Mar 21, 2016 6:26 pm
Recently picked up this little gem of a friendship ender at a local GameStop for about $5 after points and everything, thanks to the stars aligning perfectly and a few well placed sacrificial altars. It's been a blast to play, full of expletives between me and the waifu and death stares from the kids. For an 8 year old game, it's been a fantastic party game...we've been playing it for about 8 hours a week for the last couple of weeks, and we're still only half-way through our first game.
Anybody else in GP played this beauty? If so, do you wanna help me start up a support and counseling group for friendships and relationships lost to it?
Anybody else in GP played this beauty? If so, do you wanna help me start up a support and counseling group for friendships and relationships lost to it?