The Triad

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Sep 19, 2020 11:06 pm
"Besides, I am a paladin, remember? I don't get sick."

Alalla pauses, surprised. "That's a thing? Huh. I thought it had been a while since I had a cold." She frowns at the talk of plagues, but she trusts whatever Zenithral is up to with Aribeth, and continues digging out anything non-fleshy or disturbing to identify the corpses by.
Last edited September 19, 2020 11:08 pm
Sep 19, 2020 11:07 pm
Aribeth nods and walks over to put a hand on Erevain's arm. Her words, however, are for Alalla. "You fight like an army, but you haven't been a paladin for long, have you?"
Sep 19, 2020 11:13 pm
Erevain shrugs as he displays the wound. "It is not deep, but - Ow!" He fends off Aribeth's grip and the woman turns away with a smile.
Sep 19, 2020 11:18 pm
"Does that apply to drinking?" Zenithral wonders jokingly, regarding paladins not getting sick. "Maybe I should swear an oath too..."

"At any rate, let's get going." he says, beginning towards the portal again. "I don't see any reason to keep rummaging around enemy insides...They're almost as disgusting as their outsides."
Last edited September 19, 2020 11:20 pm
Sep 19, 2020 11:32 pm
"It's only been a couple of years. I was just militia in Targos before that, and had hardly heard of Torm, or ever met any other paladin. My only experience with the gods before that was Gruumsh's hand around my throat, which I quickly realized was less metaphorical and far more frighteningly literal than I grew up believing." Alalla wraps the Slaad head in an oiled canvas and shoves it into her bag.

"I was angry at them. The gods. I felt their rejection, and thought I could fight the Hells--both the Nine, and Nishrek--on my own. When the foolishness of that was made devastatingly apparent to me, a father-figure pointed me to Torm. I am blessed that Torm didn't reject me because of what I am, and instead gave me strength to defend my home and save my people. All of them." Al washes her hands and stands, replacing her gauntlets with a smile of pride.

"Did you know there's a small order of orcish paladins of Torm in Icewind Dale? Full-blooded. I've delegated their leadership to an orog. I think he's more devoted than me."

"Does that apply to drinking?"
Al gives Erevain a concerned look at his yelp, but laughs at Zenithral's question. "I wouldn't know. Orcs are angry drunks. The others have followed my lead and sworn off spirits."

She nods. "I think I have what we need. Let's go."
Last edited September 20, 2020 12:28 am
Sep 20, 2020 12:10 am
Aribeth blinks as an expression of uncertainty crosses her face. The unyielding wall that is her conviction... Might it be softening?

She averts her eyes once more. "Onward, then."
Sep 20, 2020 12:31 am
The companions step into the portal of swirling colors and feel the great branch of the World Tree shift beneath their feet. The air around them darkens, as if night has suddenly fallen, but they find each other suffused with a strange blue-violet light.

Their surroundings disappear and are suddenly replaced with an ocean of light, as though every star imaginable has fallen to the ground about them. But no, the stars yet hang in their places above, shining more brightly than ever. A wind blows, and the lights on the ground dance in response. These are not stars, but glowing flowers, dizzying and beautiful in the breeze.
On the far side of this meadow of light, rising above the tops of trees, shine the spires of an awesome palace. Looking in that direction, Zenithral notices a trail of darkness through the meadow - places where the flowers have been crushed, their stems broken, never again to dance in the twilight wind.
Sep 20, 2020 12:32 am
Erevain takes a breath and his entire body seems to relax. The lights of the flowers shine reflected in his eyes. "Arvandor... It certainly is beautiful. Far more so than I had believed..."
Sep 20, 2020 12:34 am
"Yes, brother." Fenthick steps forward to put a hand on Erevain's shoulder. "This is the place that has called to our spirits, in one way or another, for our entire lives. But hold fast to your faith. This is not the place you have decided to linger."
Sep 20, 2020 3:34 am
Alalla looks over the scenery quietly. It's gorgeous. She tries not to remember the blood-muddied battlefields of Nishrek, so at odds with the flowers here.

Her face is as impassive as ever, but her friends can see her discomfort. She opens her mouth to say something to Erevain, but stops before the Orcish can sully the air. She doesn't try again in Common. Instead she makes herself as unnoticeable as a 6'2 woman in plate armour can be, letting the elven blood enjoy the place and take the front until she is needed.
Sep 20, 2020 4:11 am
Zenithral inhales sharply at the wondrous sight, his eyes widening with delightful awe. He spreads his hands, grins, and looks sideways at Halla, taking her hand. "Enough plants compared to Trueheart for you?"

Past Halla, he sees Alalla and her unease, trying to discern what might be bothering her. Perhaps she worries about the mission, and her people...wondering whether they'll ever have a place beyond as peaceful as this...

He breaths a sigh, then looks up, gaping at the stars and suddenly feeling insignificant. He had scarcely explored the Icewind Dale, let alone the rest of Faerûn, and there was yet infinitely more of the universe beyond.

