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Mar 1, 2020 2:23 am
This is an Interest check.
Requires the players to own a copy of the Savage worlds rules and the superhero companion.
You may be asked to quote an item from a random page to verify ownership. You will not get by with Test drive

The Setting: Now, today!
The player characters: are in their Late teens to early twenties, build your character with each of the point tiers; as they will grow over time. from street level (20), to four color (40), to heavy hitter (60), to cosmic (80).
The Plot: Mystery, conspiracy, X-files like.
No, Not like "the boys" which was SJW anti-christian garbage in a "super-disguise".
People with super powers are popping' up in the USA and no one knows why, or how...
It is the beginning of a new age;
The age of the mutant.
People react with hate,
People try to take advantage,
People try to profit from them,
people try to exploit them,
People try to steal their powers,
People experiment on them,
People write laws and imprison them.
Mar 2, 2020 1:23 pm
I'd be up for it but if you have enough people I'll just read, would it be Deluxe or SWADE though?
Mar 2, 2020 7:54 pm
Love the concept too. But I don't have the books and time atm :p
Mar 2, 2020 8:09 pm
As Remnant asked will be Deluxe or SWADE?
Mar 3, 2020 6:00 am
I am using deluxe; if desired I can upgrade to swade.
Though I don't really see any difference in content off hand.

GM: I also have a personal rule for giving starting players a "Novice advance". Something the standard rules does not allow.

Each of you please, Describe what kind of character you'd create.
Last edited Mar 3, 2020 6:04 am
Mar 3, 2020 6:33 am
I've got SWADE too and it sounds like a lot of fun. I've never played supers before! I'm thinking of something like a Black Panther/Nightcrawler inspired character, Pantera, who combines martial arts, acrobatics, short claws (not Wolverine style) and maybe some sort of shadow control. Maybe she shapeshifts into beast form? Does that kind of work?

KaeJae sent a note to REALIST
Last edited Mar 3, 2020 6:55 am
Mar 3, 2020 8:12 am
Okay so Savage World Deluxe and the Super Powers Companion 2E? and we are building characters that start at Street Fighter (20) but progress up through Cosmic (80) so we build 4 versions of the character rather than build the initial character and progress naturally?

Just trying to under the scope and such -- as creating a super that will eventually go Cosmic is different than creating a super that progresses but pretty much stays within the Street Fighter arena -- look forward to hearing back from you on this. Also I tend to create augmenters or supers that while they can operate on their own work even better when in a team of some sort
Mar 3, 2020 1:32 pm
I do have some rules based on the setting.
[ +- ] DO NOT READ...
The guidelines are;
1. Each character has to have a single theme; a rhyme and reason to their gifts. All powers need to have their roots in biological, physical, or psychic phenomena. If you can phrase it in pseudo-scientific jargon, the better.
2. No omni-power every-powers. Anyone who says, "My character has magic" is out. You need to specify your powers precisely, how they work, and the theme of your character.
3. No infinity powers- Savage worlds "Powers" such as "boot/lower trait"... OH HELL NO. That's an infinity power and negates any and all challenge for the players. if it makes the game too easy, or has way too many applications on a whim? yes, its banned.
4. No Omni-present powers, powers like Malfunction, or luck that "Just work" without you being aware and directing the effect - just obliterate plot/challenge/and adventure. no. no power operates independent of the character. If you aren't using it directly to affect something you can perceive... it won't work. So no, "walking always on EMP anti-tech gal" or "Mr.Never lift a finger cause I'm Lucky" is just flat out banned.

Let's imagine one character: She's a mutant, calls herself "Nightshade" and is quite goth. Her powers stem from a theme of causing a wide swath of electromagnetic spectrum to "Quantum tunnel" in her vicinity. I.e. She makes it DARK, and since this also affects radiated heat, She makes it CHILLY. One effect is that she can't be seen, not even with thermal sensors. Technically speaking, everyone in her area is blind. She creates an "area" of concealment to be stealthy in. She's the only one who can see through her "Darkness" because her Q-tunneling field is like radar.

