Chapter 7: Wherever You May Roam

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Dec 23, 2019 5:03 am
lavtodd says:
The girl listens carefully and nods. This is the calmest you’ve seen her.....ever.

I’m sorry, El, that sounds like it made everything more stressful. If that’s even possible. It’s.......a wake up call. But. We’re alive now. And, more people got out than I thought. She smiles softly, the morning light drawing attention to the lines on her face. Is Pip feeling better?
Pip pulls on Elora's hair for, unsatisfied with it's arrangement. Alas the bird is simply too minuscule to cause any significant change, and flutters off.

"He's managing, I think Pip doesn't worry as much, it's a nice contr- wait. How-how are you doing Ember?"
Dec 23, 2019 3:04 pm
Ember deflects the question at first, using a little magic to adjust any messy strands in Elora's hair.

I, um....To be honest, I've been better. I barely slept last night. There's.....there's a voice in my head that tries to get me to be like my fore-mothers. Insane. Brutal. And I didn't hear it much yesterday until things got quiet. Which really worries me. Because maybe I did what it wanted.

She blinks a few times and blushes before poking at the fire. You didn't need that added stress, though, I'm sorry. Forget I said anything.
Dec 23, 2019 3:54 pm
"Oh, that's okay!" Elora stretches a hand toward Ember, hesitating for a second, and places an arm on her shoulder. "I... don't mind hearing that. Not that it's good! But I just vented, so it's, ah, only fair you get a turn."
Dec 23, 2019 3:58 pm
Ember smiles with worry at Elora, her face twitching as if she's trying to decide something. Then she hugs her.

I'm sorry I was so useless. I'll get stronger, I promise. Then you won't have to be afraid.

She pulls back, the smile gone, as if she said something that hit too close to home.
Dec 23, 2019 5:07 pm
Elora feels a bit weird being hugged, but doesn't stop it, instead cautiously wrapping her arms aroun Ember to embrace her. Not knowing how long these are supposed to last, she's greatful when Ember takes the lead.

"Oh shouldn't have to feel that way, it's not fair to yourself. And you weren't useless! We couldn't have known such a...scary monster was waiting for us." Elora looks into her eyes with a hint of fear.
Dec 23, 2019 10:32 pm
DarkReaver1998 says:
Coreene does her best to help others get settled. Helping to find dry spots on the ground, creating small tinctures to help ease the pain of those injured, and helping to set up a small infirmary for those that need more serious healing. But she had to face two painful truths: there were many mouths to feed, and she was nearly out of medicinal herbs.
After getting the camp settled, and letting the others fall asleep, Coreene went to work. It wouldn't be her first midnight hunt, nor would it be the last. She had hope that she could at least begin to feed these people, and she wouldn't rest until she was satisfied.
Coreene's efforts result in a relative bounty. It's not going to feed this many people for very long, but between wildlife and edible plants, it should at least help to tide the sudden settlement over until more people can join in the hunting and gathering. It's exhausting work, of course, and especially overnight after an already long day. There's a good chance Coreene will be good and tired pretty early in the day. Others pitch in to help prepare and cook what food is available, and for now, the mood at the farms is grateful for what is provided under the circumstances. How long that will last is yet to be seen.

At a quick glance, there are likely at least a couple hundred individuals here, give or take, of all ages, races and walks of life, from young children to old men and just about everything in between. Many are still unsure as to what happened the night before, and who was instrumental in getting them out of the city, and as the story gets told and retold, rumors are already getting embellished about the heroes that saved them. By sundown, the party will likely be ten feet tall, riding winged horses and calling down lightning from clear skies.
Dec 24, 2019 2:49 am
Swan spends the day with those most injured, telling them all stories, singing songs, sharing tears and lending comfort, and hearing their own tales of that wicked night. Sometimes, the best medicine is to share your woes with a kind stranger.

His so-called limitless arcane might is spent quickly, but those who made it from Hara were, for the most part, those hale enough to run. Still, burns and strains were problems he could remove. For a few.

His own medical knowledge was poor, but he had seen aid given and much of what was needed was food, water, rest, clean bandages, and shelter. The first was hopefully being attended to successfully by the others.

The day passes. News reports come from those watching the road to Hara. Scouts from the area, foraging results, and reunions. The most on everyone's minds are those left behind. "Did you see my ___" repeated so often as to become a blur. It beggared the strongest heart.

But deep inside, Swan watched the incredible occur. Was it his own aid? Undoubtedly it helped, but within the resilient souls of that ragged band of injured, in their eyes and questions, he could see them start to look forward.

Where to next?
Dec 24, 2019 2:58 am
Yelnar wakes up quite early in the morning, and meditates for a while.

He gets up and starts moving around the camp. He finds people he gave weapons to yesterday, and quietly wakes them or gets their attention and leads them off to the side of the camp, asking them to stay here while he goes to get more.

