High-level Pathfinder 1e

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Aug 4, 2020 10:52 am
Out of curiosity, how did you select the players?
I'm fairly new around here, so I don't know how selection is typically done.

Good gaming!
Aug 4, 2020 4:06 pm
Ngl it was quite hard. Different people do different methods. I usually do first come first serve, but with this one as I was on the road etc, I opened to find 10 different interests in various places, and I couldn't time place all of them.

Tears obviously got a slot as this is part of an exchange. Several things went into the others, and there was at least some dice rolling.

Other method I know are people applying character concepts and the DMing picking who they think builds an interesting party. Some pick newer members. (I may have done this is there was just one newer member)

Last time I went screw it an ran two, but with the number of interest it will have been three games. Once I'm back at work (September) and have adjusted to that I will see if I have time to run more.

I am very sorry to those who didn't get in, and yeah I will bear you all in mind as first if I do something like this again.
Aug 4, 2020 6:03 pm
That's cool. I'd be very interested in this. Sorry I jumped on it right away without checking the forum. I'd be very interested in playing if you start another game.
Aug 4, 2020 8:11 pm
Blackmailing Midnight to get a spot for next run....
Aug 6, 2020 12:13 pm
Lol *thinks to do the same*
Aug 7, 2020 10:04 pm
Hey guys, so the current players are going for Sphere's, but CHunky feels its best to let someone who definitively wants to use spheres for this one, and has given up his spot, though is at the top for the next game.

So is there anyone who wants to play around with the spheres? Those who previously applied, both here and via requests will get preference.

I think I have edit the first post with everyone who showed interest...I may have missed one person who applied. If that was you just let me know. I'll also assign people to the lists after last slot is filled.

Edit: Also at Genecortess and Evecar, I would caution blackmailing the person playing the barbarian :P.
Last edited Aug 7, 2020 10:05 pm
Aug 7, 2020 10:08 pm
Funny to say that Midnight. the high level I was playing was Barbarian/Rogue class... I found that 5e doesn't like a DEX based barbarian and that was what I had. And yeah I can do sphere. I'm better at them now. So yeah a Barbarian is fine with me.. :).. (Puts the pressure on!)
Last edited Aug 7, 2020 10:09 pm
Aug 8, 2020 2:21 am
I’m still interested, though as I said before I’ve never used spheres, so if the party needs a wizard with solid system mastery I’m probably not the best fit.
Aug 9, 2020 1:38 am
I think if you want to do a wizard may be best to wait for the non-sphere game, as its the magic system that the spheres changes the most. I'll pull Gene in for this one, but will hit you and the others up for the next one. (Likely after September starts and I go back to school and get to see what workload is like. It's normally quite at the start of the academic year, but as a cover teacher, it is likley gonna be very different this year)

@Gene I more meant Isra, if the blackmailing was in response to Fajar :P. But yeah do whatever class you want.
Aug 9, 2020 4:32 pm
lol and sign me up if you can for the september game, or on standby if youd like. i also have some experience with spheres

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