"Nightshade" has a theme, a pseudo-sciency explanation, and her powers work together without seeming random-immersion breaking. Verisimilitude trumps fantasy when it comes to mutant teens with powers.

Another character, has amazing regeneration powers. Death only slows him down for a bit. Flaw? if he needs to regrow an arm or a leg... he'd better start eating. Matter doesn't come from nowhere.

Common Marvel "Excuses" are mostly not gonna fly with me; no to "all his extra mass is hidden in P-brane space" and no, "His optic eye beams are powered by a dimension that solely subsists of... optic eye beam stuff." if it is too convenient, I won't like it.

Thus, no magic, and no hypertech. Characters are teens with powers likely struggling with the stigma of being a mutant...
They aren't supposed to have a player invent, mass produce, and sell anti-gravity tech to become a trillionaire, not even remotely.
It would radically change the world and the game would stop being about self-discovery, conspiracy, and teen angst, and suddenly become a space game.
Last edited Mar 3, 2020 8:32 pm
Mar 3, 2020 2:07 pm
So more My Hero Academia I guess?

Random Super hooks generated were:

Plant Control - Earl Ernest Core on a church habitat building project in South America fell into a pond while exploring at night and it glowed after getting back home he had some odd situations and an awkward visit to buy a drug test kit at the store for self determination or to see if he was going crazy he's figured he now talks to plants and can control them. (Sprout)

Evil Projections - Frank Abagnale thought he had odd bad dreams and thought it odd when others seemed to comment the same. Due to some rationalization and pranking he discovered he can project realistic vision through hypnotic suggestion he figures but he hasn't figured out if that's believable since he can record what he does. (Degenerate)

Unstoppable Momentum - Brian Siders loved playing sports a bit too aggressive when he gets into it and quick to fight if someone got under his skin. Instinctively seeing someone who was going to be hit by a car while texting had him rushing to save a life (thoughts of being pushed into another world after dying hit his mind for a second) he picked up the girl clipped running into a car and thought he'd stop bumping into a brick wall. He found himself shouldering his way into a clothing store and loosing his balance. Finding the girl was okay he grabs an oversized hoody and skullie and donning them before bailing out of the odd situation. (S Train)

Let me know which one sounds interesting to you (I'm mostly interested in how they RP will play out) and what needs tweaking I'll flesh them out, do tweaks and actually build them.
Mar 3, 2020 2:09 pm
I have both Deluxe and SWADE, but I prefer SWADE. I'm thinking I would like to play a simple Incredible Hulk type. Super strength, probably durable skin that can take some damage. Nothing especially complex.

I have a character from a game that seems to have been abandoned by the GM that was a large, sumo wrestler type of adventurer and he would probably be pretty easy to convert to a Supers campaign.
Mar 3, 2020 6:56 pm
DeJoker sent a note to REALIST
Mar 3, 2020 8:31 pm
KaeJae says:
REALIST sent a note to REALIST
It is a beginning.
Mar 3, 2020 8:47 pm
DeJoker says:
REALIST sent a note to REALIST
well, the player character can believe what they want...
but this power is not spiritual. While you can't interact with a higher dimension directly, you do have the insane ability to "side step" into the edge of this layer of reality. Like a mathematical super prodigy who "plays" with riemann space differential equations. This is how you can be intangible and indirectly create spooky effects. You might think of yourself as a ghost; but you still have needs, sleep, eating, going to the bathroom. So, there's a bit of confusion... and you are not dead.

