Apr 13, 2020 8:29 pm
Okay not sure what you mean by leaving out one form of artillery makes a game incomplete -- as I outlined there were at least 4 conceptual items (and perhaps more) that were left out of the current guidelines that exist within Official Canon but sure you can call something only partially done to be complete by redefining what means to be complete -- I am sure if someone built a house without installing windows that they could use your definition to say that the house was complete since the windows are not essential to make it a house but I highly doubt anyone would be willing to buy it for about the same price as a house that had installed windows -- so by my definition that house is incomplete but still usable by your definition that house is a completed house -- so IMO no pixeling going on here at all (btw name calling does not change the facts) it either covers all the established cannon or it does not plain and simple -- and I end my conversation with that since you all seem hell bent on going on with having the incomplete be called complete --- of course none of you nay-sayers are even the original poster so go figure and in the end its their game not yours to run and if they choose to run it great but at least they will be fully aware of the potential issues with the current guidelines stand and can go forward with doing what they feel is correct for them and not necessarily what any one else says for or against
Last edited Apr 13, 2020 10:07 pm