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Jan 9, 2020 9:18 pm
I have used it for a number of years and found it works extremely well even in FtF games it just works even better in PbP games because they tend to be slower -- for FtF games I always try to have enough flesh on all possible paths available to the players to get me through the session -- then between sessions I add more flesh where its needed for the next session

Also when I create adventures -- I tend to sprinkle in hooks to other adventure possibilities but because all I need is a skeletal idea of what that is -- these can be done fairly simply -- further I can apply time frames to these things such that they might be there and then disappear -- or be there and get worse -- or be there and just be there

The key is you want the players to feel that the world is NOT waiting on them and that if they wait to long on something it might go away or get a lot worse -- these elements which rely only on skeletal frameworks means a lot less effort and virtually no wasted effort because if the players never pursue one -- you take that skeleton and redress it a bit and then use it again else where

This method of adding additional adventure possibilities as the players go along has resulted in a semi-sandbox sort of game play -- this means while the players are actually making the choices as to what they want to do -- they never get into that horrible situation of -- well what do we do now -- which can happen in straight sand-box games

To me pure-railroads and pure-sand-boxes do not work well -- as both have issues that reduce the fun of a game. However if you can learn to mix the two you can get the best of both worlds -- players feel they are in control of themselves -- and they always have obvious paths that they can choose to take -- including ones that you as the GM may not have even considered
Jan 15, 2020 4:50 pm
Sorry all who had requested to join -- it does not seem to notify you when that happens and no one mentioned it -- you are all in now.
Jan 15, 2020 5:02 pm
Hey guys. One method that I learned that's pretty useful when making adventures is to make major events nodes instead of branches.

Read about it here. Person also has other good reads too.

This is intended for investigation adventures, but also works for other types of adventures as well.
Jan 15, 2020 6:17 pm
Note -- I think the individual spoke against the Node approach actually and I concur -- a strictly linear approach is often bad as it removes the feeling of choice -- but then again a super-arc that lies over the player-arc outlining how things will progress with or without player influence is a good idea as it makes the world seem more alive and lets the players know it will not wait on them a rather important element that gets left out of many games

Yes in regards to the 3 clue rule they put forth I will often have even more than that -- some the players have to search for -- some that the players might just notice -- and some that walk up slap the players in the face and scream "I am a clue, wake up!"

Okay well maybe not quite that blatant but yeah at least one fairy obviously clue anyway

Further I had characters solve a mystery backwards before they found the last clues first and the first clues last -- it was a most perplexing game to say the least
Jan 15, 2020 7:06 pm
@saevikas, good links! Thanks for sharing.
Mar 17, 2020 3:41 am
so ive been rewatching and will eventually re read the redwall series by Brian Jacques.

ive come up with my own original character a giant adder (snake) who is the older brother of asmodeus. im thinking his name is Shukhass posionteeth the sage of shadow thought? opinons? im thinking he come around when cluny the villain of the first book is lay siege to redwall and after Matthias the main hero has killed asmodeus. hope to hear feed back on this idea or questions
Mar 17, 2020 4:25 am
So is this to be a villain in a game or something you plan to play?
Mar 17, 2020 4:42 am
this more a fanfiction im working on. not sure if he is a villain or anything like that.
Last edited March 17, 2020 4:43 am
Mar 17, 2020 5:00 am
Okay so you are writing a story not running a game?
Mar 17, 2020 6:44 am
Jack are you in the Writer's Workshop? Your questions probably fit better there than here.

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