As to the chill and ominous sensation effects... Higher dimensional access is endothermic and makes ripples on the edge of nearby persons consciousness.
Last edited Mar 3, 2020 9:21 pm
Mar 3, 2020 8:49 pm
funfungiguy says:
I have both Deluxe and SWADE, but I prefer SWADE. I'm thinking I would like to play a simple Incredible Hulk type. Super strength, probably durable skin that can take some damage. Nothing especially complex. I have a character from a game that seems to have been abandoned by the GM that was a large, sumo wrestler type of adventurer and he would probably be pretty easy to convert to a Supers campaign.
So Growth, with penalty "I'm a monster"? Your size and strength are always on, you have to roll agility checks to avoid breaking fragile things.
Mar 3, 2020 9:16 pm
Remnant says:
So more My Hero Academia I guess? Random Super hooks generated were:
(Sprout)(Degenerate)(S Train)

Let me know which one sounds interesting to you (I'm mostly interested in how they RP will play out) and what needs tweaking I'll flesh them out, do tweaks and actually build them.
I like each of these. Sprout doesn't talk with plants, but he does affect them. He can cause "Cytoplasmic Hydraulic Pressure changes" and force cell division. Double the cells and load them with water and stuff= plant is now x2 size. He commands how they grow and move. The plants become extensions of his own muscles in a way.
Degenerate doesn't know that he causes "atomic frequency shifting" Simply put light bouncing off atoms usually has only one optical wavelength, a color. When Degenerate uses his "Psychic spray-paint" He can create seemingly real holographic illusions, and he can also blind foes by "spray painting" over the eyes/face masks/cameras, etc. These illusions are optical, not psychic. You can spy by turning a section of wall transparent, make lock-picking easy by revealing the tumblers, or help a medic "see" injuries precisely. You can do the Bugs bunny trick of painting a fake tunnel and have an illusionary train boom out of it, Or the one where bugs appears to walk through a door, and someone chasing him runs into a wall head first.
(S Train) A stone falling to earth changes potential kinetic energy into dynamic force. A stone that continues to accelerate because "Gravity" isn't merely a matter of "Mass X Acceleration = force". Nope, it changes to accumulating kinetic energy. While force is just Multiplied, Kinetic energy is Squared...
(S train) internally generates kinetic energy and can use it to power: Seeming super strength, Super speed, and melee damage.
If he runs far enough, and keeps accelerating... He will explode like a nuke (ala. "Rods from god" weapon)
Last edited Mar 3, 2020 9:18 pm
Mar 3, 2020 9:19 pm
And I honestly have no clue what "my hero academia" is...
Seems like I will have a google exploration mission.
Mar 3, 2020 9:34 pm
DeJoker says:
Okay so Savage World Deluxe and the Super Powers Companion 2E? and we are building characters that start at Street Fighter (20) but progress up through Cosmic (80) so we build 4 versions of the character rather than build the initial character and progress naturally?

Just trying to under the scope and such -- as creating a super that will eventually go Cosmic is different than creating a super that progresses but pretty much stays within the Street Fighter arena -- look forward to hearing back from you on this. Also I tend to create augmenters or supers that while they can operate on their own work even better when in a team of some sort
1. This allows players to develop intimate knowledge of the superpowers rulebook. Players learn that even a 5pt power is world changing. Take 1pt of armor, and the +4 modifier (Heavy), and suddenly your immune to any physical damage that won't harm a tank.
2. Sometimes players new to point build superheroes will feel a "Point crunch" and consistently want to build their characters with MORE points, this relieves that need and reveals how your character might look and be effective at much lower. The goal is efficiency of spending points to do what you want to do.

all you have is 5 points and you want to make a speedster? Buy teleport, and throw limits on it like: Must physically pass through the intervening space, does not work when more than 6 inches away from a surface, self only- no super throwing, power use requires massive caloric and water intake, using the power damages exposed equipment (clothing shreds as you run due to wind and friction), delayed activation, etc.
Mar 3, 2020 11:03 pm
Thanks so I would go with that concept I presented creating as much of it as I could at the lower level and then augmenting as I go so currently he is not sure what he is but it sure seems like he turns into some kind of Dementor from the Harry Potter Movie

