Jan 21, 2016 4:58 pm
So I recently picked up the 13th Age Bundle of Holding and am really interested in the game. The thing is, I'm only a moderately experienced GM. If people are willing to put up with me bumbling about with the game, I'd be happy to run a 13th Age game. A couple people had contacted me about playing Pathfinder, and while I'm open to that, I'd like to give something else a try.
Since gaming suffers from a perpetual lack of GMs, if you're willing to suffer through my learning curve, I'll run a game. 4 people.
Any takers?
So I recently picked up the 13th Age Bundle of Holding and am really interested in the game. The thing is, I'm only a moderately experienced GM. If people are willing to put up with me bumbling about with the game, I'd be happy to run a 13th Age game. A couple people had contacted me about playing Pathfinder, and while I'm open to that, I'd like to give something else a try.
Since gaming suffers from a perpetual lack of GMs, if you're willing to suffer through my learning curve, I'll run a game. 4 people.
Any takers?