Once he has a solid group together, he lets them know the purpose of this gathering. He doesn’t raise his voice, but it carries nevertheless. "I suspect at some stage we’re going to have to fight for our place in this world, but today is not that day. Ideally, before we reach that point we’d train and become a formal fighting force, but today we have more pressing matters. We have quite a few people here to feed, so I’m thinking maybe we can hit two birds with one stone. Anyone here know how to hunt?"

A few of those present murmur in assent. "OK, those of you who know how, I want you to lead two people you know, and two that you don’t on a hunting trip. Show the others how to hunt, how to approach from downwind, how to use the sun and stealth, how to flush game out of hiding. Work as a team as best you’re able."

He watches as the group sorts itself into smaller bands, and realises there a few who didn’t find a group. "You all can come with me." He looks up at the sky "Meet back here at midday - hopefully we’ll have something to show for our efforts."

As they’re heading out, he sees Coreene on her way back in after her own successful hunt. He realises there is now a kinship there that he hadn’t felt before. He pauses for a moment, then realises he has other things to do, and files it away for later on.
Last edited December 24, 2019 2:59 am


Survival - (1d20+6)

(12) + 6 = 18

Dec 24, 2019 4:50 am
Verrian is relieved to find both Coreene bearing the bounty of a very successful night of hunting for food, and Yelnar in the process of organizing hunting parties for the day. She starts to feel slightly less stressed about the prospects for feeding their impromptu village.

She returns to where she'd bedded down for the night and changes the dressings on her wounds. At some point today, she will seek out someone with healing magic, but right now, there are more important things to do.

She makes her way to the place she'd assigned to Livia and Giran last night. With any luck, the young man will be awake and ready for her to take him up on his offer to help in any way he can.
Dec 24, 2019 4:14 pm
Coreene is glad for the help. She had already field-dressed the animal to make them easier to drag back to camp, but she didn't have the patience anymore to get everything cleaned and prepared. Her next stop was the make-shift infirmary, but she stops and watches Yelnar for a few moments, waving to him before he takes off. She would have to have a conversation with him later, but something seemed... different about him.
On to the infirmary. Working though the exhaustion, she sets up a small campfire near the area and sets a pot atop it. It takes her a few tries, but she's able to focus enough that the pot is soon filled with pure water. Pure as it may be, she still wanted to boil it. It was best to ensure that it was completely sterile before setting off to work.
Tying back her hair, she goes through the infirmary, making a mental list of ailments and injuries. The good majority were suffering from burns. There were a few nasty abrasions as well, those those only needed cleaning and bandaging. They'd heal on their own. Only a handful of broken or twisted limbs. Those would require the most work and the longest healing time. Not only that, but they would slow down any further travel.
She sighs, prepares herself, and gets to work.
Dec 24, 2019 7:22 pm
Wil moves through the crowd, helping out where can. He doesn't know anything about first aid, but he can help with cooking.
He also tries to help with keeping spirits high. Anything from telling heroic tales, to letting kids take a ride on Atticus.
He sees Blossom and some of the other halflings helping out at cook fires. He spends a moment with her.

It looks like things are under control for now. Keep an ear out and let me or my friends know if you hear any rumblings that may lead to trouble.

While walking around, Wil keeps an eye out for Brick.
Dec 24, 2019 7:35 pm
Ember tries as hard as she can to stay busy. Luckily, the halflings led by Wil’s aunt seem to know what they’re doing with the food. She’s a little flustered when the little child whose bear she fixed before he woke clings to her tightly. She has no idea how to help these kids, but damn it, she’s going to. Eventually she lays him down for a nap and can slip out.

Having promised Elora the girl could come to her whenever she needed it, she spends time trying to help her friends. A silent hug for Wil as she takes the string back. Words of encouragement for Yelnar. She’s finding she’s a hugger. But, she almost lost her family last night.

Cute words. quiet......I’m busy.....

Finally, she finds the makeshift infirmary. She sheepishly thanks Uelten for saving her impulsive butt from the fire elementals, and works to find Coreene. She sets a warm bowl of soup beside the bed she works at.

