13th Age?

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Jan 21, 2016 4:58 pm

So I recently picked up the 13th Age Bundle of Holding and am really interested in the game. The thing is, I'm only a moderately experienced GM. If people are willing to put up with me bumbling about with the game, I'd be happy to run a 13th Age game. A couple people had contacted me about playing Pathfinder, and while I'm open to that, I'd like to give something else a try.

Since gaming suffers from a perpetual lack of GMs, if you're willing to suffer through my learning curve, I'll run a game. 4 people.

Any takers?
Jan 21, 2016 5:05 pm
I'd play. I have a good amount of experience with the system and even ran a game here a while back before it ended up petering out.
Jan 21, 2016 5:28 pm
I'm up for it as well, also welcome back! Also Njohn858 if you start your game back up let us know. 13th age is pretty interesting I think.

Would errata updates in 13th True Ways be in effect as well?
Jan 21, 2016 5:31 pm
I think I also grabbed the bundle. If you do setup a game, I'll make sure we get players :) I know the 13th Age twitter account is active on helping spread info.
Jan 21, 2016 6:25 pm
I'm interested in the 13th Age. I've got the CRB, but that's it -- and I find the system pretty interesting. That said, my interest is tempered by available time and forthcoming travel. I've got lots of time for a new GM/DM -- everything I've run here I've been learning the system as I go and everyone has been awesome (either learning it with me or having a good conversation when they don't concur with how I read rules).
Jan 21, 2016 6:47 pm
That's a pretty good response considering I put this up about an hour ago. I can go ahead and set up a game, and for my sake, since the CRB is so comprehensive, I'd like to stick to that as far as rules are concerned. It just makes my life easier. I have an idea for a fairly straightforward quest that is short, but should allow us to try a lot of different things.
Jan 21, 2016 6:48 pm
Keleth you playing or are we at 3/4 out the gate for recruiting?
Jan 21, 2016 7:13 pm
I saw the game go up -- I'm game, but have a couple weeks of travel in February. If you're okay with that I'll happily apply. If not, no worries. There will be more. I'm in a little of a lull because a couple of my games are goin' slow.
Jan 21, 2016 7:24 pm
I'll see if someone else joins, otherwise I'll take it. Still wanna make sure new people get on the site :)
Jan 21, 2016 7:31 pm
I can expand the game up to 6 if needed, but not beyond.
Jan 21, 2016 10:24 pm
Just applied. I was in two other 13th Age games on here before they slowed to a halt. I'll use one of my characters from those games if that's all right (assuming I get in, that is - don't want to take a spot that someone else has expressed interest in).
Jan 22, 2016 11:01 am
Thanks for inviting me to this! I too was in a 13th Age game before that I was really enjoying but sadly, it died. I loved my character there and I was hoping to bring him into this but he is a Chaos Mage (a class from 13 True Ways) so if we're sticking to CRB then I may have to make a new one.

Fortunately I've just finished hiring and training some new help at my business so it looks like I am actually going to be able to have a little bit more time for GP for the immediate future. :-D

Having said that though, I agree with Keleth: if there are new people interested then I would rather have them join and grow this community than play myself. I'm already in quite a few games, and wouldn't want to ho the slots. So yeah, if there are enough new people to fill your game then I'd be happy to give up my slot for them. In fact, I think I'll invite some people I know.
Jan 22, 2016 2:05 pm
I expect this campaign to be fairly short, so as long as it flows even somewhat smoothly, I'd be happy to run another one for another group.

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