Dungeon World Awaits!

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Feb 4, 2016 10:21 pm
Hey gamers, I have started a Dungeon World game. Dungeon World: Seven Realms of the Ebon Gates is currently looking for two more players. I'm a beginner friendly GM, so don't worry about not being familiar with the system.

Dungeon world is a very story driven game where the story is sculpted by the players as much as the GM. So if you've ever wanted to try a story game with light rules, and refreshing 'old-school flavor' this could be your chance. Also, the cost of entry is very low as all the info you need to play is free on the Dungeon World SRD. Just Google that and it will lead you to what you need to know.

Also feel free to ask questions.
Feb 4, 2016 10:29 pm
I tried going to Dungeon World SRD's website and my antivirus blocked it as a know malicious website. Any idea how to find the info somewhere else?

PS. I applied to the game even though I had never heard of the system before. Get ready for a noob :-)
Feb 5, 2016 12:54 am
Hmmm...well I don't know what the issue is with the website and your antivirus. Mine doesn't mind it. Makes me wonder about my security. So here is a list...

The first one I found is HERE and is called Dungeon World SRD
Another is called the HTML SRD HERE, seems to have the same info
This third one isn't as pretty, just a basic text from the looks, HERE

Hopefully one of those work for you.
Feb 5, 2016 5:07 am
Damn- missed out! Let me know if any other spaces open up in the future! :)
Feb 5, 2016 1:14 pm
Mental Note: Apply first then ask if I can join. XD

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