So are we creating these characters here or are you opening a game for that or are you sort of taking applications right now with this question and answer thing?
Mar 3, 2020 11:04 pm
More ideas:
Limbo – Mutant-physics – Power: pocket dimension. Applications: short range teleport via "wormhole", Shield self via dimensional doorway, temporarily banish a foe to pocket dimension, and "ranged shoplifting"... Homeless teen turned thief. White male, 15, 5 foot 8 inches, 120 lbs, wiry-scrawny build. The housing bubble had burst and with it construction jobs all but vanished. The IRS audit found Jeff's dad guilty of not paying taxes. Falling from the status of millionaire construction firm to homelessness did not sit well with his abusive father. Before his father would be arrested for the tax evasion and fraud, He beat Jeff almost to death. Jeff managed to run away from home and never
looked back. Jeff discovered that something he really wanted would vanish into a black disk and he'd feel the mass as a burden. Later on, while under a bridge at a bike trail Jeff started imagining the items that vanished and the black disk appeared dropping the item instantly in his hands. That was how Jeff discovered his power, and the start of his
career as a "super-thief".

Kid Slick – Mutant-physics – Power: Friction altering aura 5 ft radius, distributed body weight. Applications: Wall walking, water walking, slow fall, deflection field, Friction fire enhanced melee, Ignition, super grappling/escaping holds, snaring others to floor, skating/sliding any surface/terrain. Latin male, 17, 6 foot, 140 lbs. Muscled but thin athletic build. Louis was a wannabe, He wanted to fit in. Louis was good on a skateboard, but the skaters didn't want him around. He was going to show them. Alone at the skate park, His skateboard broke while trying to do a 720. Louis was about 40 feet from the ground and instead of falling to the floor of the half-pipe, he gracefully glided
down to the ramp. Louis discovered that he had a power, but it took him time to figure out. He had control of the "grip" or "slip" on stuff (even the AIR) within 5 ft of his person. "I am kid slick, I am more slick than a Teflon coated politician".

Jelly – Mutant-Biological – Power: Giant size and transformed into elastic liquid gel. Applications: Shape shift, pass through small holes, kinetic damage resistance, bouncing, stretching, multiple prehensile limbs, grappling/escaping holds, suffocation attack, engulf attack. Original human form; White female, 17, 6foot 4 inch, 190 lbs, athletic-curvy build.
Jenny found a vial in her cup at a party, someone had drugged her. Jenny went back to her apartment. She collapsed on the tile floor, and woke up a monster. A blob resembling blue gel toothpaste. She mastered her new body, but could not transform back to human. "The drug did this to me", jenny burbled, " So the drug maker will know what to do". The blob monster "Jelly" is something of an urban legend, the police have numerous stories of drug dealers being attacked by a blue-blob-girl but the witnesses are usually addicts so their statements are ignored. One cop asks the question, "Sure the dope heads are all hallucinating. My problem with that theory is that they are all hallucinating the exact same thing"!

THROTTLE – Jake Tate, white male, 16, 5 foot 10 inches, 170 lbs. A prodigy who had skipped a year of high school. The quarterback of his football team, nicknamed, "Tater". He was going to get a full university athletics scholarship, until analysis of game films showed that he ran faster and jumped higher than any human alive. Jake was tested and was found positive for steroids and blood doping, The scandal ended all his dreams. A kid who was
injured by Jake during a football game filled a lawsuit that ruined his family. Jake protested his innocence and his family threw him out. Jake was one of the first kids to find a new home at Crowe's landing. Powers: Bio-boost. Several times a day, for ten minutes each, Jake can "boost" increasing his speed, strength, and endurance to remarkable levels. Jake doesn't know it but he has regeneration.

