Sunken Secrets (and queries)

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Jul 24, 2014 1:34 am
Didn't see a place to discuss the first PbP game you're doing Keleth, so i hope you don't mind me putting it here?

Anyways, 3.5 setting, starting at level 2, so far i love it!

Do you have any restrictions on classes or races, or pretty much anything goes for 3/3.5 editions?
Like, I've got the forgotten realms supplement, and is a great place to get info as well on whatever you might need.

Typical restrictions i see in games are: no level adjustment races, no monster races.

One I typically impose on players is they can't take just any language, they'd be allowed to take what they'd be exposed to *so like, no terran, sylvan or celestial unless they deal with things speaking them. *The one exception i have for that is Draconic, which most arcane magic seems to be written in.

Anyways, that's my question, and here's a place to discuss things for now :)
Jul 24, 2014 2:55 am
Ah, new I forgot to start up a thread on it. Maybe I should autogenerate a thread for it in fact...

I'll be open to anything 3.5, within reason. I prefer characters without a high level offset (1 is fine, 2 is acceptable based on reasoning). Monster races would need good reasoning. I'll add it to the post, chargen via 80 points for stats. Any language is fine, as long as you can speak common. But if you're gonna be an Elf speaking celestial, you'd better have a good reason, otherwise I will definitely DM a reason you probably won't like :D
Jul 24, 2014 3:05 am
80 pts for stats? point buy?
I suggest if you do point buy for stats you include a link to a resource for it in the description as well ^-^
Most gamers i've known do a 4d6 drop lowest (and sometimes re-roll 1s).

Cool cool, within reason i like, so i won't be a Troll ;P even though i have this one troll build that's unstoppable..i digress
Jul 24, 2014 3:07 am
oh also, HP at 1st level (and subsqequent levels). your rules for that would be nice as well.
like, do you want full hp at 1st, then rolls as is, or rolls as is all levels
Jul 26, 2014 5:47 am
Also Also,
looked at point buy, 80pts would be able to get 17 into all but 1 stat.. i double checked with different sites (with point buy calculators), so either we're jacked, or i have no idea XD
Jul 27, 2014 7:17 pm
I'm not sure how you could get 17 into all but one stat... 17 & 5 = 85, meaning you're already over 80. 80 points means 13-14 per stat.

For HP, standard rules: max HP at first level, roll the second.
Jul 28, 2014 6:33 pm
We cleared this up ^-^
stats stat at 0, you have 80 points to put into your stats as you see fit.
none can be 0 or you're not alive ^-^;
Jul 28, 2014 7:05 pm
Not true!

0 Str - your body collapses in on itself as you can't hold yourself up
0 Dex - you are a barn door
0 Con - a light breeze does critical damage
0 Int - a lightwave has a higher IQ than you
0 Wis - you currently own 43 bridges, in places no one has ever heard of
0 Cha - people run from the mere sight of your shadow
Jul 28, 2014 8:22 pm
in most cases if you have a stat at 0 in 3.5 you're dead. :P ssshhh
Jul 28, 2014 8:26 pm
or might as well be (side not, can't edit posts still)

A character with Strength 0 falls to the ground and is helpless. A character with Dexterity 0 is paralyzed. A character with Constitution 0 is dead. A character with Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 0 is unconscious.

Last edited Jul 28, 2014 9:17 pm
Jul 28, 2014 8:55 pm
ExperienceLtd says:
or might as well be (side not, can't edit posts still)

A character with Strength 0 falls to the ground and is helpless. A character with Dexterity 0 is paralyzed. A character with Constitution 0 is dead. A character with Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 0 is unconscious.
Yah yah, if you take it literally :D

Also, edit should be working... I just edited this post! I'll look into it.
Aug 28, 2014 12:48 pm
Applied for the game Kel. Created a bard but can't add her to the game, I guess you cannot apply with a character but must be accepted before adding a character. When (if) you accept I will add the character.
Aug 28, 2014 2:45 pm
Yup, I decided to change how it works since you last tried Gamers Plane, Azzorak. I figured there may be games where players have multiple characters, or want to submit multiple characters and have the GM pick one. You may also join a game to be a co-GM but not actually have any characters in the game. So now you apply to a game, and once in the game, you submit characters.
Aug 28, 2014 6:08 pm
oh, you can now co-gm a game? that's neat :D
Aug 29, 2014 4:35 pm
I had that functionality since (this) launch! :D
Aug 30, 2014 3:42 pm
I was just wondering where we stand as far as starting. Not seeing any posts regarding my character's approval or posts by other players and also have not seen a game thread begin yet. Really looking forward to finally using the site so hoping to get some activity going. Are the other characters created? Is everyone approved? Are the other players even active or did I join a game unlikely to begin? At first glance the forum looked bustling with activity but seeing the dates on things its seeming less so than I thought.
Aug 31, 2014 10:30 pm
I've personally been inactive this week due to working several doubles at work and not having time to go online because of it.
Activity wise, a lot of the people seem to be largely lackadaisical and i would love to see people get more involved in the forums as well.
A good forum community is a huge boon between games as far as creativity and discussions about games or characters.
Feel free to start some posts or comment on any as well dealing with games or other things, every little bit helps out if it gets people involved! :)
Sep 1, 2014 12:31 pm
I agree with what you are saying here. An active community not only fosters creativity but it also is a necessity for growth. In every iteration of this site I have come in strong, making posts, setting up games, creating characters, and bug hunting only to find I am the only one ever to do so. I understand why you may have been inactive last week but I see little activity other than you. I have a few suggestions that may help and I will post them in the proper place on the board, but needless to say if visitors see no activity they either stop checking back after signing up or never sign on at all. Even I stopped checking daily and started only checking monthly until I finally saw activity again. I saw posts in August and got excited so I started posting and getting on on games, but when I actually looked at the dates of the posts it looks like we are netting a post or two a week and that is site wide not per person. If any member of this site wants it to take off and wants some games to start going we need to be more active and bring in new people who will be active. That is all I was saying, this game is a prime example. I have heard nothing from the GM since I applied, save being silently accepted. No word on my character's final approval, despite me seeing the GM online a couple of time, just looking for a quick reply, even if just a few words. I am not seeing any discussion from the other players going on so I know little about the other characters short of their classes. When will the game start?
Sep 1, 2014 3:19 pm
I was planning on the first post this weekend, but I had a cousin come to town, so didn't happen. Actually, the other game we have running is going strong, so hopefully they're enjoying the site. I also have a number of players waiting for me to have DnD5e added to the site, which I think I'm going to prioritize over bug fixes for now.

Regardless, with you in Azzorak, I'm gonna be putting up the opening posts this week, and we'll move to a 2-4 posts a week schedule.
Sep 1, 2014 4:22 pm
Now that, my friend, is what I like to hear. I thought the other game was going strong but its hard to tell with the hidden game forums, I made a suggestion regarding that in the suggestions subforum. As for this game I quite look forward to it, and on a final note, no big deal regarding you having stuff going on this weekend, I am really just dying to see this things happen and I really want to foster some activity, probably got too passionate there lol, meant no hostility at you.
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