Interest Check for Vampire the Masquerade

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Jan 21, 2020 12:30 am
Hello everyone,

I haven't DMed a game in a while, so I thought I might try getting my feet wet with the World of Darkness. I have never done any politiking before and I am not 100% sure how it would work in the play by post format but I am very interested in finding out. I am quite familiar with the game and lore, so I think it will be a pretty good time. I am going to set our chronicle in Seoul, South Korea.

If you are interested then please post below or send me a PM.

All monsters are welcome!

Jan 21, 2020 1:09 am
Nice. What version of the game. Will this be Kindred of the East or regular VTM?
Jan 21, 2020 2:08 am
Regular VTM 5th edition (because that's what I have lol). But if you're is looking to play something a little more unique I'm happy to work with you.
Jan 21, 2020 2:12 am
5e works for me. I really like the Hunger mechanic and have all the books, but haven't really played it much yet.
Jan 21, 2020 3:07 am
Perfect! Let's see if we can get a coterie!
Jan 21, 2020 3:13 am
I love the rp of Vampire, but I have no books at this time. Make me up a character and I'll join in.
Jan 21, 2020 6:03 am
That could definitely be possible. Another idea, is that you are a newly embraced vampure who has no idea about their skills until they use them which could be fun too.
Jan 21, 2020 7:23 am
BTW from experience VtM and the rest work very well into the PbP environment helped coordinate a 5 ST, 50 Players, 100 PC game of WoD weaving together VtM, WtA, WtO, MtA(toned down) it was a rather enjoyable endeavor for all

Good luck in your rendering -- if you want help with ideas or such shoot me a message
Jan 21, 2020 8:21 am
I have played a lot of Werewolf and some Mage in here, I have yet to get Vampire to work for me, so I am extremely curious. The Vampire I have played, the motivation was always someone stronger than you (sire/prince/...) says you have to do this job.... I hope there are other motivations for the characters.
Jan 21, 2020 8:34 am
runekyndig says:
I have played a lot of Werewolf and some Mage in here, I have yet to get Vampire to work for me, so I am extremely curious. The Vampire I have played, the motivation was always someone stronger than you (sire/prince/...) says you have to do this job.... I hope there are other motivations for the characters.
I fully understand where you are coming from. I have some ideas to deal with that problem. One of them is in character creation. I want at least one but hopefully all of the characters to have some kind of goal that they are trying to achieve beyond the merely survive and rise through the vampire ranks. What would you do if you knew that you could possibly live forever? What do you want?
Jan 21, 2020 8:36 am
As for the story, I'm not going to reveal much, but it will not be straightforward. Expect complications.
Jan 21, 2020 8:55 am
Arina says:
runekyndig says:
I have played a lot of Werewolf and some Mage in here, I have yet to get Vampire to work for me, so I am extremely curious. The Vampire I have played, the motivation was always someone stronger than you (sire/prince/...) says you have to do this job.... I hope there are other motivations for the characters.
I fully understand where you are coming from. I have some ideas to deal with that problem. One of them is in character creation. I want at least one but hopefully all of the characters to have some kind of goal that they are trying to achieve beyond the merely survive and rise through the vampire ranks. What would you do if you knew that you could possibly live forever? What do you want?
I'll answer with a PM, instead of cluttering your tread :)
Jan 21, 2020 10:56 am
This was the next game I was going to offer to DM here, so I'm glad someone's picking it up!
Jan 21, 2020 12:59 pm
It's an old love of mine. I haven't played in about 15 years though lol. I picked up V5 recently and it all kinda started flooding back. I hope it will be a lot of fun.
Jan 21, 2020 2:29 pm
Vampire is a personal favourite. I'm running one IRL (into its third year now) using the Revised/v20 rules (I.e., 3e/4e), but we've adopted the 5th edition lore.

I'm also running Chicago by Night here on GP, but again by request I'm using v20.

I also ran the 5e beta play test adventure here, and played one game of 5e before it folded.
Jan 21, 2020 4:51 pm
You are Q ?

Is it a private game ?
Jan 21, 2020 5:04 pm
Qralloq says:
Vampire is a personal favourite. I'm running one IRL (into its third year now) using the Revised/v20 rules (I.e., 3e/4e), but we've adopted the 5th edition lore.
Wait that seems backward... Isn't it the new lore that everyone hates? :P
Jan 21, 2020 5:32 pm
The GP game is a continuation of a long running private game that started with Victorian Age Vampire. Four players atm with a long history of short term players joining us for a few months before ghosting.

As to the lore, as the Storyteller I decide what's cool,mwa ha ha. But the IRL game is deeply, deeply lore-intensive, exploring all the mysteries of the WoD that rarely come up in fledgeling level games, such as, who really runs the Sabbat, what was the source of kindred in the Americas before Columbus, can the Camarilla Inner Council survive the Second Inquisition? Oh, and the activities of the antediluvians of course.
Last edited Jan 21, 2020 5:33 pm
Jan 21, 2020 8:33 pm
I like the newly turned aspect and without any books I could play it well. Haha! Count me in for the RP experience.
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