After a few more moments, he releases Halla's hand and breaks the silence. "Shall we take the trail?" he asks, pointing. "I can't help but wonder if these flowers, as beautiful as they are, may have ill effects for us...mortals."
Sep 20, 2020 7:35 pm
Alalla gives Zenithral a sheepish grimace when he looks at her. No need to drag the others down in this beautiful place, in an experience few could ever hope for.

When Zenithral gives his suggestion she nods and follows.
Sep 22, 2020 1:32 am
With a look of awe on her face Halla kneels down and puts her hands in the soil. "So rich... You could grow anything here!"

Heedless of her husband's warning about the flowers, she cups a blue blossom in her hand and brings it to her nose. "They aren't poisonous or harmful, no. But there is a different danger here, on this plane. I could kneel here forever enjoying the sights and smells... Forever. Long enough to starve, at the very least."

The druid looks up. "I fear the longer we stay on this plane, the harder it will be to leave."
Sep 22, 2020 3:15 am
Seeing Halla embrace the flowers, he bends down and takes in the sweet aroma as well. "Ahhh...Oh dear, I could certainly see that. Let's make haste before that starts to seem like a more appealing idea than it already is." Without lingering any longer, he begins marching towards the path.

"I'd like to think this path was formed by travelers over time," Zenithral continues musing. "But I can't help but wonder if it was created by something in particular..."

His doubts, worries, and concerns about traveling in such an alien land continue in this manner for quite some time.
Last edited September 22, 2020 3:19 am
Sep 22, 2020 3:24 am
In her plate, Alalla doesn't bend to smell the flowers. Instead she remains vigilant while the others enjoy the sights. When Zenithral proceeds, she follows with a measure of relief.
Sep 22, 2020 9:17 pm
The group strikes out through the meadow, following the path of broken flower stems. The breeze sings gently as they walk, and even Aribeth's mood seems to improve. Eyes alight with wonder, she allows Fenthick to take her hand and hold it in his own.
Sep 22, 2020 9:17 pm
As they draw nearer to the palace ahead, they discover that there is a literal song floating in the breeze: the sigh of a flute.

They soon reach the edge of the meadow and leave behind its soft blue lights. Now golden fireflies guide their way through a copse of trees, and before long they arrive at the courtyard of the palace. There is no wall surrounding the grounds, but the perimeter is marked by tall, graceful columns, and within are beautiful gardens and even more beautiful folk. Each eladrin in sight moves with an unconscious grace that somehow set's the party's hearts aching. At the moment, the eladrin are all silent, their attention on a curious sight in the middle of the courtyard...

A stunning eladrin sits cross-legged in the grass with an ornate flute held to his lips. Eyes closed, he plays a soft, wandering melody. Almost as if in response, a single maple leaf floats down into the courtyard, drifting to and fro in the breeze. A soft applause comes from the gathered eladrin, and then they still once more as flute and leaf begin a complementary song and dance. The sitting eladrin never opens his eyes, but his expression is calm and serene. So enrapturing is the spectacle that the party find themselves wondering if it is music lifting the leaf through the air, or the breeze itself that passes through the flute to create the entrancing music.
Sep 22, 2020 10:24 pm
After getting attacked by slaadi and Halla believing the realm itself might enrapture their minds, Zenithral was starting to think Alalla had the right idea of...stoicism. He let his mind wander, beginning to wonder if every sight and sound might be some kind of trap. By this point, he had a pit in his stomach. It was...probably not healthy, but it kept his mind alert and on-edge.

But that sweet music. He wanted to enjoy it. But he had to stay focused

He took out his familiar sleeping chain, magically warmed it, and placed it on his head. Perhaps if he got too distracted, the habit of awaking to suddenly cold steel would kick in.

"So..." Zenithral asks the group. "Who do we suppose we can ask about an audience with Corellon...? Or does that just so happen to be him?"
Last edited September 22, 2020 10:24 pm
Sep 22, 2020 11:02 pm
Erevain struggles to take his eyes off the dancing leaf. "I am... not sure..." He blinks to clear his mind. "I was never inclined to study the Elvish cultures." He glances at the eladrin standing about, some of whom give the party silent, imperious glances. "But perhaps we should wait until this... concert? Wait until it's finished." The elf sounds thoroughly distracted.
Sep 22, 2020 11:11 pm
Alalla finds that she wants to enjoy the wonder of the place, but instead finds it jarringly alien. She has briefly experienced warm air and flowers during fleeting tundra summers, in Kuldahar, and on her honeymoon, but largely her life has been hardship and ice. This realm, embodying all that is opposite that, and so aggressively, is hard to comprehend. And Corellon? Alalla regards the elf giving his concert.

She has met two gods: a god of bloodlust and anger, and one of duty and protection. They both were more or less what she expected them to be. But a god of whimsy and beauty? Alalla has no idea how to frame such a thing.

She gives Zenithral a clueless shrug.

She intends to remain silent further, but Erevain's behaviour worries her.

"I don't think we should watch," she whispers to Zenithral, careful to use Common--her Elvish is still bears an Orcish accent. "Ask one of the eladrin on the edge where we should go."
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