The Triad

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Oct 9, 2020 4:48 am
Zenithral remains quiet during Alalla's exchange with Nym, but his eyes widen when the drow lets out a scream and one of the spiders starts to drag him towards the alter.

He wasn't fond of the drow, but he didn't hate him. In fact, most of his machinations, while purely selfish, usually helped Zenithral, Alalla, and the others in the long run. Fenthick's words about mercy also ring in his mind. The slaad was one thing, but this dark elf ultimately wasn't much different than Zenithral was. Ilmadia and Zariel could be swayed. In the depths of hell, perhaps there was hope for him yet. At the very least, they'd have a chance to free the orcs from Gruumsh's influence.

"We shall accept a deal," Zenithral declares, almost more to the spiders than to Nym. "Our mission is important. If you can learn and tell us the consequences that exchanging the eye will have, then we will make the exchange." Zenithral tilts his head and glances at Alalla to see her reaction. "We may ask for an additional favor from you as you proposed if we deem the consequences particularly significant, but that is our offer, unless any of my companions object."
Last edited October 9, 2020 4:49 am
Oct 9, 2020 5:29 pm
Al gives Zenithral a cautioning look, reminding him to consider the staggering number of deaths Nym is unapologetically responsible for, but otherwise says nothing. She gives a short shake of her head at Zenithral's call for objections, letting him know she'll stand by his decision.
Oct 9, 2020 5:45 pm
At Zenithral's first words the spiders all stop their advance. The one biting Nym's leg withdraws its fangs, but hangs poised and ready to strike again.

Nym looks from one companion to another, waiting for one to object to Zenithral's decision. When no one does, the drow crumples in relief. He begins to open his mouth to speak, but the closest spider hisses threateningly. Nym's jaw shuts with a clack of teeth.

As one, all the spiders in the room turn to Zenithral, uncountable arachnid eyes fixed on the archer. As they did earlier, the spiders all seem to whisper a word in reply:


Nym waits a long moment, sweat pouring down his face, before he tries to speak again. "Th-this creature born of divine elf and orc blood has been driven to kill since its moment of creation." He seems surprised at the words flowing from his mouth, as though they are as new to him as to the party. "It wants nothing more than to devour a certain type of creature: its blood relation of good."
Oct 9, 2020 5:46 pm
Erevain stiffens. His green eyes dart back and forth as thoughts fly through his mind. He blinks, and his hands start to tremble. "It... it can't be..."
Oct 9, 2020 5:47 pm
Fenthick looks little better than Erevain. The elf sags against Aribeth, who puts an arm around him for support.
Oct 9, 2020 5:54 pm
Nym goes on. "This mutual brother to both orc and elf has at times been unleashed on your world, though few remember it except in the most ancient of nursery rhymes meant to frighten disobedient children."

Nym stands on a leg that no longer seems injured. "Its name is..." He takes a step toward the party, a devilish and unfamiliar grin on his face.

Oct 9, 2020 6:00 pm
Erevain staggers, and Fenthick falls to his knees. Both elves are pale, as though the spoken name has stirred some primeval fear in their hearts. Even Aribeth looks shaken, as though frightened by a dream she can't quite remember.

Erevain forces himself to look at the rest of the party. In a hushed whisper he mutters, "The Elf-Eater..."
Oct 9, 2020 6:07 pm
Nym nods. "The Elf-Eater. And I do not wish my people to be targeted by this creature. I wish to change Ityak-Ortheel's choice of target by exchanging the Eye of Gruumsh with another divine substance. Even if all I accomplish is to remove drow from its menu, that would be a sufficient victory for me." He pauses. "But I do not know for certain what effect it will have."
Oct 9, 2020 7:27 pm
"Alright," Zenithral says, trying not to be too disturbed by Erevain, Fenthick, and Aribeth's reactions. "So the three of you definitely need to not go...and my Ilmatari blood may or may not exclude me from its eternal hatred..." he reviews, putting a finger to his lips.

"My father was an elf," he points out, "So unless I can be sufficiently disguised from the eye of a god, perhaps it might be best if I keep away as well..." He grimaces, certainly not fond of the idea of just Halla and Alalla venturing to face an abyssal horror.
Last edited October 9, 2020 7:28 pm
Oct 10, 2020 5:04 am
Halla folds her arms tightly. "I am not going to be separated from you again, Zenithral. So either you come along, or Alalla goes alone."
Oct 10, 2020 4:20 pm
Zenithral purses his lips and nods, then smiles at Halla. "Very well. We were sent here together, and we shall stay here together." He grins. "Besides. I have no one else I'd rather be with before I get eaten by an eldritch abomination."
Oct 10, 2020 4:36 pm
Alalla puts an arm out to support Erevain as he staggers.

"If what you want is to protect the drow from the...thing...then why don't we just kill it?" she asks Lolth through Nym. The new information has not put her at ease.
Last edited October 10, 2020 4:37 pm
Oct 10, 2020 5:16 pm
Halla nods tersely. "If it be any blade or beast that cuts our lives short, it will always be something you and I face together."
Oct 10, 2020 5:27 pm
It is Erevain who answers Alalla's question. "We could just as soon slay the terrasque itself as the Elf-Eater, if the tales are to be believed." He puts a shaking hand to his forehead. "And I am afraid that they are."

He exhales, then continues. "It is said that a beast by the name of Ityak-Ortheel rampaged and destroyed dozens of elvish communities, devouring all of their occupants. They say it almost razed Evermeet itself before it was banished. No one ever would have ever supposed that a creature that dealt such destruction to the elves was a child of Corellon himself. It's enough to make me ill."
Oct 10, 2020 5:35 pm
Aribeth finally speaks up, her voice hot with anger and frustration. "But we were chosen just as much as the rest of you to seek out the Eye of Gruumsh. How can we remain behind now?" Fenthick touches her elbow, but she shakes him away. "Who will represent Tyr when you finally retrieve the Eye?"
Oct 10, 2020 6:34 pm
"If you come, who will represent Tyr when we finally deliver it?" Zenithral rebuts. "Even you shook when the name was simply spoken, Aribeth. I won't stop you from coming, but you have heard the warnings of two elves of its insatiable hunger and fury. It doesn't seem like Fenthick wishes to come either, or to see you go."


Persuasion - (1d20+8)

(8) + 8 = 16

Oct 11, 2020 2:35 am
Fenthick straightens and steps close to Aribeth. "Zenithral speaks the truth! I am sure we will be needed before the end of this quest. And should they fail..." He looks at Zenithral, Alalla, and Halla. "Should they fail, someone will need to find a new way to recover the Eye, that the Triad's quest may be completed."
Oct 11, 2020 2:37 am
Aribeth's hands fall to her sides as tight fists. "Fine. Fine!"
Oct 11, 2020 2:51 am
Nym's face is oddly expressionless as he listens to the exchanges going on.

Finally, he speaks. "So you three will go. The others will be kept safe until you return. The way to Ityak-Ortheel is there." He points to the dark pit just before the bloody altar. "You must descend five miles to the bottom of the pit, and there you will find the creature asleep. I believe the Eye will be within its mouth.

And oh yes, one more thing. Don't kill the chasme. They are keeping the thing asleep."
Oct 12, 2020 4:13 pm
Zenithral nods along, then tils his head. "The...chasme?" he asks, unfamiliar with the term.
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