Interest Check: Dwimmermount PBP

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Jun 22, 2020 5:14 pm
I'm currently running a live game of Dwimmermount, about 18 months old at this point, and would like to run a PBP as well, if there's a few interested players out there. This adventure uses any OSR game; I'm running it with Basic Fantasy (free to download), a few house rules, and the Dungeon Grappling rules.

If you're interested, let me know what characters and races especially interest you. I'm using the core rules only and no multi-classes. So, as you may surmise, the starting classes are the basic 4: fighter, thief, cleric and magic-user. Races are human, elf and dwarf. The majority of the party should be human, with elves being the most uncommon.

Dwimmermount is a mega-dungeon adventure, with players being free to wander as they wish, both within the dungeon and among the wilds of the surrounding wilderness. As game-play progresses, I'll share image maps your PCs create of the explored environment. In addition to the geographical exploration, it is likely your characters will uncover a great deal of lost knowledge, which will answer much of the mystery enveloping the darkened halls of this mountain. One of the starting threads will be initial maps and background, and as you uncover more forgotten lore, I'll add to this thread.

So ... if you're game, please reply and let me know!
Jun 22, 2020 5:22 pm
Cool! I'm stretched to my max currently, but I do like BFRPG.
Jun 22, 2020 5:38 pm
This sounds like a lot of fun. I have the free Basic Fantasy pdf but haven’t read through it yet. But as soon I have I could roll up a character. I prefer to play humans and would be comfortable playing a fighter or cleric.
Jun 22, 2020 6:02 pm
Sorry .. I should have mentioned posting frequency. How about 5X a week?

And, as far as number of players .. about 6 or 8 would be ideal, but i'll run the game with as few as 3.
Jun 22, 2020 11:31 pm
I'm up for it. Interested on playing human magi-user. Posting 5x a week is ok for me.
Jun 23, 2020 11:53 am
Hi Wulfnor, thanks for posting this. Looks like we have enough players to get started. To keep things simple, I'd prefer to only use the class options in the Basic Fantasy core book, minus multi-classing.

I'll start a game forum this evening and start sending out the invites. I'll also post character creation (am thinking 3d6 x7, keep the highest 6 and arrange how you like), background info, and we'll get things underway.

Thanks again all.
Jun 23, 2020 3:13 pm
wulfnor says:
As it looks like we will be using this site's blank custom sheet. So what I like to do for games like this that this site doesn't have a CS for the more obscure Rules systems. If to use the Snipping Tool to capture a image of the blank CS I want to use and c&p it to 'Paint', like the CS in the image below. Fill it out using the programs 'Text' feature. Then copy that to your Imgur or similar account so you can give it a URL so you can post it in your PC's Custom sheet that you will have for this game.
Want me to make a google spreadsheet file for this? It is easier to access and can be filled and edited easier too.
Last edited Jun 23, 2020 3:13 pm
Jun 23, 2020 3:36 pm
BusterBluth says:
Hi Wulfnor, thanks for posting this. Looks like we have enough players to get started. To keep things simple, I'd prefer to only use the class options in the Basic Fantasy core book, minus multi-classing.
Then I guess Fenix the Fox, the Halfling Thief it is then! He is originally from Adamas and had a misunderstanding with the Thieves Guild there. Which he had been a former member of.
kenesperanza says:
Want me to make a google spreadsheet file for this? It is easier to access and can be filled and edited easier too.
Whatever works for you. The method I use is just fine for me.
Last edited Jun 23, 2020 7:07 pm
Jun 23, 2020 5:07 pm
Hi. If you all still need a player I would like to join up. I'm familiar with BFRPG and even own the physical books because I'm a sucker for print. :)
Jun 23, 2020 5:30 pm
Yeah, we're still openly recruiting. I'll get you an invite later this evening.
Jun 23, 2020 5:33 pm
Ok! That's great. Thanks.
Jun 23, 2020 8:15 pm
So if I'm keeping score correctly that would mean:

Wulfnor as Fenix the Halfling Thief
kenesperanza as a human magic-user

Dream.knight, did you have a preference for cleric or fighter? These are my two go to classes for fantasy so I am happy filling either role.
Last edited Jun 23, 2020 8:15 pm
Jun 23, 2020 8:19 pm
I'd take a spot if there is still room
Jun 23, 2020 8:21 pm
Hi! Im fine with either as well. Are we rolling in the game forums, or on our own?

If I had my say I would lean towards dwarven or elven Fighter. But again, Im really flexible. Im just happy to play.
Last edited Jun 23, 2020 8:25 pm
Jun 23, 2020 9:38 pm
Cool. I'll go with a Human Cleric then. I'm looking forward playing with everyone.
Jun 23, 2020 10:52 pm
I've sent out an invite to everyone that's replied so far here for the new game thread. Am updating this evening. Please post your character creation results to the thread there. if more folks want to play, I'll send an invite tomorrow.

It would be great fun to have a party of 6 or 8. but, if we don't get more players, I'm sure you can hire down-on-their-luck retainers to give you a hand with exploration.
Jun 23, 2020 11:56 pm
Hi. Where are these invites to be found?
Jun 24, 2020 12:00 am
I found it. Had to look under the Games tab up top.
Jun 24, 2020 12:30 am
I see where you've posted, dream.knight. guess you got it figured out?
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