The Triad

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May 2, 2021 3:46 am


HHHHNNNRG (athletics check) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11)

1d20+11 : (7) + 11 = 18

1d20+11 : (12) + 11 = 23

May 3, 2021 8:33 pm
Knowing she has no time, Alalla jumps up to the ledge of hardened mass above just as her footing gives way. Her hand slaps down onto the ledge and her fingers scramble to find purchase, while her other hand twists about to wrap the rope connecting her to Zenithral and Halla more securely around her wrist.

And that’s all she has time for, as Zenithral and Halla start to fall.

For a moment, Alalla feels like she might be torn in half. But her corded muscles bulge as the dragon heart beating in her chest fills her body with adrenaline. But her hand on the ledge begins to slip… and then the strain lets up as Zenithral’s quick spell comes into effect. At the same time, Halla transforms back into her human self, arms held tightly around Zenithral.

And none too soon, as the fleshy maw falls down to engulf them. They pass through the middle of the mouth, narrowly avoiding the jagged teeth around its edge, and a few moments later hear a *whumph* as the mouth hits the floor below.

Hanging inside the slack tentacle-throat, Alalla by one hand and the other two by the rope, the companions can only wonder what their fate might have been had they reacted any slower. Even in its sleep, Ityak-Ortheel is a deadly threat to navigate.

With the droning much lessened by the thick throat around them, the three find it easier to communicate. Alalla exhales, then trembles as she raises her lower hand (and the two people hanging from it a dozen feet below) up to also grab the ledge above. Then with herculean effort, she heaves herself, plate armor and all, up and over the lip of the edge. From there, with secure footing and two free hands to work with, she easily helps Zenithral and Halla make the climb up to join her.

As the trio catches their breath, they find themselves in the innards of the Beast. Thick, warm mucus coats the walls here, and the way ahead looks cramped enough that the heroes will likely have to crawl to continue with their quest.
May 3, 2021 8:34 pm
Halla groans in the darkness. "Do I want to see where we are? Some light please, husband. By the smell, I would guess that something died in here a long time ago." She stiffens suddenly. "Oh, sorry Zenni. I guess the elves who were eaten by this… thing… were likely sort of your kin."

She unconsciously wipes her hands on her traveling skirt. "Well, I suppose ‘tis time for the flumph to lead us through these intestines, or whatever it is. How interesting that it should have multiple passages through which to process its food. I suppose it also needs to breathe, just like most other creatures, but…"

She continues to mutter to herself about obscure animal biology.
May 3, 2021 10:51 pm
With glowing fingers, Zenithral strokes a lock of Halla's hair, causing it to alight for her.

He frowns and shrugs. "I still don't understand what makes kinship so important to some," the half-elven aasimar says. "Loved ones are important, of course. But what makes a dead stranger with similar blood to mine more important than a dead stranger with slightly less similar blood to mine?"

His eyes widen suddenly. "Fluphy?! Are you alright? Where to next?" He dearly hoped the flumph didn't get hurt by the beast's yawn of all things, or whatever it was that nearly killed them.
Last edited May 3, 2021 10:51 pm
May 4, 2021 12:04 pm
"Blood can make it easier to find loved ones," Al groans, picking herself off the floor and thinking about all the orcs she cares about that she never would have a year ago. "But long dead people? I dunno either."
Last edited May 4, 2021 5:02 pm
May 4, 2021 4:20 pm
Fluphy warbles from below, slowly floating up to join the others. The flumph seems shaken, but otherwise unharmed.
May 4, 2021 4:21 pm
With the odd familiar leading the way, the companions squeeze through slimy, stinking tunnels, sometimes hunched over, and often crawling. Halla’s lit hair seems to penetrate the walls somewhat, showing membranes and veins running through it all. After a quarter of an hour, Fluphy gives a low moan and sucks its eyestalks and tendrils almost entirely within itself. A quick telepathic message indicates that ahead is the chamber of sludge that it saw on its last visit through the Beast.

Indeed, as the companions peer into the chamber, they notice crimson light occasionally breaking the surface of the thick liquid.
May 5, 2021 11:44 pm
Zenithral sighs with relief as he sees Fluphy is okay.

As they approach the liquid, Zenithral purses his lips. "Glowy things usually belong inside other, living things," he muses. "Anyone want to take a swim in the mystery soup? ...No?"

After telling the others to stand back, he digs out a blank sheet of spellbook paper, touches it with a glowing finger to cause it to alight, then crumples it up and tosses it into the liquid from a distance using a mage hand.
May 6, 2021 1:46 am
Zenithral’s paper falls to the sludge. Its descent into the murky depths is slow, as though perhaps the paper is too light to sink.

Then the crumpled ball of paper is ejected from the pool and falls directly at Zenithral’s feet.


mystery roll - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

May 8, 2021 3:55 am
"Whatever's in seems intelligent..." Zenithral observes. "It...probably doesn't speak common...Fluphy, can you...tell it hello? Is it friendly? Hungry? Guarding something? Probably hungry..."


