Apr 16, 2020 3:01 pm
The myth, as it was known throughout the nine lands, was this: Millenia ago, when the world was at its end, the celestials built a great dungeon. Within it, they imprisoned undead, demonic beasts, and fiendish monstrosities. Under their watchful eye, they remained imprisoned while the world healed. Perfect in every detail, the prison would stand inviolate for eternity, protecting the world from its darkest foes.
But time is eternal too, and it passed over even the celestials. The world forgot its heroes. History forgot how much time had passed, and the earth slept as races rose and fell. But one thing is certain: the earth is an unforgiving mistress and her power cannot be held back. Even the perfect prison in time succumbed to her ravages. But all this is just myth.
Now, Queen Laurentien, monarch of the Ninth Kingdom - Stalasokalven searches her realm and others for those brave enough to explore why her kingdom is increasingly beset by ever more dangerous creatures. If you wish to answer her call, apply below. She'll select the first four adventurers that catch her eye.
Why tho? Recently I was wondering what else I could run that wouldn't take up a huge amount of prep time, and then I realized I had this book from a decades ago....
Approved races/classes: ANY d&d 3.5 non-3rd-party non-monstrous races and player classes. To put this another way, I don't really care, but I'd rather you not have relatives in the dungeon.
Starting level: 1 (this means if you really want to play that race with an LA, you're going to take negs to pretty much everything until you catch up.
Special notes: You're going to be in a dungeon. If you're a caster, that means you get to learn the spells you run across. There's no spell stall to go buy them from. More than a couple casters will be problematic because there might not be enough to go around. You may also be able to learn spells you normally couldn't. However, any spells will use their own class' ability, so if you're a wizard and want to learn divine spells, you may want a good WIS score too.
Oh yes, Summoning: No.
But time is eternal too, and it passed over even the celestials. The world forgot its heroes. History forgot how much time had passed, and the earth slept as races rose and fell. But one thing is certain: the earth is an unforgiving mistress and her power cannot be held back. Even the perfect prison in time succumbed to her ravages. But all this is just myth.
Now, Queen Laurentien, monarch of the Ninth Kingdom - Stalasokalven searches her realm and others for those brave enough to explore why her kingdom is increasingly beset by ever more dangerous creatures. If you wish to answer her call, apply below. She'll select the first four adventurers that catch her eye.
Give me an application that includes race, class, and why it's interesting. If it's not interesting, I'm probably going to skip it. This is a dungeon crawl. There's not going to be a huge mysterious storyline or a lot of travel. Characters are going to take center stage here, so make them colorful.Why tho? Recently I was wondering what else I could run that wouldn't take up a huge amount of prep time, and then I realized I had this book from a decades ago....
Approved races/classes: ANY d&d 3.5 non-3rd-party non-monstrous races and player classes. To put this another way, I don't really care, but I'd rather you not have relatives in the dungeon.
Starting level: 1 (this means if you really want to play that race with an LA, you're going to take negs to pretty much everything until you catch up.
Special notes: You're going to be in a dungeon. If you're a caster, that means you get to learn the spells you run across. There's no spell stall to go buy them from. More than a couple casters will be problematic because there might not be enough to go around. You may also be able to learn spells you normally couldn't. However, any spells will use their own class' ability, so if you're a wizard and want to learn divine spells, you may want a good WIS score too.
Oh yes, Summoning: No.
Last edited Apr 16, 2020 3:23 pm