Jul 19, 2020 7:11 am
Hey all. I'm currently wrapping up a campaign I've been running for a while, and one of the games I play in is coming to a conclusion as well. This has opened up a lot more free time than I usually have doing PbPs.
I haven't had a lot of luck signing up for new games as a player lately, as the last four or five games I joined resulted in the GM abandoning their game. I've decided to take a break from joining anything new for a while, but I would like to run a game of D&D 5e.
I've been playing and running different games since I was a little kid, and while I currently run a game of B/X D&D irl one day a week, and am a player of 5e one day a week, I'm pretty new to 5e (I have maybe 6-8 hours as a player, and have read, or at least familiarized myself with the three core books).
With that in mind, I would like to give DMing a spin, and would prefer to start with PbP before trying my luck irl. For that reason, rather than making my own campaign, or using one of the heavier prewritten adventure modules for the game, I think I'll start with something smaller and easier for players and DMs to wrap their head around. Lost Mine of Phandelver immediately comes to mind.
Lost Mine of Phandelver is a pre-written adventure module which comes with the D&D 5e Starter Set with the intent of teaching both players and DMs how to play 5e. It is made for 4-5 PCs starting at Level 1, and by the end of the adventure the PCs should be around Level 4, approaching Level 5. The module generally gets favorable reviews.
This game would be open to anyone, no experience with 5e necessary. That being said please remember that my DMing experience using the 5e rules is pretty much non-existent as well, so this is an opportunity for me to learn what I'm doing, and how to run a game, though with the slower pacing of PbP allowing me to check the notes and books more often without interrupting pacing, I'm confident we won't experience too many glitches or hangups.
I am looking to run the game at a speed of 1 post per day. Obviously life happens, which is why many of us are using the PbP format, so I understand if players miss a day or two each week. So really, I'm looking for 1 post a day per player pacing, but expecting a game of about five posts a week per player.
As far as character creation goes, instead of randomly rolling Ability scores, we'll just use the simple and speedy allotment of the scores 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15 before Ability Modifiers are applied for Race/Class, as per Page 13 of the PHB.
Any Race and Class available in the PHB is available to play. Nothing homebrewed or 3rd Party. I don't have a legal copy of Zelligar's book, so we won't be applying anything from that book to character creation. Again, these will be characters straight out of the PHB only.
Obviously, if you have played/read through Lost Mines of Phandelver, I'd ask you refrain from applying so as to avoid metagaming and spoiling the experience for others.
I'm hoping to get about 4-5 players for this campaign.
I haven't had a lot of luck signing up for new games as a player lately, as the last four or five games I joined resulted in the GM abandoning their game. I've decided to take a break from joining anything new for a while, but I would like to run a game of D&D 5e.
I've been playing and running different games since I was a little kid, and while I currently run a game of B/X D&D irl one day a week, and am a player of 5e one day a week, I'm pretty new to 5e (I have maybe 6-8 hours as a player, and have read, or at least familiarized myself with the three core books).
With that in mind, I would like to give DMing a spin, and would prefer to start with PbP before trying my luck irl. For that reason, rather than making my own campaign, or using one of the heavier prewritten adventure modules for the game, I think I'll start with something smaller and easier for players and DMs to wrap their head around. Lost Mine of Phandelver immediately comes to mind.
Lost Mine of Phandelver is a pre-written adventure module which comes with the D&D 5e Starter Set with the intent of teaching both players and DMs how to play 5e. It is made for 4-5 PCs starting at Level 1, and by the end of the adventure the PCs should be around Level 4, approaching Level 5. The module generally gets favorable reviews.
This game would be open to anyone, no experience with 5e necessary. That being said please remember that my DMing experience using the 5e rules is pretty much non-existent as well, so this is an opportunity for me to learn what I'm doing, and how to run a game, though with the slower pacing of PbP allowing me to check the notes and books more often without interrupting pacing, I'm confident we won't experience too many glitches or hangups.
I am looking to run the game at a speed of 1 post per day. Obviously life happens, which is why many of us are using the PbP format, so I understand if players miss a day or two each week. So really, I'm looking for 1 post a day per player pacing, but expecting a game of about five posts a week per player.
As far as character creation goes, instead of randomly rolling Ability scores, we'll just use the simple and speedy allotment of the scores 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15 before Ability Modifiers are applied for Race/Class, as per Page 13 of the PHB.
Any Race and Class available in the PHB is available to play. Nothing homebrewed or 3rd Party. I don't have a legal copy of Zelligar's book, so we won't be applying anything from that book to character creation. Again, these will be characters straight out of the PHB only.
Obviously, if you have played/read through Lost Mines of Phandelver, I'd ask you refrain from applying so as to avoid metagaming and spoiling the experience for others.
I'm hoping to get about 4-5 players for this campaign.