Anyone here ever play Invisible Sun?

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May 30, 2020 12:02 am
I just recently got the Black Cube in the mail, and I’ve been ogling all of its contents. It seems like a very interesting game. Has anyone on GP ever run or played Invisible Sun, either online or IRL? What did you think of it? I’m hoping it was worth the money (it was NOT cheap). Once I feel comfortable with my grasp of the material, it might be fun to try running Invisible Sun on Gamers Plane, though players wouldn’t have the luxury of enjoying all of the props (which are definitely part of the experience).
Last edited May 30, 2020 12:05 am
May 30, 2020 12:37 am
I nearly joined a PbP game of Invisible Sun on a different site. I read through some of the digital material the GM loaned us.

It's super interesting, but as someone new to it, I found it intimidating. In DnD or something, unless you've got a clear vision of a character, you can say "Yeah, so he's a fighter, he used to be in an underground crime syndicate, he gave it up when he had a kid and now he's on the run and trying to earn his place in the world. Done, let's move on." With IS, it feels like unless you really try to have a fully created character you're not doing it justice (and while I didn't read all the way through it, you're supposed to have a full arc planned at character creation).

My plate is awfully full right now with work/school/family/other games, but if you GM a game, I'd be interested. I should be able to give it my full attention as long as you start in mid-July or so.


May 30, 2020 2:35 am
Invisible Sun sounds so awesome. That box is such a badass gaming artifact. Enjoy!!!

I wish I could say I've played it. Ive listened to a few interviews with Monte Cook and others who sold me on the experience. I really like the development mode and wonder how that runs in pbp.
Last edited May 31, 2020 11:51 pm
May 31, 2020 5:18 pm
I’ve talked to a few people who have tried to run Invisible Sun over PbP. One guy said that he ended up scanning a lot of the props and materials for the players. He’d draw cards for the players when cards were needed. It didn’t sound too bad. The main issue is finding people who also have access to the same game materials. There are no free quickstarts, and I don’t expect people to pay stupid amounts of money for the PDFs.
Last edited Jun 1, 2020 3:49 am
May 31, 2020 10:04 pm
Forgive the rookie question, but what is Invisible Sun?
May 31, 2020 10:07 pm
Scroll up to the top. They posted pictures. But it is a RPG put out my Monte Cook Games that MCG was super proud of.
May 31, 2020 10:51 pm
*A lot of this could be wrong, it's going off my sketch memory*
The gist of Invisible Sun is this: the universe and it's dimensions are lit by...I think 12 subs. The one that lights our world is the Shadow Sun, I think? In essence, this isn't the real world. In the Real world, magic is real, everyone can use it to an extent, and most can travel from dimension to dimension, each of which is lit by a different color sun, and has different themes to them. In what I had read, it feels like Surrealism: the Tabletop RPG.

It's saturated creativity, and it's quite strange, and more than a little pretentious, but from what I understand it can back it up. It's a little infamous because the box that OP received is something like $500 or something crazy, but slammed with fun stuff, great writing, and high production quality.

It's worth a look into some reviews, it sounds fascinating.
Jun 1, 2020 12:35 pm
I really really wanted to get it, but shipping was going to cost the same as the product itself. Hope it is as interesting as I imagine it to be!
Jun 1, 2020 2:38 pm
Don't they have a digital set of PDFs to use? That's what I was glancing through back when I looked at it.
Jun 1, 2020 2:53 pm
It's a fun but very different game. Played in face to face and online.
Jun 1, 2020 3:28 pm
I had never even heard of this game until now but it sounds very fun.
Jun 1, 2020 3:35 pm
skeptical_stun says:
Don't they have a digital set of PDFs to use? That's what I was glancing through back when I looked at it.
They do have PDFs, but they aren't free. They're like $100 for the set. A while back a bunch of us got them because they were on sale for like $20
Jun 1, 2020 3:38 pm
I'm surprised your game came with a sex toy... :P
Jun 1, 2020 5:48 pm
The game is surreal fantasy that uses a variation of the Cypher System. And as someone said, the PDFs unfortunately aren’t cheap. Even the QuickStart is around $20, I think.
Jun 1, 2020 7:46 pm
While it's similar to Cypher it's d10 based vs 1d20. Also even experience progression is different more akin to 7th Sea. In the three short arc campaigns I played I thought it was fun.
Jul 2, 2020 3:27 pm
The digital version of the The Black Cube is currently on sale via Humble Bundle for $25.

I own the physical black cube, and I've very much wanted to play it, but its a game that rewards commitment. Most the irl folks I game with fall in the category of "casual gamers".
Jul 8, 2020 9:42 pm
Friar_Tuk says:
The digital version of the The Black Cube is currently on sale via Humble Bundle for $25.

I own the physical black cube, and I've very much wanted to play it, but its a game that rewards commitment. Most the irl folks I game with fall in the category of "casual gamers".
Yeah I just bough that! I wanted digital PDFs for my books but didn’t want to shell out $99 on top of what I’d already paid for the Black Cube. That sale is definitely worth it.

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