Gloria – harmony Saunders, white female, 16, 5 foot 6 inches, 140 lbs. Curvy, Blonde, blue eyes, tan, cheerleader. Harmony was used to getting everything she wanted. Everyone found her to be adorable and her charm irresistible. Harmony had it all; A+ grades, She was the Captain of the cheer leading squad, She was the most popular girl in school, She was even able to get a job doing TV commercials for a car dealership, a new car, and a pay raise. On the way home from the senior prom her boyfriend attempted to rape her and ended up in a coma. No one had any idea that she was a mutant. She didn't even know. After the attack Harmony discovered the true nature of her power.
Power: Hypnotic aura, persons looking at harmony directly are given unconscious psychic suggestions. Harmony is not supernaturally beautiful, but the effect is similar. People feel as though they WANT to do what she asks of them. This hypnotic aura does not work through second hand images of her, not television or photographs. This power is not pheromone based. This power affects only living creatures that see her directly with a range of 100 meters. Psychic assault, when stressed all of her psychic energy is directed harmfully at the mind of her target.

Gayle – mutant-phys- Power: Wind generation, 10 foot radius, Excellent rank.
Equipment: X-wing armored skydiving Suit (armor: good, enables "flight" with her wind power). Gail West- Female 21, owner of a skydiving adventures company that Makes custom high tech skydiving suits. Gayle's experimental design for Wasp the avengers movie was refused, It didn't fly anyway. Gayle wore the suit for a costume party she hadn't been invited to. She wasn't the only party crasher though, Armed thugs started to sweep through the crowd taking wallets, purses, cellphones, jewelery...
Gayle's wind power alone wasn't enough to fly with, but with the suit She could. Gayle flew into action and the thugs were taken by surprise. They didn't know who this was and that hesitation had cost them. Some had tried to flee, to be knocked down by other party goes. Those who had fought, got hit by a flying "BUM RUSH". People thanked her for her heroism and asked who she was. She realized she had been using her real name all night, and so repeated it. "Gail" and someone chimmed in, "Because of your wind powers?" inspiration struck, yes I am 'GAYLE'!

Delta v- Genetically engineered- "Amber" Collins- "Amber" was one of many experiments artificially conceived with a number of genetic modifications, and unwillingly carried to term by her mother who was kept a prisoner. Amber's physical capacities were twenty times that of a normal human of the same size. 20X strength, speed, endurance, toughness, healing rate, hearing range, eye sight, and more.
ORIGIN STORY: in 1994 An advertisement was paying young women of Angel-Falls to be surogate mothers for medical research. The claimed experiment was harmless something about a new "amino fluid pre-natal genetic testing" or someting. The ad promised lots of pay during the project, and a massive lump sum when it was over. It seemed legit, some pharmacy company was behind it...
Well, soon enough the "carefully screened" selected candidates found themselves prisoners in some unknown underground lab, with no one to even know they were gone. One of these mothers escaped during the "closing" of the project. A max-well Bio-tech Super soldier experiment that had been canceled due to cost over runs and unsatisfactory results. As In, closed down with no survivors and no witnesses.
Amber's mother had managed to climb through an air duct before the underground lab was filled with Cement- killing everyone else who was still trapped inside. The young woman managed to get to the highway. She was able to hitch a ride and explain to the driver everything before dying while giving birth to a little girl, She named her with her dying breath, "Amber".

Haywire- Mutant-phys- Power: Static electricity control and generation (remarkable) energy absorption (incredible) (static electricity bolts, damage shield, EMP burst). Darla Blake grew up on a farm, as her mutant power kicked in and she hadn't learned to control it- She was destroying the household appliances. The poor family quickly grew tired of this and forced darla to live in a shed, wearing a chain locked around her neck and bolted to the floor. Darla's hair is often pulled back by elastic scrunchies as any free length will stand straight up due to her constant static charge! In time Darla learned to control her powers to some extent, and she was able to cut the chain and run away from home to the big city...
Darla had a superpower and she needs guidance, but who will get to her first?

