[RECRUITING] Finding horror paths

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Jan 27, 2020 8:13 am
Hey guys,

we had some players dropping our Strange Aoens adventure and are looking for another 2 players or so.
This is basically a pathfinder adventure path based on lovecraftian and horror stuff. Still heroic high fantasy, but with tentacles!

Running it as a playtest for GP-brewed system :D

The party is still trying to leave the first area, so you'd be joining them from the beginning.
Checkout the game and let me know if you're interested
Jan 27, 2020 8:30 am
It's basically the same system as the Cyberpunk in Space game I've been advertising. There are some differences in how we implement it (different skill lists, variable damage and a sanity HP track for example) but overall, it's the same.
For those people who were interested in the system, if you are more into pathfinder or D&D settings than space, this might be interesting to check out ;)
Jan 27, 2020 3:31 pm
Same system, pathfinder skills and a space octopus here and there yes :D
Jan 27, 2020 4:27 pm
It's the skill list from Pathfinder 1E
Jan 27, 2020 7:06 pm
Windyridge says:
Pathfinder 1 or 2?
Just to clarify those out of context, the adventure from an Adventure Path from 1E, but the system is totally different (hopefully simpler since it’s just roll a 2d6 :D )
Jan 27, 2020 7:43 pm
If there is still space I'd like to look over the rules but I can't find that link anymore.
Jan 27, 2020 8:39 pm
Press the red game system, which should take you to bowl’s post, which should have all the links in turn :)
Last edited Jan 27, 2020 8:39 pm
Jan 27, 2020 8:43 pm
Ha! I clicked on every red link but the right one.
Jan 27, 2020 8:46 pm
Ok I like it. If you'll have me, and you know I can reliably post daily, I'd like to test drive it with you folks.
Jan 27, 2020 9:45 pm
Invite send. There should be a number of posts already, so you should start with the Welcome post to have an idea what to do :D
Hope you enjoy the game!
Last edited Jan 27, 2020 9:46 pm
Jan 28, 2020 1:49 am
I'd like to join as well. I just checked out the system and don't yet know how it really works, but it seems interesting.
And Chthulhu in space is cool.
Last edited Jan 28, 2020 1:49 am
Jan 28, 2020 8:15 am
Hi @Astral... just to quickly clarify that this is a PF adventure, so it's more of a high fantasy sprinkled with cosmic horror so more swords and horses instead of laser beams and spacecrafts. The system we're testing started as a way to simplify our PbP games, so the system doesn't have to be in space like bowl's game. Fundamentally, this is a DnD-style adventure. You can still join, of course :D
Last edited Jan 28, 2020 8:16 am
Jan 30, 2020 4:00 pm
Hey @astral, just double checking your interest now that the game type has been clarified :D

anyone else that may be considering this game?
Feb 19, 2020 5:32 pm
last call (and bump) :D

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