The Triad

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May 15, 2021 2:30 pm
Zenithral rolls his eyes and takes the jar, but makes no promises.

Zenithral pulls the jar out form his pack and unwraps it. Still in tact after their descent and fight, thankfully. Magically sturdy jar, perhaps? He scowls at the substance inside. Nym's deals usually helped them in the long run, whomever the patron, but at what cost?

"Will this quell the beast?" Zenithral thinks aloud. "Or incite it to destruction? Give the Spider Queen control of it, or simply lead it to hunt a different people in a future time?"

Intending to open the jar and empty it's contents, Zenithral closes his eyes and breaths a prayer, though he suspects the answer he'll get.

Zenithral expends a spell slot and takes a minute to cast Augury.
[ +- ] Augury
I think this is the first time casting it today.
Last edited May 15, 2021 2:36 pm
May 15, 2021 2:45 pm
It takes along moment for Zenithral's prayer to be answered. After several long moments, however, he hears Myllandra's voice calling as if from far away. "Woe, for the thousands who may die. Weal, for the tens of thousands you may save. Remember, Zenithral, that there will always be those who will choose evil, but so long as there is good in the world willing to act, hope remains..."

Her voice fades away.
May 15, 2021 3:06 pm
Alalla breaks her gaze from the scene before her. So much of her history was shaped by that moment. The rest will be shaped by this one.

"I doubt we'll be entirely happy with the outcome," she says, unaware of Zenithral's prayer. "But will we just go home? Do nothing?" She prepares to grab the eye as Zenithral empties the jar. "All we can do is act as best we can, then deal with the consequences."
May 15, 2021 4:35 pm
Zenithral purses his lips, pauses, then nods and empties the jar.
May 15, 2021 9:44 pm
Alalla snatches up the Eye, then darts away and off of the goo.
May 15, 2021 10:56 pm
Alalla and Zenithral make the swap.

The Eye is warm and squishy in Alalla’s grasp, with a rather disturbing weight to it. As Zenithral lets the goop in the jar slide out and into the pool, he sees-

Zenithral and Alalla each take 44 psychic damage.

Alalla’s steps begin to sink into the pool as she quickly makes her way back to the edge, but she manages to get out before it loses its consistency entirely. Behind her, the images of Gruumsh and Corellon shudder and collapse into themselves, melting back into the pool of sludge.

The meaty walls suddenly begin to quiver. A low and all-encompassing hum seems to vibrate every bone in the heroes’ bodies. The floor shifts beneath them, and they know that Ityak-Ortheel has changed position.

The Beast is awakening.


Zenithral Wis save DC 18 - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Alalla Wis save DC 18 - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Zenithral perception check DC 17 - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

May 16, 2021 4:09 pm
"Move!" Alalla sprints in the direction they came. Just before she reaches the point where she would have to crawl, she dives, hoping to use her momentum to slide some of the way.


Athletics (grossest slip'n'slide) - (1d20+11)

(13) + 11 = 24

May 16, 2021 6:39 pm
Worming their way through the Beast’s innards as quickly as they can, the three companions find most of the passages wider than their first time through. They make good time, with Fluphy leading them, but the hum only seems to build. In minutes they reach the hard ledge above the mouth orifice, and find that the long mouth has retracted.
May 16, 2021 6:39 pm
Halla doesn’t hesitate. She immediately sprouts feathers and turns into a giant eagle. She snatches Alalla and Zenithral in her oversized talons dives out of the Beast’s mouth...

...and into chaos.

The chasme have taken to the air, maximizing their drone in an attempt to soothe Ityak-Ortheel.

The next moments are a blur as Halla swoops through the air, surrounded by an impossible number of chasme. She is far faster and more agile than the awkward fly-demons, and all seem too distracted to give chase. Wings flapping furiously for elevation, she carries Zenithral and Alalla up through the Pit.

Behind them comes an awful, trumpeting roar that can only have come from Ityak-Ortheel. But while it starts out powerful, the sound dies away oddly. Perhaps the chasme have succeeded in tranquilizing the Beast.

