The Triad

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Apr 14, 2020 8:03 pm
Never much of a climber, and a little out of shape, Zenithral plops down next to Halla.
"’Twas an age ago that I first traveled from Kuldahar to the Ten Towns. Alone, with goblins, orcs, and a frost giant in pursuit." She touches Zenithral’s arm softly. "And ‘twas you who saved me then, and again in the avalanche. Look how far we have come since then!"
"Quite...far..." he gasps. "I remember...why I don't...wear this armor...everywhere..." He was seriously regretting not using his aasimar wings, but knew he'd regret *that* when they fought whatever hostile creatures they might find on another plane of existence.

"Well, 'saved' you that first time is a bit of a stretch. That's when I found out how far giants can throw boulders..." he chuckles. "Without Ug, Alalla, Tulfgyr, and Maverick, both of us would have been that giant's catch." He smile fades as he remembers Ug and Tulfgyr.
"The gutsiest thing I had ever done before traveling the Kuldahar pass was playing a blood-crazed orc in the Targos arena!"
Zenithral raises an eyebrow. "I thought that was try to murder Erevain." He gives the elf a wink, referring to the couple's first 'date'.

Something was itching the back of his mind, however. Zenithral had seen the town from this view before, he realized. The Battle of Kuldahar. He had sent his loyal flumph familiar, Fluphy, up to see through its eyes for a tactical view of the town.

That was when he saw his father kill Arundel.

He didn't want to reopen old wounds, but Zenithral saw an opportunity here. He looks at Halla with a look that says Sorry for this, but trust me.

"We haven't told you about the Battle of Kuldahar, have we?" Zenithral says to Aribeth and Fenthick as they approach. "That was when the Great Oak was dying and monsters were venturing far further than they normally did." He continues to recount the tale of the battle, pointing to different locations and recounting what happened there, such as the barricade at the temple and Nessa's attempted illusory shenanigans at the airship, letting Alalla and Halla interject with their own sides of the story. He describes how, though great losses, they managed to save the town.

"It was because we stood together," he finishes. "We learned our strengths, but also our weaknesses, and so we had to trust each other. That's when we really started to become a team. I don't know what we'll find across the planes, but remember that." Zenithral knew that wasn't entirely true; it was much later when they really worked together as a team, but it was certainly a start and an inspiring story.
Inspiring Leader. Everyone gets 19 temporary hit points!
Zenithral stands back up. "Well, I think we're ready to continue, my dear." He looks to his wife for where to go next, sincerely hoping it wasn't much further.
Last edited April 14, 2020 8:17 pm
Apr 14, 2020 9:46 pm
Erevain laughs. "You could never hide in plain sight, Sharuhk. You are far too beautiful for that." He brushes Alalla’s lips with a kiss, then he listens intently to Zenithral’s tale.
Apr 14, 2020 9:47 pm
Aribeth stares down at the land while Zenithral recounts the battle that took place there, but it seems that her eyes see something more.

When Zenithral finishes, Aribeth speaks up. "My home was attacked by orcs as well. Ransacked. After that night of fire and blood, I was Thundertree’s only survivor. Would that I could have had experienced friends at my side to defend it then…"
Apr 14, 2020 9:47 pm
Fenthick lays a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You have them now, Aribeth, and together we can right the wrongs done to many."
Apr 14, 2020 10:22 pm
Halla stands and moves to the tree trunk once more, wooden tuning fork in hand. She stops abruptly. "Of all the… The Nine Hells take that boy!"

There, cut into the wood of the trunk, is the name ‘Jermsy’.

"How did he even… Nevermind. I do not want to know. But when we get back, perhaps I shall carve a reminder into him."

The woman shakes her head and sighs, then holds up the tuning fork. "I don’t think this is meant for what I thought it was… But it calls to me. Let us continue!" Once more she takes the shape of a giant spider, and the group resumes the ascent.
Apr 14, 2020 10:23 pm
The going is easier now, with frequent branches to rest and aid in the climb. The foliage becomes denser as well, obscuring all view of the land below. It is almost as if they have entered another world, one of green and vibrant life all about…

…and then the view about them clears, and they find that they are indeed somewhere new. Gone are the towering mountains of the Spine of the World. To one side there is nothing but a misty void. Does their vision extend out to twenty feet, or two-thousand? It is impossible to tell. To the other side…

"By Tyr’s Maimed Hand…" Aribeth and Fenthick breathe as one.