Blue Blazes- Mutant-Phys- Power: Inertial sheath. It is believed that Blue Blazes can somehow mentally direct all of the Higgs bosons within one foot and throughout her person. In short, this gives her super speed and a personal forcefield without bogus physics related issues, such as: how does she protect herself from friction? why doesn't her costume get all torn up? How can she breathe or see? how can she keep her footing if the surface doesn't provide enough traction? Wht doesn't her fist explode when she punches someone with super speed? Cassidy Rhodes, Female, 16, high school student. Short black hair, brown eyes, white, 4ft 7 inches, 80 lbs. Her costume is a a flashy neon blue figure skater unitard, with dark hose covering the cut out Lightning bolt emblem over her bust and thighs.She wears gloves rolled at the wrist, and a set of ankle boots with no heel, a long blonde hair wig, and mask to help conceal her identity. For obvious reasons She can't patrol during school, or on nights when she has a LOT of homework!

Mastermind – Mutant-Psionic – Power: telepathy, telepathic assault, psychic defense. White, male, age: 12. 4 ft 80 lbs, thin kid. Never sleeps, photographic memory, speed reading, genius I.Q., highly immature, prone to violent emmotional temper tantrums. A sign of what Walter could someday become. Walter aka, "Mastermind" uses his intellectual gifts to research and plan heists as a game. It amuses him to be 12 years old and able to outwit a world full of adults.
Mastermind uses thugs on his capers, and constantly abuses them verbally and mentally. If it wasn't for his deadly "mind bullets" these thugs would have killed him, or otherwise betrayed him long ago. Mastermind will go berserk if someone should learn his true identity and call him "lil' wally". Walter has won emancipation from his normal parents and pays for his penthouse (place to keep his toy collections) and luxuries for his most trusted goons with his heists!

Agony – Mutant-psionic – Power: pain aura, moderately enhanced agility and speed. Adopted french, female, age:17. 5 foot 2 inches, 105 lbs. Thin but shapely. Marie feels intense chronic pain, it doesn't stop. The doctors can find no cause and believe that her "pain" is psychological, an adolescent phase. On the edge of a berserker rage because of her pain she grabbed another young man's arm. For the first time in years she felt relief; however, the young man writhed helplessly in pain. He would later describe this as sheer "agony". Marie took this as her villain name, and discovered that her pain field extended out one foot from her person, becoming increasingly worse for her victims the closer she got. Marie knows she isn't bullet proof, but is growing addicted to the relief she feels when she is using her power on others. Marie is a high school graduate and because of her power Marie can not get a job, date, or even have a normal life. Marie is violent, bordering on psychotic, and craving opportunities to use her power.

Wretch – Mutant- biological – Power: Omnivore + alchemical projectile vomit, enhanced strength, spider like running, jumping, and climbing. Irish male, 15, 4 foot 9 inches, 100 lbs. Wretched looking. Leon looked like "gollum" from the lord of the rings movies. Leon, was a pitiful sight to behold; thin, weak, gangly, sunken dark eyes, He had been recycled through a number of group homes and was on the verge of being arrested when he "suddenly felt sick". His acid vomit dissolved the cop's left forearm. Now, a homeless fugitive from the law and unable to disguise his distinctive features, Leon doesn't know what to do. If only someone could show him...
Leon could not get help because no one would believe him. Leon couldn't stop drooling, He smelled horrible, and looked worse. Leon found himself on the street, a homeless monster with no one even willing to look at him. His body fabricates various specialized projectile vomit on demand: acid spew, glue snares, incendiary, explosive, Smoke screen, flame extinguishing, horrid stench, bio-luminescent mark-paint, oil slick, even "freeze barf"...

Brute – Mutant-phys – Power: Graviton sheath. The sheath wraps Warren Kross in a 12 foot tall armor like force field, super strength, and super leaping all at the power rank of AMAZING (Maximum of 50 tons of force). White male, 19, 6 foot, 170 lbs, Both legs are paralyzed. Warren was going to go pro with his mixed martial arts career, but
his back was broken by falling debris from a battle between super titans. Warren lay mortally wounded and pinned in a position that forced him to watch the entire battle rage. Warren's hatred of all supers grew and he swore to get revenge! Warren discovered his power as he lay in the hospital and a plan began to take shape. Warren has since discovered the limits of his powers. It's a bit like deep sea diving. The longer he uses his power and more he exerts it the more pressure his body is placed under. Just like a deep sea diver he has to be careful of nitrogen narcosis, the bends, and other pressure hazards. Warren has figured out how to carefully decompress with his power but it takes
time. His power only lasts for four hours at a time; He will likely flee to a hidden decompression chamber when he has only minutes left.

