Feb 2, 2016 7:58 pm
I was wondering this morning and realized that Diplomacy PbP would probably be a doable thing. It'd be SLOOOOW, but seems like it could get rolling. Not sure there are any Diplmoacy players here -- but that would a relatively easy game to run and be part of, I think.
I suspect the way to do it would be to have moves every M W F, or every Tu and Th and let people use personal messages to coordinate, backstab, etc. The other thing to add would be 'default' behavior if a player didn't get their moves in...
I suspect the way to do it would be to have moves every M W F, or every Tu and Th and let people use personal messages to coordinate, backstab, etc. The other thing to add would be 'default' behavior if a player didn't get their moves in...