Looking for Players: Against the Blight

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Jan 25, 2020 6:41 pm
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Mother Trees and the Forest Tribes
These ancient trees are the center of a tribe, socially, biologically and spiritually. Sylvan (Ghoran, Gathlain, and Leshy) are born from a mother tree, they sprout around it and detach themselves when reaching the age when they are supposed to become self-sufficient. Offsprings of a Mother Tree are all siblings, then, and they do treat each other accordingly. Arboraal (The Great Forest) favors the resilient and adoptable, those able to survive under diverse conditions. Therefore, life is not easy in Arboraal. However, it can be beautiful, exciting, rewarding and even temporarily peaceful. The tribes of different Mother Trees are in an almost constant competition with each other for resources, and long-term alliances are more the exception than the rule. When some tribes stick together for generations, however, that tends to be very strong, and those clusters can survive nearly anything.

From time to time, although rarely, a Mother Tree dies. It can even happen due to her becoming too old (rigid or sick), but that's even rare among Mother Tree deaths. When it happens, it is usually because of a hostile territorial takeover. Just as rarely a new Mother Tree is born, invariably when a tribe grows too big to stay cohesive, and a portion of it splits from the tribe, becoming a new one. Spontaneous Mother Tree births are a stuff of legends, when there were few of them and they had new territory to spread to.

Tools and Materials
Tools, including weapons, are going to be grown. Making [name replacing steel] tools is as much an art as a craft, and as specialized as a [name replacing blacksmith].

Sylvaran (Forest Friends)
Surrounding Arboraal are lands where strange creatures live, who are not connected to a Mother Tree, don't take all their tribesfolk as siblings and are born from each other rather than from a Mother Tree. However, sometimes these strange creatures get fascinated by Arboraal and wander there. If they want to survive, they need the protection of a tribe, so they become friends of a tribe. Some are considered almost as siblings, but never completely. Most of these creatures are from among those who call themselves 'Elves', and they are indeed the closest thing to a non-mother-tree-born sibling. There are some others, though, widely different from the Elves.

About the Game
It is going to be plot-based, with very specific requests from the Mother Tree in the beginning, but later with much more freedom on what conflicts and how to tackle.

Joining the Game
As you can see in the Game Details, it is Pathfinder 1e and there are specific PC slots based on race. So, please tell me first here in this thread which slot you want, and give a feature list of your PC (including race, class, other mechanics you think important, and what kind of person they are).

I'll invite people with PC concepts I like.
Last edited Jan 26, 2020 10:32 pm
Jan 25, 2020 7:15 pm
I think I would like the Ghoran slot. I'm thinking about Mesmerist as a class if that is possible. A psychic plant sounds awesome! I would have to read more about Ghoran to come up with a concept, so for now that is all I have.
Jan 25, 2020 7:37 pm
A psychic enchanter plant does sound interesting! Mesmerist, and generally occult classes, are OK.
Jan 25, 2020 9:46 pm
Hi I thought I would throw this out there as a tid bit of trivia that I found very interesting -- Trees communicate with one another an actually share resources. How do they do this? Via the root systems as the trees actually connect to one another under the ground via the root systems and if one tree needs certain resources that it cannot get it can get past to them via the roots if its available. This is also why certain diseases can take out entire groups of the same type of tree and where forest diversity actually helps all those involved as all trees share with all trees. Again I only mention this because I found it a most enlightening topic especially when you bring it over into a fantasy game.
Jan 25, 2020 11:54 pm
I would like to play a Gathlain Magus, probably using the Eldritch Scion archtype. Playful and curious with a kind heart, Athularra is eager to see the world and have some fun. More of a dilettante than a master of any one skill, 'thula became a Magus to exemplify his jack-of-all-trades outlook on life. In combat, 'thula will be a melee striker who is eventually capable of arcane support.
Jan 26, 2020 12:29 am
It is indeed interesting, and I'll find a way to incorporate it into the game. I think the Mother Trees are not connected to each other, but they are connected to many trees of their own type, this reinforces the central mother/brain theme.
Jan 26, 2020 12:45 am
The spellbook is going to be made from bark or something similar. And we'll need to refluff the class a little but it is a sound concept, especially considering the archetype, which makes 'thula a spontaneous caster. It sits much better with the whole setting than a prepared caster. I'm curious about your choice of bloodline.
Last edited Jan 26, 2020 1:02 am
Jan 26, 2020 3:13 pm
As a spontaneous caster, I wouldn't need a spellbook. I'm not certain on bloodline yet; I'm looking at Destined or Phoenix I think.
Jan 26, 2020 5:56 pm
Yep, I posted the first part, then I checked the archetype and added the second part.

I like both bloodlines, so welcome to the game. You have been invited.
Jan 26, 2020 6:11 pm
So I've been looking at the Ghoran listing in Ultimate Wilderness, and I really like the Aromaphile archetype for Mesmerist. That would be my choice. I imagine a Ghoran who has figured out the best way to get what he wants is thru guile and deceit, at least amongst non-plantlike humanoids who can't be trusted. He would be very colorful, with bright reds and pinks and yellows and oranges about his foliage.
Jan 26, 2020 6:58 pm
That sounds cool, psychic abilities augmented with and / or conduced through scents and pheromones.

Welcome to the game, your application has been accepted.
Jan 27, 2020 3:55 am
Vine leshy, for sure. Just not sure as to what class to play. Is your intent on a more rp game, mechanical game, or a more balanced approach.
Jan 27, 2020 3:58 am
A vine leshy unchained monk, or rogue for a bit more mechanical approach. Or I was thinking a shaman, or spiritualist for a rp approach.
Jan 27, 2020 8:08 pm
I'd say balanced. There will be lots of opportunities to roleplay the interconnected yet individual siblings and for them to discuss different approaches. However, Arboraal is based on conflict and its tempering effects, and physical conflict (combat) is regular.

With that said, I think all classes can take part in combat, that's always built in any d&d derivative. Also, as a GM I adopt the challenges to the PCs, so whatever you enjoy the most will work the best. So I'd be happy if you chose for rp reasons.
Jan 28, 2020 1:32 am
Ok sounds great. I'll go with the Vine Leshy Shaman of the wood. I'll send a character sheet tonight.
Jan 28, 2020 1:42 am
Ok, welcome to the game.
Jan 28, 2020 1:57 am
She looks up to the mother tree and wishes to protect her and its offspring. Hope's to one day become a full Tree Treant to better help.
Feb 3, 2020 4:38 am
Hey, looks like you guys could use a scout and another frontliner. I was thinking a Goblin Vexing Dodger/Underground Chemist unchained rogue. He'd climb all over larger opponents biting them with dirty tricks, and would have access to some neat utility in alchemical crafting. I figure he'd have been kicked out of his tribe for being too brainy, or maybe one of his concoctions got him in trouble, and he made his way here to his new "tribe". He's a typical goblin, short attention span, very curious, likes putting new things in his mouth. Would be eager to please his new tribe. Alignment would be GC or CN leaning good.
Last edited Feb 3, 2020 4:50 pm
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