Jan 13, 2020 9:38 am
We That Remain is a One Page RPG by the King of One Page RPGs Grant Howitt (of Honey Heist and Crash Pandas fame).
It is a survival horror game played not with dice but with a standard deck of cards.
The setting is decided by the players, and can range from a gritty Zombie Apocalypse to an attack by human sized, blood sucking (but only the red ones) Haribo Gummy Bears.
I played this several times with my friends, where we mostly stayed on the goofy side. The gummy bears were the biggest threat yet.
I'm gonna look into this site's card system later today and if there is enough interest, I'd love to run it here~
It is a survival horror game played not with dice but with a standard deck of cards.
The setting is decided by the players, and can range from a gritty Zombie Apocalypse to an attack by human sized, blood sucking (but only the red ones) Haribo Gummy Bears.
I played this several times with my friends, where we mostly stayed on the goofy side. The gummy bears were the biggest threat yet.
I'm gonna look into this site's card system later today and if there is enough interest, I'd love to run it here~
[ +- ] Da Rulez

Last edited Jan 13, 2020 9:41 am