Anyone interested in trying out Shadowrun 6E?

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Apr 13, 2020 8:29 pm
Okay not sure what you mean by leaving out one form of artillery makes a game incomplete -- as I outlined there were at least 4 conceptual items (and perhaps more) that were left out of the current guidelines that exist within Official Canon but sure you can call something only partially done to be complete by redefining what means to be complete -- I am sure if someone built a house without installing windows that they could use your definition to say that the house was complete since the windows are not essential to make it a house but I highly doubt anyone would be willing to buy it for about the same price as a house that had installed windows -- so by my definition that house is incomplete but still usable by your definition that house is a completed house -- so IMO no pixeling going on here at all (btw name calling does not change the facts) it either covers all the established cannon or it does not plain and simple -- and I end my conversation with that since you all seem hell bent on going on with having the incomplete be called complete --- of course none of you nay-sayers are even the original poster so go figure and in the end its their game not yours to run and if they choose to run it great but at least they will be fully aware of the potential issues with the current guidelines stand and can go forward with doing what they feel is correct for them and not necessarily what any one else says for or against
Last edited Apr 13, 2020 10:07 pm
Apr 13, 2020 8:32 pm
He was making fun of your inability to tell the difference between canon and cannon, much like your inability to tell the difference between system and setting. But please, word at us more so we know how well you word and maybe we'll start to believe that your ability to word a lot means you could possibly be right.
Apr 13, 2020 8:33 pm
I asked about artillery because you keep talking about the missing cannon. Can't you use weapons other than cannons in Shadowrun?
Apr 13, 2020 8:40 pm
This started as an interest thread. It does not need to end as a derailed debate on the merits of a game, and no one needs to give their "last word" on the matter.

If you're not interested in playing Shadowrun 6E with kadeton, you can move on. If you are interested, let them know and enjoy their game.
Apr 13, 2020 11:32 pm
Kadeton, I think the best would be for you to experiment it by yourself. There is no system that will please everybody (as you have seen here). I was in Bedzone's game and personally liked it very much. So much that if there wasn't the covid-19, I would be running a game for my friends at home. Best advice I can give you is, whatever the system, try it yourself to see if you like it !
Apr 14, 2020 2:07 am
If you need a fourth, Kadeton, I volunteer as tribute. While the starter set was a hot mess of poor editing, I am not so familiar with any one prior edition that I'd be comparing them.

As always, I'm in a lot of games, so take others before me; I don't want to hog all the shinies.
Apr 14, 2020 3:21 am
I'm interested. I know 4e better, but I have the 6e book and it looks cool. I don't mind what others say about it, I would like to try it out and form my opinion thanks.
Apr 14, 2020 5:01 am
Note folks -- please do not get me wrong -- while I feel the current guidelines are incomplete that does not mean its a bad system -- never said that as I do not believe that -- so you can have fun with this version as is or you can augment it to fill any gaps that you feel might be there -- totally up to your GM/ST
Apr 14, 2020 8:36 am
My comment on this is that it would be inaccurate to say that 6e is an incomplete version of 5e, because comparing one 6e core rulebook (plus 2-3 new expansions), with what I have on my current shelf for 5e (which numbers about 30 books), just means 6e will need the equivalent or more just to rival 5e's sheer volume. 27 missing books before we can call it complete compared to 5e? That's a tall order, and unfair.

I ran 6e exactly for what it contained. It was messy (but cleaner than 5e) but fun. My original intention was to trial it, and all my players agreed with that purpose in mind. I encourage everyone to give it a go so that they can have as much fun as we did, and you can form your own judgements about the viability of 6e. It still strongly contains all the core elements and flavour of Shadowrun, no mistake there.

If Kadeton doesn't mind, I'm happy to lurk or play or chip in with comments (hopefully without being a nuisance).
Last edited Apr 14, 2020 8:40 am
Apr 14, 2020 3:13 pm
I would not say its unfair I just stated the shear obviousness -- based on what was and now is -- so yes that is another reason that it is currently rather incomplete -- as there is a lot of material that they have not covered in SR6e that currently exists conceptually in this fictional world of Shadowrun -- sure if you know next to nothing about the Shadowrun world you will not be missing a thing -- but for those who have explored the world in more detail you are simply left wanting and/or asking so how do I do this or that. Again I never said it was bad just missing conceptual elements in fact I think overall its a great improvement from what was and I look forward to them fleshing it out with more detail with their future releases but as you pointed out 1 SR6e Source Book versus 7 SR5e Source Books does make quite a bit of difference but they are on what appears to be a pretty solid starting point

I have seen an interesting trend though where these kind of companies elicit what appears to be pre-orders and grants to cover the expenses of producing a finished product before they commit to the product so that may be the path many others will take eventually.
Last edited Apr 14, 2020 3:16 pm
Apr 14, 2020 3:21 pm
Last warning. Make your own thread if you wish to continue the off-topic discussion.
Apr 14, 2020 3:33 pm
BedzoneII says:
If Kadeton doesn't mind, I'm happy to lurk or play or chip in with comments (hopefully without being a nuisance).
I'll second this. I can't take on another game atm, but I'd like to watch to see what happens and answer questions if needed, and who knows, maybe a while from now I'll have room.
Apr 15, 2020 6:30 am
Thanks everyone! It looks like we've got five players from this thread, so I've invited them to the game. (It's set up as a "Custom" game since Shadowrun 6E currently isn't supported by GP.) I've also got a backup player if anyone's circumstances change and they need to drop out.

For those who wanted to be lurkers, you can find the game at
Apr 15, 2020 1:47 pm
Quick tip, the 5e character sheet on GP also works for 6e if it helps. Hope you chummers have a blast!
Last edited Apr 15, 2020 1:47 pm

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