MadCap – Psi vampire – drain psi energy via psychic assault (incredible power rank) to empower his strength, speed, and endurance, Remarkable power rank (*equal to human world records or one ton maximum). MadCap went insane as his psychic vamprism is always on and subtly drains people around him in a 100 meter radius. When filled to over flowing with psi-energy MadCap experiences a "PSI-HIGH" or schitzo-mania condition. He feels awesome and wants to have "Fun"! Victims whom he concentrates additional effort on begin to hallucinate an increasingly chaotic distorted reality of kaleidoscopic color, riotous noise, and fun! Like a twisted carnival. So far no one really understands the true nature of his power. Formerly known as Zane Gaither, white male, 15 years old, 5 foot 3 inches,
120 lbs, Reed thin build. "Hey, sourpuss. Lighten Up!" Zane might gather some lackeys who become addicted to being drained by him.

Anne Archy – Experiment- Power: Regeneration, Body transformation. Anne Dill, 17, black female, 5 foot 5 inches, 130 lbs. Athletic-curvy build. Anne's grandmother had died, She was forced to drop out of high school. Anne became a stripper. Anne was injected with "Keratin gene replacement spider silk-" something, as she feigned aiding a car crash victim on the way home after the club had closed. The driver had been shot a few times and was dying, after he jabbed her with the auto-injector he whispered his last words, "run! do not let them catch you"...
Anne suffered through the transforming effects of a radical genetic enhancement for a month. Her body had replaced all of the keratin with spider silk proteins. Her body was now stronger than steel, but wasn't Metal! Anne later discovered that she was bulletproof, fireproof, and had incredible strength (maximum lift almost 10 tons), If injured the wound would heal in a minute as if it never happened. Anne was changed; Her brown eyes had turned shinny silver. Her hair was long, straight, and white. Her finger nails where solid white. All Anne knows is that Max-Well biotech has heavily armed goons looking to capture her for dissection. Anne had lost everything; Family, home, school, job, innocence and cynically didn't believe in love. She had been trying to do better, to do good all of her life. All Anne knew was that good guys get screwed. She remembered all those times in her life when; Evil people got ahead, Evil people took what they wanted, and No one messed with Evil people. Anne decided to be Evil, to be Thug, to not care about anyone or anything.

Hydra – Mutant-phys – Power: Telekinesis only affecting liquids or Liquid polymerization and remote manipulation. Asian-Hawaiian female, 19, 5 foot 4 inches, 115 lbs. Lean athletic build. Kei Kumori was a normal girl who had moved to Angel-Falls with her father. They had always been poor, and her backward father only saw hope for his daughter if she could be wed to a rich man. Kei did not want any of that, she was in love with a gang kid. She sneaked out to see her boyfriend, and her father found them. Her boyfriend drew a knife and killed her father. Kei was horrified and enraged. A tendril of Her father's blood floated up like a barbed tentacle and impaled her boyfriend. Kei found that she could control as much as 50,000 galons of any liquid. Kei is now a suspect for two murders and is wanted by the police. Kei has turned to crime because she doesn't want to turn herself in, and she doesn't see any other way to support herself.

invincibelle - Tonja Foster, Fem 16, Mutant- Physics: harness casimir force. A self-only/no range, kinetic Force field, that provides flight, super strength, and toughness.
Mar 3, 2020 11:07 pm
DeJoker says:
Are we creating these characters here or are you opening a game for that or are you sort of taking applications right now with this question and answer thing?
I am communicating a theme for the campaign here. If enough people say; I wanna play now, here's my character...
we will start and go there.
load next

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