mind as he goes about doing his chores. Only your father and his captains spend any time with him or even get a word or two out of him. Your father sits in the garden of the castle and will sit with him and speak with him for hours. You remember him doing this since you were a small child. He is also the only person except your father who goes into the "tower". This tower is the home of the "widow". Well that is what everyone calls her. She always goes clothed in black wearing a veil over her face. Only the gardener bring her supplies. She is hardly seen outside of the tower except to take a ride on her black horse every day or walk the gardens. Your father on occasion seeks her counsel though rumors abound about who she is. He only refers to her as a friend. Those who live in the castle say they hear strange noises coming from the tower and avoid it as much as possible.

3. On Dragon Ships

You are the younger son of a king though the favored one of your father. You have been spoiled and told that you will be king when he dies.

In this Viking-like setting you are the spoiled son of a king who is first of his line. He wrestled his freedom another king and has created his own small kingdom in the north. His first wife had a son but when she died, he remarried. This marriage was for love not politics and it is her who is your mother so you become the favored son. Your older brother has never forgiven you nor your father and has become a hard man. You as you grew and became well known for your prowess. Then were married to the love of your life but she was taken from you. Foul play was suspected but never proved. This broke your heart and your spirit. You have fallen from where you are and your father has become concerned that you are the man to be king after he has gone. You have done something (it will be discussed) that has shaken your father’s trust in you. You have taken to another women but your father is not happy about it. It is here where your story starts.

I interested let me know. I hope to get them started soon if there is interest but with the coming holidays there maybe a little delay to get things fully up and running.
Dec 13, 2019 7:07 am
I'd be down for a duo game, probably using the first or second. For the first I do have a character I could probably port over that I've been wanting to play, and she could probably work just as well in the second.
Dec 13, 2019 7:43 am
I'm interested in all of the settings you laid out, perhaps most of all the mysterious elf portals. I have no problem doing duo or solo and I too like regular posting. Unfortunately I have no experience with tiny dungeon but I like simple systems and would like to learn.
Last edited Dec 13, 2019 7:44 am
Dec 14, 2019 12:42 am
Thanks for the interest. i am going to see if there are any more replies in the next day or so and then get things moving,
Dec 14, 2019 12:55 am
As a player in similar projects run by viking1031, I highly recommend this.
Dec 14, 2019 1:19 am
I like all of the ideas, especially the Elven portals.
Dec 15, 2019 4:31 am
Anyone else, tomorrow i am going to begin getting things settled.
Dec 15, 2019 7:31 pm
Ok I am sending out a PM to each of you help get things set so I can create the game and get things going.
Dec 16, 2019 12:14 pm
is there any spots left?
Last edited Dec 17, 2019 5:29 pm
Dec 16, 2019 1:06 pm
I might be interested in this too.
Dec 16, 2019 3:07 pm
I at least one spot left. The first one has been filled though.
Dec 16, 2019 4:53 pm
Jackwolfking says:
Drat sadface
Is that because that the first game is filled or because I only have 1 definite spot left. I may have a second depending on the responses I get from the PMs I sent out.
Dec 16, 2019 5:06 pm
I want to play a game but I don't want to take up space if you don't want me to.
Dec 17, 2019 3:19 am
Sent out more PMs. Right now all positions maybe filled. I am waiting for responses. I will post again if another spot opens.
Dec 17, 2019 3:46 am
The games are up and Invites sent to those who have responded by PM for their respective game. I will be posting the character creation rules and other information tomorrow when I get home from work.
Dec 17, 2019 3:26 pm
I am interested in the Dragon Ships if it is still available.
Dec 17, 2019 7:17 pm
Any more openings for this?
Dec 19, 2019 1:08 am
I sent some PM but have not had a response so anyone still interested in the Rite of Passage campaign let me know as I want to get it filled soon.

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