Feb 29, 2020 6:17 pm

A band of squirrels from the fairy realm must save their kingdom, Nuttopia, from destruction at the hands of a devastating nut blight. To do this, they must face Mr. Jones and his two dogs. Through all of these obstacles, the six squirrels must use their magic and wits to gather nuts and complete their own goals.
Yes, this game is as ridiculous as it sounds. Squirrel Attack is a humorous sixty page RPG from Hinterwelt Enterprises. It runs on the Iridium Lite system, which is rules light and easy to learn. The system reference document can be downloaded for free from DrivethruRPG:
The pdf for "Squirrel Attack - Operation: Get Mr. Jones’ Nuts" is available for $3.50 on DrivethruRPG:
Posting Frequency: Once a day
Number of Players: 4-6
Last edited Feb 29, 2020 6:24 pm