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Jan 8, 2020 4:44 pm
This will be for general discussions about content threads. I will be locking the instructional threads and create additional discussion threads as needed or wanted. To get things started though say hi ;)
Jan 8, 2020 8:26 pm
Hi, I have been playing rpg for.... about 25 years and done my share of GM'ing.
Jan 8, 2020 8:59 pm
Great to hear I hope what I share will still be of use you to you. I will be discussing general Story Telling stuff as well as getting into specific game mechanics for some of the rule sets per the requests. But much of good Story Telling is fairly generic but I fine that many Storytellers (GMs) are not aware of them and others are.

Perhaps one of my biggest guide posts to Storytelling is that the Guidelines are not Rules -- they are to help Guide the Story not dictate it and even the designers of most games begin with that caveat and yet many Storytellers miss this or are not comfortable with stepping out and the game sometimes suffers because of it.
Jan 8, 2020 9:40 pm
if nothing else, we might spark some interesting discussions
Jan 8, 2020 10:38 pm
I hope so -- again I will be adding a few forums for specific topics Storytelling is going to be one of them start by trying to post a few Guidelines for StoryTelling that I learned myself from some other pretty good storytellers
Jan 8, 2020 10:44 pm
Hihi. Well I'm torn on a couple games ideas I want to run. One is a Savage world post apocalypse. I'm also thinking of do legend of the five rings and star trek gamee.
Jan 8, 2020 11:59 pm
All fairly good games to run but do not get to hung up in the mechanics nor dive to deeply into the story you want to run both of these are just going to ultimately frustrate the story element of the game.

I am going to try to start putting together some talking points and post them in a secondary thread so that we can discuss them here or within a separate discussion thread if we want to keep things separated. However, it is currently a work day and on these days my time is a bit more limited.

But in the vein of helping you -- what are your outlines for your 3 different games you want to run?

Oh and you might be surprised that I never actually have a game plan for my game until I get it started because one of the biggest elements to the game that many Storytellers seem to forget is that its the players that make the game because without them you have got nothing -- so you need to learn to strike a balance -- make it something fun to run but something that caters to the players as much as possible.
Jan 9, 2020 7:00 am
Hi all! I probably won't have much time to participate, but I am interested in trying out running my first non-published adventure so I thought this could be really useful :)
Jan 9, 2020 3:41 pm
@CESN what do you mean by "non-published adventure" -- is something you designed or just a non-published module by someone else?
Jan 9, 2020 4:53 pm
or did he beak into Wizards of the coast and steal the next adventure :D
Jan 9, 2020 4:59 pm
well runekyndig that would be the same as -- just a non-published module by someone else -- would it not. Regardless of how it was acquired ;-)
Jan 9, 2020 5:41 pm
Ah yes, I meant trying to put something together myself ;)
Jan 9, 2020 5:50 pm
Awesome so do you want any input on that -- because you might -- like many do and I used to do -- is put too much into it

Also is this going to be a PbP or a FtF game?
Jan 9, 2020 5:57 pm
it's long term plan to run here on GP once my current games end. I've tried GM some published materials to get some experience GMing first and give me time to think about my own game
Jan 9, 2020 8:16 pm
Okay let me outline something for you that took me a while to learn -- it does not pay to create a bunch of stuff ahead of time -- all you need is just enough to handle the current situation and bit beyond...

For instance my current game started with this:
1) Tower in a swamp with undead around it that the PCs are asked to investigate by the Garrison they have volunteered to work with

I then said okay what do I need next
1) A map of the region would be helpful
2) A concept for the base of operations
3) The method to get the players there and working together more organically
2) A concept for their base of operations
Jan 9, 2020 8:39 pm
That is all I had when I started the game -- I have added a bit to it since then but frankly only skeletal items nothing overly concrete as it is not needed -- and it all depends on the direction the PCs actually want to go -- or I feel seems to be the best direction based on player interaction
Jan 9, 2020 8:42 pm
The problem with planning too much out ahead of time is if you need the players to go direction A to get to all that stuff you just spent hours and hours on and they choose direction B -- you either have to railroad them into direction A or create a direction B on the fly --- and then what happens if they never ever go direction A -- all those well spent hours have been wasted
Jan 9, 2020 8:44 pm
I am very interested in this process. I have started my first two adventures as a new GM to get my feet wet and would love to run my own some day. I've already been falling into the not keeping it simple plan, when I think about the adventures I'd like to make and run. So following along....
Jan 9, 2020 8:46 pm
So what I do is create a skeleton for direction A and direction B -- then I add a bit of flesh to them as the players begin to move in one or the other direction but I do not fully flesh either out until I feel a full committal has been made all I have to do is stay slightly ahead of the players in what I am doing -- this allows me to also change things based on what the players are doing -- sometimes the players spark a bit of inspiration that changes what I was initially going to do -- but since its not in concrete I can easily make the adjustment

Then all you have to do is make sure you record all that has occurred so if revisited you have all the details you need
Jan 9, 2020 8:57 pm
Seems like a great plan to follow.
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