Star Wars: Triumph and Despair

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Dec 13, 2021 4:44 pm
Adam says:
It makes sense? How would it work though? Some sort of FFG BBCode thing?

I have no idea :( When I'm making notes at home, I've just downloaded the font. Not sure how it work on the site. A dropdown with all the SW symbols?
Dec 13, 2021 4:47 pm
Adam says:
Skulls for despair?
Dec 13, 2021 4:48 pm
Few of the SW games are public, so I have no idea how this thing is played.

I saw this character roll initiative but I don't know why two green dice were rolled.
Dec 13, 2021 4:52 pm
crazybirdman says:
Adam says:
Skulls for despair?
Dec 13, 2021 5:17 pm
Adam says:
Few of the SW games are public, so I have no idea how this thing is played.

I saw this character roll initiative but I don't know why two green dice were rolled.
Initiative is one of the rolls where you don't need to roll any 'bad die'. So they rolled their Vigilance, which is 2. So two Ability (of green) dice.

Maybe this helps? It's one of my favorites:
Dec 13, 2021 5:32 pm
That's super helpful.

So there's (nearly) always a negotiation with the GM to work out what you're rolling?

How are y'all dealing with destiny tokens?
Dec 13, 2021 5:43 pm
I totally relate to wookie girl
Dec 13, 2021 5:44 pm
Some thoughts on what's come up:

OK, an integration with the character sheet might be helpful. The GM could say, "Roll a Hard Athletics check," and the player would just click on "Athletics" and "Hard" (perhaps) and come up with the dice pool. That works well for simple rolls. It gets more complicated if the difficulty is upgraded for some reason, and if there are situational modifiers represented by boost and setback die. But on the surface, the integration with the character sheet might work.

Second, how to tally the symbols? I agree with Crazy Birdman: No need to do the math longhand; just show the tally. If a player is confused, it's just one post for the GM to say that Triumphs always include a success in them, and Despairs always include a failure in them.

Third, having a symbol show up for Despair results—yes, please! Assuming we can't hack in the FFG symbols somehow, the skull works. However, a biohazard symbol might be a bit closer to the visual of the actual die:

Destiny Points/Story Points: I usually create a separate thread for these that players have to post in if they use one. This works, but is not ideal. Integrating a floating destiny pool somehow into the current IC thread would be pretty cool!
Dec 13, 2021 6:01 pm
Adam says:
So there's (nearly) always a negotiation with the GM to work out what you're rolling?
It is not really a negotiation, the GM tell you the difficulty based on what you are trying to do. And your positive dice are determined by your characters abilities and skill and talents (where you've spent your XP basically)
Adam says:
How are y'all dealing with destiny tokens?
Poorly, lol. But yeah, it's usually a separate thread that players need to remember to check. Mind you, players forget about them IRL games too. Floaty pool would be great.

Also when it comes to the symbols, if you looks closely, the Triumph symbol has a success symbol in it. Same with Despair, the failure symbol is integrated into it. Probly don't want to use the liscened symbols at all, but it may help you decide what symbols you do want to use.
Last edited December 13, 2021 6:02 pm
Dec 13, 2021 6:37 pm
So the destiny pool is a shared resource, not per character? Does the GM award tokens?
Dec 13, 2021 6:56 pm
Adam says:
So the destiny pool is a shared resource, not per character? Does the GM award tokens?
It's a shared resource. In Star Wars it's rolled for at the beginning of a session using the Force die. White pips grant light-side tokens; dark pips grant dark-side tokens. In Genesys, it's fixed at 1 light token per PC, and 1 dark token for the GM.

When the GM uses one, it flips from dark to light (thereby giving it to the PCs to potentially use later). When a player uses one, it flips from light to dark. Usually only one can be used at a time, but certain abilities require two points of the same type to be used (e.g., 2 light tokens that both then flip to dark).
Last edited December 13, 2021 6:57 pm
Dec 13, 2021 7:00 pm
Yeah, a shared resource. A roll of the dice decides how many of each Light and dark side) are in the pool at the start of a session. Once that is done, that is the amount of Destiny points in that session. It doesn't change, they just flip from light to dark or vice versa.