But the heroes are not out of the Pit yet.

With 5 miles to fly straight up, and with webs and spiders to avoid, Halla’s flying skills are put to the test. Her wings pump continuously to climb through the air, then tuck in close as she whirls between strands of web. Every feather straining for lift, she soon begins to tire. But looking up the companions can see light at the top of the tunnel. Not ready to give up with the end in sight, Halla gives it her all.

When they finally burst from the top of the Pit, Halla barely lands before turning back to her human self, trembling and covered in sweat. But despite the exhaustion her yellow eyes shine with satisfaction.
May 16, 2021 6:39 pm
Erevain and the others are right where they were before, standing anxiously while surrounded by monstrous spiders. Nym is nowhere to be seen, but the two drow women who brought them to this place are nearby.
May 16, 2021 6:40 pm
Erevain rushes forward to embrace Alalla. "Thank Torm! Not that I doubted, but… I am relieved to not be left a single father!"
May 16, 2021 6:41 pm
"Good!" One of the women claps her hands together. "The deed is done then. And you even managed to survive, all three of you. The Spider Queen wishes you all gone from this place."

The other demonic drow smiles, showing off perfect white teeth. "Farewell!"
May 16, 2021 6:42 pm
Another disorienting experience later, and the party finds itself once more stranded in the Abyss. As Halla wearily prepares to planeshift the party to Kuldahar, twisted forms close in on the group.

Just before the druid finishes her spell, a beam of light slams down before the party, heralding the arrival of a powerful celestial.
May 16, 2021 6:42 pm
Thaistius does not bother to glance at the approaching demons. "You have It? Good." He utters a holy word, and yet again the party is yanked to another plane.
May 16, 2021 6:42 pm
Alalla recognizes Trueheart, the heavenly home of Torm. The grand pillars throughout the white chamber are clean and blank, as though waiting for new murals to be painted upon them. The god himself stands with two others. One is of giant stature, heavily muscled and bearing a full white beard. One of his arms ends in a stump. This must be Tyr, the Maimed God.

The third figure… The middle-aged man slumps in his rags. His ribs are stand out starkly from his underfed frame, and he is covered in dozens of small, bleeding wounds. Ilmater’s balding head lifts to regard the newcomers, and his eyes fall on Zenithral. Despite the god’s forsaken appearance, there is strength and *goodness* that radiates from his expression. He says nothing, but smiles in approval at his aasimar.
May 16, 2021 6:43 pm
Torm’s eternal voice fills the columned room. "Greetings, Heroes of the Triad. You have accomplished something thought impossible for millenia, and the heavens rejoice for your bravery."
May 16, 2021 6:44 pm
Aribeth flinches. She opens her mouth to speak. "But I accomplished nothing! I-"

Fenthick coughs lightly and puts a hand on her shoulder, quieting her.

Tyr chuckles.
May 16, 2021 6:48 pm
Torm continues as though the interruption never were. "We have concluded our negotiations with Gruumsh. He has agreed to relinquish his hold over the orcish peoples on the condition that he lose the coming trial of combat. If he wins…" his visor turns to Alalla. "You have what he desires.

Gruumsh is one of the more powerful gods of the cosmos. Even mighty Tyr would not best him in a conventional duel. Yet the One-Eyed God has agreed to fight the three of us at once. Gruumsh against the Triad.

It has also been agreed upon that the trial of combat shall include allusive proxies." Torm shakes his head. "It may be difficult to understand, but as we deities battle above, so shall our avatars battle below. The outcome of one will be the outcome of the other." Despite the gravity of the discussion, Torm seems to smile. "We gods and our symbolisms."

The Loyal Fury steps forward. "Lady Alalla Blacksheaf Thur’kafaz, you will be my proxy."

Alalla levels up
May 16, 2021 6:48 pm
Ilmater shuffles forward. "Zenithral Liadon Melerelel. You… will be my proxy."

Zenithral levels up
May 16, 2021 6:49 pm
Tyr strides forward. "Aribeth de Tylmarande, you will be my proxy."

Aribeth levels up
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