Hello from a new member

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Mar 17, 2016 7:04 pm
Hey folks,

I heard about this site while looking into the Cypher RPG system. I'm hoping to start up a game using that system in the next couple of weeks. I'm thinking something that mashes modern occult (a la Supernatural, Silent Hill, Charmed, The Magicians, etc.) with spy thriller (a la Alias, Nikita, Burn Notice, Limitless, etc). I've played a lot of the old school World of Darkness (but, strangely, no Faerie) and I've played every iteration of D&D except 5th (although hopefully that will get some playtime soon).

I've played some play-by-post style using forums, Storium, Yahoo Groups. I've had some fun with them, but not found any that lasted long. From what I've heard on an interview of "Rom" on the the (tabletop talk?) podcast this community seems to have some vitality to it. Hope to start playing with y'all soon!
Mar 17, 2016 7:11 pm
Welcome to the site, I'd check out The Strange also since it sounds like it make fall into the feel or setting you're looking into.
Mar 17, 2016 7:21 pm
Originally I was looking at The Strange, but in the end I only had enough scratch for one book so I went with Cypher. Partly because it's a little more generic, and partly because it has that "speaker" "class". I imagine though that I will be picking it (and Numenera) up as time goes on.
Mar 17, 2016 8:24 pm
Welcome! I'm also a forum newb but I've already found a ton of games.

Hope you get into something fun soon!
Mar 17, 2016 8:38 pm
Welcome! I've enjoyed the little bit of Numenera I've played, but that's been my only exposure to the system so far.

Popular game systems like D&D5, Pathfinder and Numenera seem to come in waves on this site, perhaps because there are more players than slots available for the first game, and so then players who couldn't get in start their own game to make up for it. That, or in my case, I get into a game, play it for a while, and enjoy it so much that I start up a game of my own so I can play it some more.

The site is also a great outlet for playing lesser-known games; I've been able to play several systems that I would probably have never got to the table in real life.
Mar 17, 2016 8:45 pm
Welcome Volimance! I am very proud of the community that's built up here, though I can't take much credit for it. I built the tools, the people on the site did the work. Glad to have you on board, specially as a GM! Every play-by-post site needs more GMs!

Right now, I don't have Cypher built in, but I know some games are taking place using Numanera. I will be adding Cypher as its own soon.
Mar 17, 2016 9:00 pm
Oh yeah, I just bought the Numenera core from the DriveThruRPG sale and I've heard great things so I REALLY wanna dive into it!
Mar 17, 2016 9:25 pm
Weeeeeeeelcome and leeeeeeeeets get ready to !
Mar 17, 2016 10:26 pm
Hi and welcome to GP!
Mar 18, 2016 3:08 am
Wow! That was a lot more response than I expected! Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I guess I'd better start getting to work on my dang old story!
Mar 18, 2016 11:39 am
Is the GM Sale on Drivethru still going? *checks his wishlists for what's on the cheap due to payday*
Mar 18, 2016 11:46 am
Remnant says:
Is the GM Sale on Drivethru still going? *checks his wishlists for what's on the cheap due to payday*
Sorry to hijack someone's welcome thread, but if you're hitting up DTRPG, remember that someone here *cough*your kindly host*cough* has a DTRPG referral link!
Mar 18, 2016 4:33 pm
Volimance says:
Wow! That was a lot more response than I expected! Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I guess I'd better start getting to work on my dang old story!
Welcome! Everyone I've spoken with thus far has been pretty awesome. They're a pretty good crew!
Mar 18, 2016 4:35 pm
Welcome, friend!
Mar 18, 2016 4:44 pm
Welcome Volimance. I ran a game of The Strange here over the past year or so and it went well. I've also played a couple games of Numenera. Great system, the Cypher systems are.

I'm also running The Strange IRL, along with a Changeling: The Lost game. I, too, have played tons of WoD games.

Anyway, welcome to GP!
Last edited March 18, 2016 4:44 pm
Mar 18, 2016 7:36 pm
Welcome aboard!!

I'd ask about the story behind that avatar but I'm afraid you'd tell us. :-)
Mar 19, 2016 1:14 am
So nice to meet so many of you! I'm getting kinda excited about playing here. So yeah, I definitely want to play as a game master. I've been playing games since the early 90s, and almost always as a player. I've run a few games, but have run into the whole "Geez I'm a grownup now, and my work and family life has made gaming impossible" thing. It's going to be a while before I can start running a Cypher game, but I'm thinking I'm going to start another game soon. In fact I'm going to work on it now and post it in the games section. (I'm kinda chomping at the bit) I've just been a bit under the weather today. And... a bit under the Daredevil season 2 if I'm honest >;)
Mar 19, 2016 1:14 am
Oh, and the avatar? That's me, mid shave.
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