A Completely New Type of RPG Game.

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Feb 25, 2020 9:52 pm
Hello everyone!!! I am new here an Love this place!!!! lol.

So I have developed an almost entirely new kind of Role Playing Game - which can be played either as Table-Top, Out-door conditions - or even Pen and Paper - but I am sure there are already many games like that.

What is unique here in this new game is actually quite beyond explaining - because even upon reading the Rule-Book - one would not see the correlation - the formula the game uses, being a little TOO prolific/productive, but all still fun and playable.

I am offering a contest - where the first group of 9 to beat my game using all of it's rules - will receive Life Long Select Advanced Free Services from my Group (These free services mainly being restricted to designs and step-by-step instructions of how to make/build Tools for almost any type of Job.)
Contact information for making good on the Prize and Free Services, are in the Rule-Book.

It doesnt look like I can attache a File here - so I will leave a Scribd link to the Rule-Book. I am not sure - but one might have to create a free Scribd account to download it.

Last edited Feb 25, 2020 9:53 pm
Feb 25, 2020 10:01 pm
AhLahTihnMihs says:
What is unique here in this new game is actually quite beyond explaining - because even upon reading the Rule-Book - one would not see the correlation - the formula the game uses, being a little TOO prolific/productive, but all still fun and playable.
I've always wondered what that roomful of monkeys at typewriters are doing, now that they've finished reproducing the works of Shakespeare.
Feb 25, 2020 10:02 pm
Moonbeam says:
I've always wondered what that roomful of monkeys at typewriters are doing, now that they've finished reproducing the works of Shakespeare.
Shots fired!
Last edited Feb 26, 2020 5:10 am
Feb 25, 2020 10:11 pm
I'm pretty sure a really bad (or good?) mushroom was responsible for this.
Feb 25, 2020 11:10 pm
Oh man! 9 players? What a party 🥳
Feb 25, 2020 11:43 pm
Hahaha - Take it Away Guys - ^_^
Feb 26, 2020 1:28 am
Is this supposed to be one of those AR puzzles that used to be a big thing on the internet? If so, then I think you forgot to make it interesting enough so that someone would actually bother solving it instead of doing better thing with their time.
Feb 26, 2020 1:43 am
saevikas says:
Is this supposed to be one of those AR puzzles that used to be a big thing on the internet? If so, then I think you forgot to make it interesting enough so that someone would actually bother solving it instead of doing better thing with their time.
Can you tell me what part of this is Boring??? It will help me think this out a little bit. Also Anti-reason isnt Pride Tolerance.
Feb 26, 2020 1:46 am
saevikas says:
Is this supposed to be one of those AR puzzles that used to be a big thing on the internet? If so, then I think you forgot to make it interesting enough so that someone would actually bother solving it instead of doing better thing with their time.
Ohhh!!!! you mean in just the post!!! Huh?
Feb 26, 2020 2:09 am
So it is an ARG?

Okay, the main problem with it is that there's basically no compelling premise. All I understand is that there are drugs and gods and a lot of google images, all arranged illegibly in a mishmash of words. Other ARGs have some sort of intrigue behind it, like a mystery, or a story, or fear, or anything to get people to care, but this one just comes off as random nonsense. To put it bluntly, there's absolutely no reason why I would care about solving the ARG. And I don't feel any motivation to solve a puzzle that I don't care about.

It also doesn't really help that you're hinting with the subtlety of a wall that this RPG is in fact, not a drug trip translated into words, but an ARG.

I'm not sure how anti-reason and pride tolerance is relevant, unless that's also part of your ARG.
Feb 26, 2020 4:51 am
saevikas says:
So it is an ARG?

Okay, the main problem with it is that there's basically no compelling premise. All I understand is that there are drugs and gods and a lot of google images, all arranged illegibly in a mishmash of words. Other ARGs have some sort of intrigue behind it, like a mystery, or a story, or fear, or anything to get people to care, but this one just comes off as random nonsense. To put it bluntly, there's absolutely no reason why I would care about solving the ARG. And I don't feel any motivation to solve a puzzle that I don't care about.

It also doesn't really help that you're hinting with the subtlety of a wall that this RPG is in fact, not a drug trip translated into words, but an ARG.

I'm not sure how anti-reason and pride tolerance is relevant, unless that's also part of your ARG.
I am sorry to do this to you - but can I ask a personal question? How much of the Rule Book did you actually read? And did you read it in exact order? Even by 1/3 would be fair. Also, did you just skim through what you read? lol. Each of the beginning Alphabet Steps of Chapter 1 - where the psychoactive substances are first described - have parts that are actual role-able actions, and qualities, each one a spell, usable - and there are even conditions that uniquely and sometimes adversely effect or repel the other types of players, as well as the ability of gathering and making resources - which then can sometimes become real and take some time, or be translated in different mathematical ways using time. Maybe you just think it has too many rules???
Feb 26, 2020 6:09 am
I am sorry to do this to you - but can I ask a personal question? Did you write your rules so that the reader could understand? Or did you just slap whatever words in there in order to sound "profound" and "surreal"? Even understanding 1/3 of the rules would be fair, but nope, you don't even bother explaining the core gameplay mechanisms or the premise clearly. Also, did you even bother editing what you wrote? lol. Each of the words written in the "rule"book serve no purpose other than to confuse - not even cleverly at that - and to try to shoehorn in uniqueness, which is presented in a way that was probably intended to be coy but comes off being pretentious and self satisfied - and there is even the smug admission that you didn't even bother to make the game readable since your rules are so unique that no mortal mind could comprehend it if you wrote in, say, a legible format - which brings up the point that if your rules were really that good, then maybe you should let it stand on it's own merits rather than trying to hide it behind a wall of text. Maybe you just think that, in order to make your game unique, that you should have the ruleset obfuscated to the point where the game functionally lack rules???
Last edited Feb 26, 2020 6:12 am
Feb 26, 2020 6:20 am
Before you ask, yes, I did read the entire thing through once. It's a bit telling that I found the literal surreal poetry to be the most coherent part of the pdf besides the random art section. I see where the anti-reason and pride tolerance thing comes from now, but it's about as sane as expected. I'll just let you do your own thing though.
Last edited Feb 26, 2020 6:31 am
Feb 26, 2020 6:33 am
Wow thanks for the critic saevikas I had a feeling it was not something I was going to want to even look at ;)
Feb 26, 2020 4:06 pm
As this is getting heated, I'm locking it.

Thread locked