Jump to character sheet

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Jan 24, 2016 12:30 am
Previously, when clicking on the "Character" tab at the bottom of a game forum page it would take you directly into the character that you clicked on. I have checked three games where I am just a player, and the one game I am running. Now that only takes me to My Character page.

As a player that isn't a big deal but as a GM I like to be able to go check the character sheets from time to time, so if that feature could be fixed it would be great.

I can still click on a character portrait to go to their sheet as always, but sometimes your not on a page where that character has posted and it is a pain to hunt down a previous post sometimes.

Also: Not sure if this qualifies as it's own bug because it doesn't affect using the site, but I see the blue 'i' and the blue box at the top of the home page. Usually that only shows up when I have a PM but it is there now.
Jan 24, 2016 12:44 am
If I understand correctly, when you click the Character tab, rather than the characters coming up in a small slide-up pane, you get taken to the My Characters page. This is actually the proper fallback activity, but means some Javascript is failing. Unfortunately, I'm unable to replicate. I can walk you through how to check for Javascript errors, but until I can replicate, that's the best I can offer.

As for the information notification: does it have any text in it, or just empty? Is it still there (I updated some code)?
Jan 24, 2016 1:15 am
The slide up is working, but rather than going to the actual sheet it is going to My Characters page. I've tried it on two different machines.

And yes, the information notification box was blank and now it is gone.
Jan 24, 2016 1:19 am
It's doing it to me as well. Using Windows 10. Tried both IE and Chrome
Jan 24, 2016 1:33 am
Ok, I'll try to figure out why it's doing that. I suspect it's a permissions issue.

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