Jan 26, 2020 3:57 pm

In 2020, the Earth is shaken by upheavals and disaster. Mankind retreats underground, hiding in shelters, waiting for the end, kept alive by the mechanics working on the machines. So dependent are the survivors on the mechanics that they become a cult, a religion. 450 years later, mankind emerges to find a world that should not exist, filled with animals and plants from all ages of Earth's history. A world where dinosaurs hunt sabertooth cats and pterosaurs wheel above oceans filled with trilobites.
Welcome to the Xenozoic age.
Xenozoic Tales, better knows as "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs," was comic book by Mark Schultz that premiered in the late 80s. It led to a couple of video games and an animated television series in the early 90s. Although the comic was grittier, C&D has always been a post apocalyptic pulp action setting filled with Mad Max-style vehicular combat, weird technology, ancient mysteries, and, of course, a lot of dinosaurs. I remember watching the cartoon when I was twelve years old, and it was everything my testosterone-fueled pre-teen mind could ever hope for.
Maybe due to nostalgia, I’ve been recently thinking about Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, and I realized it’d make a great setting for roleplaying. There does exist a Cadillacs and Donosaurs RPG by GDW, but the game is quite crunchy and not well suited for the play-by-post format. I decided to adapt the setting to Savage Worlds. By Savage Worlds, I mean the Deluxe edition (not the new Adventure edition) since I don’t yet own that book.
So what do you say? Anyone interested in driving around in some guano-powered American muscle to fight dinosaurs and explore ancient ruins?
By the way, here’s the theme music for the animated series. It’s catchy. Don’t say I didn’t warn you...
SYSTEM: Savage Worlds, Deluxe
GENRE: Post-apocalyptic pulp game with elements of survival, adventuring and investigation.
POSTING RATE: A minimum of one post per day.
COMMITMENT: For as long a people are interested.
TONE: Semi-serious
Last edited Feb 2, 2020 2:36 pm