High-level Pathfinder 1e

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Aug 2, 2020 6:20 pm
Okay this is the last game I'll start for a while. Promise.

It's been pointed how it's rare high level games are reached here, so Tears, and likely others were looking for a game that started at such levels.

I've propose to run a game starting off using high-level pathfinder modules, (starting at 10) at least as skeletons, and slowly as I get used to the power level, mixing in my own homebrew. The concept is the players all know each other and are part of some group, guild, etc that goes out on missions, the modules being the missions. The exact details can be discussed when we have all our players.

There may or may not be spheres, that will be for people to decide as a group,but no other 3rd party content. (Except one specific class, every-mans unchained ninja). I use the feat tax rules, and a couple of others from unchained, some which will be up for discussion like ABP

Looking for three more spaces, as most modules (And my preferred party size) is four.


Next Game: No Spheres
1. Chunky04

Last edited August 7, 2020 9:59 pm
Aug 2, 2020 6:44 pm
Definitely interested, but I'm already in 3+ games, including 2 of yours, lol. I'll let other people have a shot first, but hit me up if you need a slot filled.
Aug 2, 2020 8:15 pm
Wow. I like to play something high level. That would be so much a change. Do count me in for that!
Aug 2, 2020 9:41 pm
I might be interested! Do you have an idea which AP you'd run?
Aug 2, 2020 10:58 pm
Meant to clear this up in the first post but forgot sorry. So in Pathfinder modules and APs are different, unlike dnd5e. So I'd be running modules which are shorter adventures, and string them together with the idea of you all being a member of a group/guild etc, as opposed to having an entire game focusing on the same goal, like in an AP.

The first module I will be using is Curse of the Riven sky.
Aug 2, 2020 11:46 pm
I am interested
Aug 2, 2020 11:52 pm
Thanx for the Headsup. Still rather interested and want to play.
Aug 3, 2020 12:05 am
Definitely interested
Aug 3, 2020 12:34 am
*waves* hey guys! This is being started as part of an exchange I requested, so yeah, the three people who get chosen will have to put up with me. For the records, I can confidently play both Spheres of Power and vanilla PF1, so yeah, I have already come up with a character concept for each: it will be up to you, the chosen people, to decide which one we'll end up going with!
Aug 3, 2020 3:32 am

What’s on the table rules wise?
Aug 3, 2020 5:26 am
I’d be interested. Actually just made a level 10 brawler for a game but didn’t get chosen to play, so I’m already in the mood for a level 10-ish game.
Aug 3, 2020 6:27 am
I too have started a character. Very similar to one I made before. It was 10th level against the giants I believe. That would be a front line fighter type.
Aug 3, 2020 9:15 am
OnceUponAnAxe says:

What’s on the table rules wise?
Unless Light has had any new ideas I'm not aware of, the plan was to make this a rather basic game: you start at level 10, you have your point buy, you have your wealth per level, etc. The only question is, again, whether or not we'll use Spheres: that is mainly up to you, the people who will join us. I mean, if none of the people who apply to join our game feel confident with that system, then naturally we won't be using it.
Last edited August 3, 2020 9:15 am
Aug 3, 2020 2:05 pm
Light knows I'm down for this if Spheres is in effect. I can't go back to vanilla PF anymore LOL

For those new to the idea of Spheres of Power, it's a 3rd party product from Drop Dead Studios, and is intended as a replacement spellcasting system. It's a talent based system that allows characters a greater degree of customization (even more so than standard PF). Want to make an awesome Necromancer - specialize in the Death sphere (and you can have zombie minions as soon as 1st level!). Want to blast like a Warlock? Destruction sphere is critical to the all-day, every day blasting. Alteration covers your shapeshifting needs (including the ability to shift into your own beasts and forms). Meanwhile, in the Might (martial) side, you can take up combat manuevers that don't actually suck past the first few levels, and there's a whole sphere dedicated to technology (want a laser crossbow? Yeah, that's doable). And Tanking is much more doable!

Unlike classic vancian casting, which tends to grow in power quadradically, Spherecasting grows more linearly, so that martial characters are not outclassed nearly as quickly. Those dreaded high level spells are no longer around (like Wish and Time Stop), although some still exist as rituals (which are clearly within the realms the GM).

The 'downside' to Spheres is that the classic Toolbox Wizard is now completely invalidated. The need to focus on a few spheres means that the versatility of wizards and other full casters is basically slaughtered. No more can a wizard sleep off the last day so they can prepare a completely different list of spells that might invalidate another member of the party. And specializing in a sphere actually means something, rather than a spare spell slot and a few minor powers.

