OOC Thread

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Nov 10, 2020 2:18 pm
Velrik Greenblade submitted for approval. He's a half-elf melee-focused rogue. My plans are to go down the Thief archetype at level three.

Velrik on D&D Beyond

He gets his surname from his ability to manifest green flames on weapons he holds in his hand. This is a genetic trait passed down from the High-Elf blood in his veins. Though he's good at what he does (mostly thievery and spying), if pressed into combat, his calling card becomes apparent to all around him as green flames dance across his blades.

He currently finds himself in the Borderlands after having to flee for crimes he may or may not have committed back in civilized lands...
[ +- ] Full portrait of Velrik
Last edited November 10, 2020 2:21 pm
Nov 10, 2020 5:06 pm
I was going with a bard, but I can throw together a cleric if we need that instead.
Nov 10, 2020 6:42 pm
Ok I submitted my war cleric Reinhardt. If possible I would like him to be a resident of the keep, it fits into the shell shocked Hospitaller backstory I wrote for him and makes use of his background feature in a way that will be beneficial to the party.
Nov 10, 2020 6:43 pm
I used the custom background option from th PHB though it is mostly just the Acolyte background with the skills changed to reflect his growing up in a harsh environment where everyone is expected to fight should the need arises.
Last edited November 12, 2020 4:32 pm
Nov 10, 2020 7:27 pm
If not it's no problem, I could have been orphaned somewhere else and came to the keep looking to escape the memory of my past or some such.
Nov 10, 2020 8:47 pm
Whichever you prefer. If you wish to a native, I will send you some notes on the Keep.
Nov 10, 2020 9:42 pm
That would be great!
Nov 10, 2020 10:47 pm
Hi Everyone, ready to roll!

I just created and submitted a character, named Azyrus "Blooskyn", who is an albino blue dragonborn sorcerer (shadow magic sorcerous origin).

He is yellow-skinned, with bloodshot white eyes (except when he is in darkness, then his eyes turn completely black, absorbing any light that gets sent through the darkness).

He is known by his farmer community for being a hero of some children, when marauders assaulted some of the neighbors.

I am excited for this game!
Nov 10, 2020 11:21 pm
So then I'll wait to post IC until the new people are inside the keep, maybe I could check the newcomers for signs of disease just to get the introductions over with asap? Just a thought.
Nov 11, 2020 2:57 am
I created a Bard, but if that's overlapping the other classes I can put together something else, let me know.
Nov 11, 2020 4:48 am
Ooookay. Here's Beruucus... made a melee fighter
Nov 11, 2020 3:44 pm
Hey. I posted my clerics backstory in the character thread. I need to roll for gold, and I’ll have his sheet submitted today. Am just at work right now
Nov 11, 2020 5:35 pm
@DM, if you can accept our characters on the "Game Details" page, that will allow us to post as our characters, instead of as ourselves.
Nov 12, 2020 11:50 am
Caelymbor is going to be taking a level in fighter, as planned (I'm trying to stick as close as I can to the B/X version of the elf).

Rolling for Hp in the other thread (I believe you mentioned we roll the hit die, and can take average if the roll is beneath average?)
Nov 12, 2020 4:33 pm
You know, I'll just say Reinhardt is from elsewhere and came to the fort with everyone else to keep things simple.
Nov 13, 2020 12:03 am
matmaisan says:
Rolling for Hp in the other thread (I believe you mentioned we roll the hit die, and can take average if the roll is beneath average?)
That is correct.
Dec 7, 2020 4:27 pm
Hey guys, seems like too many mouths to feed so I'm gonna bow out. Thanks very, very much for the add and good luck in your questing!
Dec 7, 2020 7:21 pm
Sorry to see you and your cleric go, Domminion451. Sure you don't want to stick around?
Dec 17, 2020 9:35 pm
There will be a brief delay while we get one more person into the keep and the party. R.J.Crowe, I'll give you a few days to get your character created. Everyone else just hang tight or role-play until he is ready.
Mar 15, 2021 12:36 pm
Hey all, I'm in the middle of (several) big house moves and a work transition. I'm going to bow out for now as I don't know when I'll have consistent time to post or participate. My apologies.
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