If the GM uses one, it gets flipped/goes to the PCs. If the PCs use one, it does to the GM. So it's a bit of tug of war.

edit: SavageBob explained it faster and betterer
Last edited December 13, 2021 7:01 pm
Dec 13, 2021 7:28 pm
Fixing the blank Despair icon would be freaking awesome! And I agree with the others - just display the final tally when done.

The negotiation aspect on how to use resolve die-rolls is actually pretty key to the game. Easier to do in real life, obviously, which means a lot of extra Advantages are usually just passed on to the use as Boost die for the next player (at least in the games that I run). Because of that, and the use of Destiny points to Upgrade dice pools. and whatever Boosts/Setbacks the GM may throw in there, having an integrated die roller with a character sheet may end up being a feature that doesn't get used.

Of course, I've never used it, if it gives a base that can be edited, then it might be pretty useful.

Like SavageBob, I use a separate thread for Destiny Points. Don't know that I can offer a cleaner solution than that.
Dec 14, 2021 10:16 am
So just to weigh in here I think the most pressing thing would be to fix the Talent/Despair adding Success/Failure to the tally. Having just the total would be fine for me, personally having too much going on in the results section would be confusing.

Would it be possible to add some logic to change some of the dice before you roll? What I'm thinking is you have the character section at the bottom and select a skill and difficulty and it then adds the defaults, then if you click on a green/purple die it upgrades them to a yellow/red respectively and then another click would remove it if needed? The dice pools can shift dramatically from roll to roll with situational changes, people spending Advantages/Triumphs/Threats/Despairs can all adjust the die pool in different ways so I can't see a way of putting too much logic in that would work in an asynchronous play style like PbP
Dec 14, 2021 2:49 pm
That's a great idea, mcneils5. To make sure I'm following you:

Player: "I want to leap the chasm."

GM: "OK, that's a Hard Athletics check. I'll upgrade that with a Destiny Point. There's a setback from the high winds."

Player: [Clicks "Athletics" on the integrated character sheet/roller. Their dice pool shows up in the box. Clicks "Hard." Three purple dice show up. Clicks on one of those purple dice to upgrade it per the GM's Destiny Point spend. It turns into a red. Clicks on the black die icon to add a setback to the pool. Clicks ROLL.] "OK, 1 Triumph, 2 Success, and 1 Threat."

That would be pretty nifty if we could pull it off.
Last edited December 14, 2021 2:50 pm
Dec 14, 2021 3:09 pm
So in that scenario, how would you add another ability die, or another difficulty die? Not being negative, just trying to think of odd situations.
Like if your Agility is temporarily raised, you would need to add one green die. Or if you decide to use an ability that trades strain to reduce difficulty.

Either way, it would be pretty slick. Even if it only added the 'good dice' and you had to pick each 'bad die' manually like we do now.
Dec 14, 2021 3:30 pm
Presumably one would be able to edit the dice code box and type in whatever changes are needed that fall outside the point-and-click options.
Dec 14, 2021 3:36 pm
I think people are overestimating how much I know about Star Wars FFG.

Pretend I'm as clueless as a small, particularly dim dog.

Someone clicks this...

What appears in here...

..and why?

Hard means 3 purple dice (apparently), what are the other rules?
Last edited December 14, 2021 3:37 pm
Dec 14, 2021 4:10 pm
Ok. This character has 1 rank in Athletcis, athletics is based on Brawn. Their Brawn is 3

So you take the higher number 3, that how many Ability/Green dice you get to roll. Then you take the lover number, 1 (rank) and upgrade an ability dice to a yellow/proficiency dice

So they would have 1Y2G
Dec 14, 2021 4:11 pm
What would happen if their rank was higher than their ability score?
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