Character creation discussion

Feb 24, 2016 3:21 pm
What do you want to play? How did you all come together? Discuss!
Feb 24, 2016 3:25 pm
Can you delete that other thread? V.V My bad.

I'm up for playing what the party needs but for this movie project Star Wars EOTE: The Bitter Divide (TBD) what do you see yourself being type casted to play? I don't have the books in front of me but the only thing I probably won't be playing is a Colonist Doctor what the gloomy brooding type with a big boom stick... because I've already made him for another game.
Feb 24, 2016 5:01 pm
well, I was about to say that I wanted to play a colonial doctor who is a bitter refugee from imperial racism...

so what I have plotted out so far:

female twi'lek doctor, was top of her game on Coruscant, did a lot of good. then the empire comes in, seizes her assets, accuses her of something... whatever, basically because they're a bunch of fascist racists.. she has to escape to the outer rim and the only way she can do that with all of her assets seized is to made a deal with a criminal syndicate.

now what I'm on the fence about is the nature of her obligation. she could just be in debt to criminals because they covered her passage to the outer rim, or she could have a bounty on her head because the criminal syndicate lied to her about just paying for her passage and when she arrived on the outer rim she was actually being sold into slavery. when the game starts she could have already escaped or the first part of the game could be meeting the other characters and they help her escape in true star wars fashion.

as for the game, I'm ok with us being on the run or criminals in our own right. I don't know how using two different systems like obligation and whatever the jedi use are going to work, but that's why I'm not the GM.

what are everyone else's thoughts?
Last edited February 24, 2016 5:07 pm
Feb 24, 2016 5:21 pm
I say go for it, my doctor was more of the voice of doom, glass half full type (Is it poison? You're trying to kill me aren't you? *Cries a little and feels pathetic*) Who gets a Jedi angry! As for obligations there's a table in the core rulebook to roll off if you're looking for other ideas. Were you going to be a smarty doctor type that was good with a blaster or good with talking to people? Both?
Last edited February 24, 2016 5:24 pm
Feb 24, 2016 5:23 pm
yeah, I could roll, but those two seemed the most compelling to me.
Feb 24, 2016 5:24 pm
Like Remnant I'm interested in anything I'm not already playing in another game. I've got an Archaeologist Force Exile in another EotE game (he provides knowledge, and flexible aptitude to the party), and a purely positive social character (almost entirely Charm, in fact) in an AoE game. I had a negative social pilot (intimidation) in a FaD game, but that's on hiatus for an unknown duration.

So, that means things like slicer and weapons expert (if I go this way there's a good chance I'll go demolitions, because that's just way more interesting to me than firing a blaster). But, I'm happy to fill a void as well.
Feb 24, 2016 5:42 pm
we might need someone handy with weapons, depending on what remnant wants to play. do we need to agree on what time this game takes place? I was thinking sometime between episode 3 and 4, after the empire is formed but before the battle of yavin. what do you guys think?
Feb 24, 2016 7:13 pm
I'd be inclined to put this post Episode IV but before Episode V. That allows me to hook it into one or two of my other campaigns with crossover in the future.
Feb 24, 2016 7:16 pm
Something to consider about this crew -- how would you define it's alignment on the Evil Good spectrum? I think of Han and Chewie as good-to-neutral and cad bane as being more neutral-to-evil and hondo as pretty much straight neutral. :)
Feb 24, 2016 7:21 pm
I would say good-to-neutral? my character's motivations are to regain her status and possibly strike out at the empire. she's also a doctor, so she'd be concerned with helping people as well...
Feb 25, 2016 1:31 pm
falryx, are you willing to let us use careers from outside EotE? I ask because a jedi Sentinel (Shadow/Shien Expert), a sort of 'jedi rogue/spy' I think could be very fun (and is different from all my other FFGSW chars, but will still be more than just a blade/blaster).
Feb 25, 2016 3:04 pm
I did a random roll and I'm looking at a Bounty Hunter now, maybe I'm assembling a crew since I find people with bounties that are hard to find and bring them back alive? That usually takes a long time, and having a doctor along will probably help keep them alive. I'm thinking Neutral but works under his own set of rules that he'll stick to regardless of the situation. Kind of like the transporter.
Feb 25, 2016 3:58 pm
it might be fun to work as part of a bounty hunter's entourage. remnant's character could have rescuced my character from slavery and she'd stick with him since she has no clue how to survive in the outer rim and she can't go home
Feb 25, 2016 6:09 pm
I'm thinking of going more towards the Survivalist or Gadgeteer Specialization. "Non-lethal don't mean it don't hurt bub."
Feb 25, 2016 6:12 pm
and a doctor can make sure that everything stays non lethal, can do chemical restraint, and patch up the team after a firefight.
Feb 25, 2016 6:17 pm
Sometimes an arm comes off... they're still alive.

I read Chemical Restraint as making the query high as a kite once captured, they'd escape but licking the wall is really an 'experience'
Feb 25, 2016 6:18 pm
nah, chemical restraint is using drugs to make sure they stay unconscious
Feb 25, 2016 8:48 pm
I kind of figure due to the whole galactic hippocratic oath.

So update I did some reading, I think I'm going with a Noghri Bounter hunter that goes by the handle Green Mamba, he strikes quick and he can be lethal but he prefers to make it more challenging by bringing in bounties alive. If the client executes them at the drop off no big deal, I got paid I mean I haven't fainted after it happened lately... Hey let me tell you something, you ever see someone throw acid on someone's face and watch it melt... It's like a victim icepop.

So it'll be a cross between a darker vigilante Batman/someone constantly upgrading their kit and armor (Ironmanish) in a green and yellow theme maybe a camo add-on, and Kevin Hart since this race is usually around 5' to 5'6" and he probably has a chip on his shoulder due to his hit and people taking him serious.
Feb 25, 2016 9:02 pm
aren't the noghri the ones that worship darth vader?
Feb 25, 2016 9:08 pm
After googling nope he did do some A-holish stuff to get them onboarded onto the empire's side until they figured out the bamboozling.
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