Insight / Investigation (same bonus and I'm not sure which most applies) - (1d20+9)

(19) + 9 = 28

May 8, 2021 4:25 am
Missing her glaive, Al pokes at the sludge with a boot.
May 8, 2021 5:12 pm
Zenithral’s mind races through possibilities as Fluphy approaches the sludge. The flumph seems cautious, but also curious. It floats down to the just above the surface of the pool and tentatively extends a tendril…

A rather sudden and confusing sensation overwhelms Zenithral’s thoughts as his familiar makes psychic contact with the pool. In his mind’s eye, he can see himself standing near the edge of the pool. Even as that revelation comes, he finds his thoughts focus on his own mind, but from the *outside* looking in. It’s like looking into a mirror, in an odd way, and he can feel his own thoughts slide against each other, just as if he were to have reached a hand through a mirror to feel his own features.

As soon as his mind makes this connection, Zenithral feels a moment of intense psychic feedback. Fluphy quivers in the air, then withdraws from the pool, breaking the mental bond. With clarity restored to him, Zenithral strongly suspects that whatever is in the pool, or whatever the pool is, is trying to magically read his thoughts.

And it's... curious.
May 8, 2021 5:12 pm
When Alalla’s boot touches the liquid, it doesn’t feel like liquid at all. It gives slightly under her weight, but then solidifies into something like firm glass. The crimson light below swirls, and then she can see a large red sphere float up to just beneath the surface, emanating that light. She knows what it must be a moment before it rotates, looking up at her with baleful iris and pupil.

This can only be the Eye of Gruumsh.

Staring straight at her.
May 8, 2021 5:23 pm
Alalla grits her teeth as waves of emotion pass over her under the stare of that eye. Hatred, fear, anger. Gruumsh calls her blood to react to it violently. Instead, Alalla breathes and releases it. She steps out further into the pool.

"Hello. Would you like to return to your body?" she calmly asks the Eye.
May 10, 2021 3:59 am
Each step Alalla takes is met with the same resistance under her feet.

The Eye gives no sign of understanding Alalla’s inquiry. It continues its awful stare for a long moment.

Then the pool changes.

Alalla feels a ripple beneath her boots, and then the liquid before her rises slowly up, congealing on itself layer by layer, the Eye floating upward within the column of gunk. The mass begins to take humanoid shape, but on a larger scale. Arms extend outwards, becoming muscle for a moment before being covered in ridged plate armor. Alalla can tell what the form is long before its finished, as the Eye takes its place near the top of the thing.. A horned helmet forms over the head, leaving the Eye to stare out of one of the visor’s sockets.

When the transformation is complete, there stands the intimidating likeness of Gruumsh towering over Alalla. It holds a wicked spear, the nasty barbed end pointed down to her like a condemnation of everything she has become.

Interestingly, Alalla notes that though it is an accurate resemblance of Gruumsh, the glowing Eye sits opposite from where Gruumsh’s would normally be. As though Gruumsh were to look in a mirror, this would be his reflection.

The Gruumsh-thing doesn’t move. It almost seems frozen in place, or in time.
May 11, 2021 10:32 pm
"Er...yes, that one! The body that looks like that." He begins whispering. "That's what Gruumsh looks like, right...?"
May 14, 2021 4:24 am
In response to Zenithral’s words, a second form rises from the pool. This one is slender. One hand is pressed to its side, holding in a grievous injury. The other hand holds a shining sword. Alalla and Zenithral both recognize this figure, for they spoke to Corellon Larethian himself not long ago, and it shares his exact likeness.

The two still forms rotate to face one another.

And then they fight.

Gruumsh’s spear thrusts hungrily forward, eager to spill more of Corellon’s blood. But the elven god is too quick. A mere shift of his feet, and the spear passes within an inch of him. In a flash, Corellon leaps upon the spear and runs up its shaft, sword blurring as he slashes upward…

And once again the two forms are still.

No, they merely slow.

As if swung through heavy molasses, Corellon’s sword strikes true across Gruumsh’s face. Then Corellon kicks off his opponent’s chest and flips backward in a slow graceful arc, though on landing his foot slips. Vibrant blood leaks from the wound on his side.

Time resumes its normal pace.

The orc god falls back, hand reaching for his torn eye socket - but the Eye is no longer there. With a wet thunk the glowing orb lands before Alalla and rolls against her boot.
May 14, 2021 4:24 am
Nym holds out a jar to Zenithral. "You must open this and pour out its contents when you take the Eye of Gruumsh." The jar seems to be filled to the lid with yellow gunk.
May 15, 2021 1:36 pm
Zenithral takes the jar, eying the yellow gunk warily. "If the eye is from the orc god and causes the beast to eat elves...what is this from, and what will it make the beast do?"
May 15, 2021 1:59 pm
Nym scowls. "I have already given my explanation. If you will not do the task, you have no reason to remain here." The spiders begin hissing again. Remain here... remain here... remain...
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