Coreene? she ventures quietly, trying not to interrupt. Please go sleep. I know you were out all last night. I can help Uelten until you’re back. But Verrian’s already gone gray. I’d hate to see it happen to you.
Last edited December 24, 2019 7:35 pm
Dec 24, 2019 7:46 pm
Coreene continues to work, even as Ember speaks to her. Not only does she look exhausted, she looks dead on her feet. But her hands work almost on instinct. "'No sleeping until the work is done.' That's what my mentor used to say." she tells Ember with a distinct monotone to her voice. "'Just work on what's in front of you, then the next task, and then the next... eventually you will be done, and it'll be about time to start over again.'"
She holds a stone bowl in her lap, sprinkling herbs and plants and a bit of water into it, and mashing it together with a heavy rock. It eventually comes together into a thick paste that she dips her fingers into and begins applying to some burn wounds on a patient, absentmindedly trying to soothe them with 'It's okays', and gently shushing sounds.
Dec 24, 2019 7:52 pm
Coreene. The concern in Ember’s face is clear as she gently places her hand on the Naucan’s shoulder. Please. If you collapse from exhaustion you can’t help us later. And we need you. With a kind but firm tug, she takes the salve from her. You need to slow down. I know how to take care of burns. Go. Sleep. Please. I’ll come get you soon. There’s a worried urgency in her voice.
Dec 24, 2019 8:02 pm
Coreene resists Ember taking the bowl. "And what about setting bones? Hm?" she asked her, her markings flashing red with anger briefly. "Do you know how to fix that? Or how to prevent infection? Do you know which herbs reduce swelling and which ones mask pain?"
She jerks the bowl from her hands and sets it down on the bed next to the patient. "While I sleep, these people suffer. Their wounds get worse, or they go hungry. If I have to go a day without sleep, so be it. It won't be the first time, and it certainly won't be the last. Now, if you want me to rest, let me get back to work."
Dec 24, 2019 8:23 pm
Ember starts, actually looking hurt by the flash of red. And one day turns into another, and another, and another, and soon you're laying delirious in one of these beds and we don't have a healer at all! If you won't slow down, at least get help, please! Her voice cracks and gets worrisomely small, fueled by some unpleasant memory. Coreene, I've seen people so focused on their "job" that it killed them, and she sounded just like you when she started. Please. Tell me what to do. Let me help you. And then you can focus on the big things and then you can rest sooner. Please.
Dec 24, 2019 8:34 pm
Coreene studies Ember's face for a moment, and takes a deep breath or two to calm herself. She sighs and hands Ember the stone bowl. "Use this on the burn wounds. Be gentle, we want to accelerate healing, not break the skin that already tried to regrow. If you need more, ask me. I don't need you messing up the batch and making things worse. I have fresh bandages over there, apply them after you've given the salve time to set. When you're done, tell me. I'll find more for you to do."
She stalks off to another section of the infirmary to work on something else.
Last edited December 24, 2019 8:35 pm
Dec 24, 2019 8:42 pm
Ember watches her go, still worried, but relieved. She whispers barely loud enough for anyone to hear.

Thank you.

She takes a deep breath and turns to her patient with a genuine smile, gently applying the salve. Hi, I'm Ember. I'm glad to meet you, though I wish it was under different circumstances. I didn't have this fancy salve when I got my burns, so you're in good hands. Now, I will warn you. I haven't been able to sing since the accident. Her smile bursts into a ridiculous grin, mischief twinkling in her eyes. But then again, I sang like a dying goose before all this, too!

Laughter is the best medicine, they say. She works quickly, but tries to make each patient smile before she moves on.
Last edited December 24, 2019 8:43 pm


perform - comedy - (1d20+9)

(15) + 9 = 24

Dec 26, 2019 1:01 am
Moonbeam says:
Verrian is relieved to find both Coreene bearing the bounty of a very successful night of hunting for food, and Yelnar in the process of organizing hunting parties for the day. She starts to feel slightly less stressed about the prospects for feeding their impromptu village.

She returns to where she'd bedded down for the night and changes the dressings on her wounds. At some point today, she will seek out someone with healing magic, but right now, there are more important things to do.

She makes her way to the place she'd assigned to Livia and Giran last night. With any luck, the young man will be awake and ready for her to take him up on his offer to help in any way he can.
Giran is awake, though he and his aunt are a couple of dwellings away talking to an elderly couple. The conversation seems cheerful enough, Livia sitting on a rickety-looking chair next to the man and woman who occupy a ramshackle bench, and Giran standing on the front step of the small house. The old woman says something, pointing a finger at Giran, and both Livia and the young man laugh out loud. The old woman and old man seem pleased by the response, and laugh in turn.

Giran reaches out and grips the old man's hand in farewell, and turns to walk back toward the place he'd shared with Livia the night before. He spots Verrian heading his way and lifts a hand in greeting.

"Good morning, Ta... Verrian. That's going to take a little getting used to. I mean, not that I've known you for all that long, I guess, but... well, you know," he says, and finishes with a wry grin. "Were you able to get some rest? Last night, you looked a bit like you'd been drug through the streets of the city by a team of horses. Er... I mean..."

He runs his hand partway through his hair, wincing as though he'd smelled something foul. "I mean, you looked tired. Would it be terrible if I just stopped talking around you? Forever?"
Dec 26, 2019 5:48 am
Verrian watches Giran interacting with the old man and woman, taking note of his easy demeanor. Thinking back to her initial interactions with him, she realizes that he possesses a natural wit and charm backed by genuine interest in and empathy for others. He's a born diplomat.

At least, when he's talking to anyone but her.

She chuckles at his discomfort at his ability to put his foot in his mouth, then waves a hand to dismiss it. "You were right the first time. I looked and felt as though a team of horses had dragged me through the streets."

She smiles and continues, hoping to forestall any further discussion of her current condition. "I wonder if you'd like to give me a hand with a project. I'd like to do an inventory of skills among the Harans here - find out what abilities, magical and mundane, various people have and if they'd like to put them to use. It would be useful to connect anyone willing to contribute to tasks and projects as soon as possible."
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