Spheres is not for everyone - please consult your local spheres geek if it's right for you. (That'd likely be me lol)
Aug 3, 2020 3:22 pm
Oh look at that, the Drop Dead Studios head of PR has shown up :p
Aug 3, 2020 4:27 pm
I find the options enough making a level 10 character without having to hunt down and figure out spheres. I would rather opt not to have them if possible.
Aug 3, 2020 5:01 pm
I hate the way Pathfinder does prepared casters. Spontaneous casters don't bother me that much, but wizards are terrible. Never used Spheres of Power, but I'd be willing to give it a shot. Either way is fine with me.
Aug 3, 2020 5:10 pm
Hardly the head of DDS PR, Tears. If anything, I'm more likely the to the Lancer Liason than anything else!

Yeah, Spheres can be tough to get into. There's a lot to it. But personally, I like it over classical spell-slot casting, as it let's me build almost exactly what I have in mind.

For example, one of my crowning achievements of Spheres CharGen is my combat rigger - very much shadowrun inspired, tech-based drone commander in augmented fullplate, complete with extra robot arms to carry the tower shield and shotgun-axe. Or my totally-not-a paladin spellblade commander. Or the death knight, complete with a small squad of undead troops that are actually half-way decent (and will explode on their destruction! Haha corpse explosion!)

But I understand that not everyone is going to like it. Both from the expansive amount of content (which is much smaller than classic PF, but still a lot), and the fact that not everyone is going to like the subsystem in the first place. That said - check it out and make your own calls. Don't go entirely by the one guy around here who knows and loves it lol
Aug 3, 2020 9:07 pm
I'm superficially familiar with Spheres, so I can do with or without.

I like it on principle for its strong themes but it is indeed a steep curve first given the amount of material to ingest... I've been playing a Wraith since a couple of months, but to date I haven't had the courage to finish creating an Illusionist I started - that Sphere gave me headaches (and I never seemed to have enough talents to do a decent illusion AND other things). I'll certainly revisit it in the future.
Aug 3, 2020 10:52 pm
Well this blew up quickly. Apologies I've been stuck in a car all day which was unexpected.

Unfortunately I am hoping to keep this one only to four. What I will do however is keep a list and hopefully start another one later on. (Though already running three other games right now.), as there is definitely interest.
Aug 4, 2020 10:52 am
Out of curiosity, how did you select the players?
I'm fairly new around here, so I don't know how selection is typically done.

Good gaming!
Aug 4, 2020 4:06 pm
Ngl it was quite hard. Different people do different methods. I usually do first come first serve, but with this one as I was on the road etc, I opened to find 10 different interests in various places, and I couldn't time place all of them.

Tears obviously got a slot as this is part of an exchange. Several things went into the others, and there was at least some dice rolling.

Other method I know are people applying character concepts and the DMing picking who they think builds an interesting party. Some pick newer members. (I may have done this is there was just one newer member)

Last time I went screw it an ran two, but with the number of interest it will have been three games. Once I'm back at work (September) and have adjusted to that I will see if I have time to run more.

I am very sorry to those who didn't get in, and yeah I will bear you all in mind as first if I do something like this again.
Aug 4, 2020 6:03 pm
That's cool. I'd be very interested in this. Sorry I jumped on it right away without checking the forum. I'd be very interested in playing if you start another game.
Aug 4, 2020 8:11 pm
Blackmailing Midnight to get a spot for next run....
Aug 6, 2020 12:13 pm
Lol *thinks to do the same*
Aug 7, 2020 10:04 pm
Hey guys, so the current players are going for Sphere's, but CHunky feels its best to let someone who definitively wants to use spheres for this one, and has given up his spot, though is at the top for the next game.

So is there anyone who wants to play around with the spheres? Those who previously applied, both here and via requests will get preference.

I think I have edit the first post with everyone who showed interest...I may have missed one person who applied. If that was you just let me know. I'll also assign people to the lists after last slot is filled.

Edit: Also at Genecortess and Evecar, I would caution blackmailing the person playing the barbarian :P.
Last edited August 7, 2020 10:05 pm
Aug 7, 2020 10:08 pm
Funny to say that Midnight. the high level I was playing was Barbarian/Rogue class... I found that 5e doesn't like a DEX based barbarian and that was what I had. And yeah I can do sphere. I'm better at them now. So yeah a Barbarian is fine with me.. :).. (Puts the pressure on!)
Last edited August 7, 2020 10:09 pm
Aug 8, 2020 2:21 am
I’m still interested, though as I said before I’ve never used spheres, so if the party needs a wizard with solid system mastery I’m probably not the best fit.
Aug 9, 2020 1:38 am
I think if you want to do a wizard may be best to wait for the non-sphere game, as its the magic system that the spheres changes the most. I'll pull Gene in for this one, but will hit you and the others up for the next one. (Likely after September starts and I go back to school and get to see what workload is like. It's normally quite at the start of the academic year, but as a cover teacher, it is likley gonna be very different this year)

@Gene I more meant Isra, if the blackmailing was in response to Fajar :P. But yeah do whatever class you want.
Aug 9, 2020 4:32 pm
lol and sign me up if you can for the september game, or on standby if youd like. i also have some experience with spheres

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