Where they had been climbing Kuldahar’s Great Oak, somehow they are now on an entirely different Tree. A much, much larger one. For miles beyond sight either above or below, this new Tree’s silver trunk extends, and the companions are all upon one single branch. Enormous leaves of black and blue adorn branches as thick around as a frost giant is tall.
Apr 14, 2020 10:24 pm
Erevain steps forward, one hand shading his eyes as he stares. "Yggdrasil… This can only be the World Ash!" Joy and admiration shine through wet eyes. "This… This is a wonder beyond anything I have ever beheld!" He turns to Halla. "And this is how we will travel to Corellon's realm? I had not imagined such a wondrous journey!"
Apr 14, 2020 10:26 pm
Halla melts back to her regular self, eyes wide in wonder. She is entirely speechless, simply soaking in the magnificent, impossible Tree.
Apr 14, 2020 10:39 pm
"Magic..." Alalla mutters darkly when her shock clears. She turns in place, orienting herself and scanning for dangers. "I take it we'll need to walk to elf-land?"


Survival - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Apr 15, 2020 12:18 am
"Arvandor," Erevain corrects, "on the plane of Arborea. Yes, somewhere in these boughs there must be a portal to the place. Perhaps several..."
Apr 15, 2020 12:20 am
Halla nods. "I can feel at least one through the tuning fork. I cannot say how long it may take, however." She smiles, obviously enamored of this wondrous realm. "But this is one trek I think I may enjoy!"
Apr 15, 2020 12:23 am
Alalla sees no immediate dangers, but its obvious a place this large must support some kind of food chain. Anything that lives here must either be adept at climbing or flying. And who knows what other travelers the group might meet on these branches?
Apr 15, 2020 1:32 am
"All clear for now." Alalla frowns as Erevain and Halla have their exchange. She increases her vigilance. "Are there portals to many other planes here?"
Apr 15, 2020 1:47 am
"The stories speak of portals to most of the Outer Planes... But how to know if the stories are true? Hmm..." With that, Erevain steps off the branch into the open air...

...and lands neatly on the side of the branch, body extending straight out into nothing.

He continues walking until he disappears beneath the branch. "Fascinating!"
Apr 15, 2020 2:31 am
Looking at the long trek ahead of them, Zenithral sighs inwardly. Perhaps we *should* have asked my mother...

Then again, it was a stunning sight.

"Erevain, what are you---Oh! Well now. You don't see that every day." Zenithral chuckles realizing the irony of his statement. He was just in Trueheart in the presence of Torm himself, climbed the Great Oak of Kuldahar, is walking on the world tree, and Erevain sticking to the bottom of a branch was what fascinated him? Well, it was a colossal tree branch.

Zenithral snaps a finger and summons Fluphy with a pop and puff of sparks. "Take a look at this, old friend! I'm not sure you even need to worry about flipping upside-down here."
Last edited April 15, 2020 2:31 am
Apr 15, 2020 2:49 am
Alalla curses as Erevain steps off the branch. When he sticks rather than falling her string of orcish curses regarding elvish wisdom only becomes longer, more heated, and more guttural. "Erevain Blacksheaf!" she seethes. "Get back here before you waltz yourself into Avernus after all!"
Apr 15, 2020 3:47 am
Erevain reappears behind the group, walking easily around the branch with a large smile on his face. "Think of all the places we could go, that we could see!"
Apr 15, 2020 3:50 am
Aribeth claps her hands to drawn attention to herself. "Yes, but the place we need to go is Arvandor. Halla, which way to the portal?"
Apr 15, 2020 3:57 am
Halla holds up the tuning fork and concentrates. "I... I think we need to go up a few branches. And then a mile or so out. At least." She growls. "'Tis hard work navigating a place I've never been. But 'tis my best guess."

She puts a finger to her lower lip. "I suppose I could speed our way with magic. We could wind walk and arrive there soon, and avoid the climb."
Apr 15, 2020 4:45 am
Erevain's excitement seems to bother Al somewhat, but she doesn't say anything more about it.

"Speed is best, Halla. I worry who else might be learning of our mission, and who might attempt to stop us." Al attempts to summon her glaive to her hand, but it doesn't come. "Erevain, can you call my glaive? I left it behind so I could climb."
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