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Jun 16, 2020 6:46 pm
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Last edited Jun 17, 2020 3:59 am
Jun 16, 2020 6:52 pm
Your Name: Gene Cortess
Character Name: Shargon
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Background: Outlander
Backstory: Hot Head female warrior. Takes life hard. Just a warrior type recruited in. That or go to prison for the damages at the bar.
What Do You See As Your Character's Arc Throughout the Story?: She is looking for a place to fit in.
What Do You Want Out Of This Game?: Action.
Last edited Jun 16, 2020 7:42 pm
Jun 16, 2020 7:06 pm
Uhh yes, really want to try and run this at some point, so could be cool to play it first.

Your Name: Sassafras (I guess you don’t want my actual name?)
Character Name: Amnon
Race: Tiefling
Class: Rogue
Background: Street Urchin
Backstory (Four sentences/one paragraph): He was left outside a church, the priest raised him. When the priest was violently killed, Amnon turned to a life of crime on the streets. He’s glib and sarcastic which masks the pain of being abandoned.
What Do You See As Your Character's Arc Throughout the Story?: Ambon knows nothing of his past and wants to find out where he comes from. He also wants to find the killer of the priest.
What Do You Want Out Of This Game?: A good blend of action and RP
Last edited Jun 16, 2020 7:07 pm
Jun 16, 2020 7:14 pm
I've been dying to play this one since it came out.

Your Name: DarkReaver1998
Character Name: Sargera (Also goes by Harmony)
Race: Tiefling
Class: Cleric
Background: Acolyte
Backstory (Four sentences/one paragraph): The cursed child of a noble whose name she never learned, Sargera was given to the church (haven't decided which one) and spent her life learning to love the gods and hate her own heritage. She is a devout and caring woman, and is willing to walk through the fires of hell itself to confront the side of herself that cost her a normal childhood. (Totally willing to work on a shared backstory *looks at Sassafras*)
What do you see as your Character's Arc throughout the Story?: Sargera needs to learn to accept the side of her that defines how others perceive her.
What do you want out of this Game?: Action and RP, with a heavier leaning on the RP side.
Jun 16, 2020 7:32 pm
Your Name: To be determened
Character Name: Runekyndig
Race: Half orc
Class: Blood hunter
Background: I want to do a detective, perhaps this one ?
Backstory (Four sentences/one paragraph): Private detective who early cases led him down a dark road. Now he works with a bloodhunter order
What Do You See As Your Character's Arc Throughout the Story?: He wants to be a good guy, but is forced down a dark path
What Do You Want Out Of This Game?: A good blend of action, RP, and choices with no right (read lawfull good) solutions
[ +- ] image

Your Name: To be determined
Character Name: Runekyndig
Race: Asimar
Class: Paladin
Background: I want to do a detective, perhaps this one ?
Backstory (Four sentences/one paragraph): Agree with the idea of her paladin order, but don't have a temper for politics. If people come to her with a problem, she will solve the case
What Do You See As Your Character's Arc Throughout the Story?: Learning to handle her temper dealing with her Angelic Guide
What Do You Want Out Of This Game?: A good blend of action, RP with her Angelic Guide, and choices with no right (read lawfull good) solutions
[ +- ] image
No matter what, I will use Xanathar's Guide to Everything - Life events to fleash out the final character, pages 61-73.
Last edited Jun 16, 2020 7:38 pm
Jun 16, 2020 8:19 pm
Your Name: skeptical_stun
Character Name: To be decided
Race: Forest Gnome
Class: Wizard (likely Illusion subclass)
Background: Sage
Backstory (Four sentences/one paragraph): My character is a professor at an academy of magic. He originally began studying magic to find a way to rescue his mother, who was taken by a demonic being after his father broke a pact with it. His father disappeared after this occurred, but never stopped meddling with powerful forces. (Like a DnD riff on Dante's Inferno)
What Do You See As Your Character's Arc Throughout the Story?: Find a way to either rescue his mother or let go of her memory, and face his father or forget him.
What Do You Want Out Of This Game?: Fun RP, some interesting fights/puzzles to solve, and some Illusion-based shenanigans, as I almost always play martial characters

I can flesh things out more, just wanted to get a good response in. I've really been wanted to play this one.
Last edited Jun 16, 2020 10:37 pm
Jun 16, 2020 10:14 pm
Your Name: HeroAmongMen
Character Name: Baelor "Bobby" Draper
Race: Fierna Tiefling
Class: Fighter (Samurai)
Background: Outlander
Backstory (Four sentences/one paragraph): Bobby was born to two human parents, who loved her deeply, but otherwise she was rejected by society. After growing in years, she became a member of a local militia in a newly colonized region. She is tough as nails, has some command potential, and believes in her settlement. She discovered some foul play with the leadership of her settlement, and decided to leave to find some people willing to help her, or to find resources to aid in her being able to oust the leadership someday. She knows connections, artifacts, and money can help her save her home.
What Do You See As Your Character's Arc Throughout the story: Finding means to save her home from being "destroyed" by those she previously trusted to rule
What Do You Want Out Of This Game? fun, regular posting and story progression
Last edited Jun 16, 2020 10:16 pm
Jun 17, 2020 12:13 am
Fair warning: I’m fairly new to Forgotten Realms, so this will heavily be our own homebrew version Faerun. I make no promises to be beholden to existing lore. 😁
Jun 17, 2020 12:29 am
Winks. Still interested. And have the character 75% done.
Last edited Jun 17, 2020 12:31 am
Jun 17, 2020 3:58 am
Well that went fast. I'm keeping this to a small group, and if you've applied please know I'll keep your application in line incase we have people drop out before we start. Thanks for the applications everyone. :)

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