Aug 11, 2020 1:51 am
Hey everyone,
I'm putting the word out that I am on need of a few players for a few different games I have going on. So here be their descriptions, players needed, what will be required to make a character/concept. Just post your stuff in here and I'll nab anyone that catches my eye. It just won't be picking those that come first.
All games are 5e D&D.
I'm putting the word out that I am on need of a few players for a few different games I have going on. So here be their descriptions, players needed, what will be required to make a character/concept. Just post your stuff in here and I'll nab anyone that catches my eye. It just won't be picking those that come first.
All games are 5e D&D.
[ +- ] Heroes Emerging | Players Needed: 1
This game is based in the world of Exandria, the world created by Matt Mercer and used in Critical Role. The story takes place roughly 11-12 years after the event of the first campaign. Mainly, for now, we are playing with the Tal'dorei campaign guide, with some things coming from the one for Wildemount.
The story so far: the party is currently in Stilben, a swampy port city. The city was being ravaged by some strange plague caused by an experiment unleashed by a Myriad agent of sorts. The plague was halted, for the most part, by the party. However, just after dealing with the giant rat that was spreading the plague, the party was surrounded by the Clasp and given an ultimatum to do a job for them to clear up the fact that the party had killed a few of their members on the way to the rat. They regrouped in the temporary housing of a cleric that sought their aid.
They were visited by Keyleth of the Ashari, who after being introduced and informed of the situation, offered to help the party in someway if they went along with the job from the Clasp. However, one of their party decided it best to leave the party with Keyleth and return to the Ashari.
Things needed to make a character:
* Tal'dorei/Wildemount campaign guide(s) + PHB
* Standard array or 27 point buy
* Level 1
* Free feat for 1st level
Additionally, you may submit a concept that we can discuss and hammer out once accepted.
Current Party Loadout:
* Cleric
* Wizard
* Fighter
* Fighter
The story so far: the party is currently in Stilben, a swampy port city. The city was being ravaged by some strange plague caused by an experiment unleashed by a Myriad agent of sorts. The plague was halted, for the most part, by the party. However, just after dealing with the giant rat that was spreading the plague, the party was surrounded by the Clasp and given an ultimatum to do a job for them to clear up the fact that the party had killed a few of their members on the way to the rat. They regrouped in the temporary housing of a cleric that sought their aid.
They were visited by Keyleth of the Ashari, who after being introduced and informed of the situation, offered to help the party in someway if they went along with the job from the Clasp. However, one of their party decided it best to leave the party with Keyleth and return to the Ashari.
Things needed to make a character:
* Tal'dorei/Wildemount campaign guide(s) + PHB
* Standard array or 27 point buy
* Level 1
* Free feat for 1st level
Additionally, you may submit a concept that we can discuss and hammer out once accepted.
Current Party Loadout:
* Cleric
* Wizard
* Fighter
* Fighter
[ +- ] World of Tirasan | Players Needed: 1-2
The game is very fresh, but one player decided to back out. This game will largely be combat, with lots of enemies being thrown at you.
Story so far: in the last few weeks, villages and settlements have been falling to a scourge known as the Graeul, who are insectoid in nature. Refugees and survivors have been flocking to the country's city-states for protection. The one everyone is currently in is calling out to any willing and able to join the guard/military, just in case they too are attacked. The people that will make up the party are currently in a tavern being used to recruit everyone.
What you'll need to play: a solid concept for a character would be best, as there's a lot of info to go over. Characters will be made in game.
Current character classes:
* Barb/Sorc
* Sorcerer
* Cleric
Story so far: in the last few weeks, villages and settlements have been falling to a scourge known as the Graeul, who are insectoid in nature. Refugees and survivors have been flocking to the country's city-states for protection. The one everyone is currently in is calling out to any willing and able to join the guard/military, just in case they too are attacked. The people that will make up the party are currently in a tavern being used to recruit everyone.
What you'll need to play: a solid concept for a character would be best, as there's a lot of info to go over. Characters will be made in game.
Current character classes:
* Barb/Sorc
* Sorcerer
* Cleric
[ +- ] Perilous Journey | Players Needed: 1-2
This game is reimagining of a game that ended prematurely that I once played in. The basis is that there is a religious cult out there that is seeking to dominate and eradicate any non-humans in the name of their god.
The story so far: a group of adventures were called in secrecy to see the mayor of New Haven after the disappearance of another group were captured, and hopefully not executed. They left to have a look around town and assess the situation, but came into contact with a small group that was in town, trying to convert the people living there. After a battle, one of the cultists ran from battle and the party had a captive. They gave chase soon after, coming to an abandoned church where they saw the fleer go inside. However, instead of waiting, one of them went inside...
What you need to make a character: Again, a concept would be best to look over and discuss. PHB will be the big thing to pull from.
Current Party Loadout:
* Paladin
* Wizard
* Monk/Rogue
The story so far: a group of adventures were called in secrecy to see the mayor of New Haven after the disappearance of another group were captured, and hopefully not executed. They left to have a look around town and assess the situation, but came into contact with a small group that was in town, trying to convert the people living there. After a battle, one of the cultists ran from battle and the party had a captive. They gave chase soon after, coming to an abandoned church where they saw the fleer go inside. However, instead of waiting, one of them went inside...
What you need to make a character: Again, a concept would be best to look over and discuss. PHB will be the big thing to pull from.
Current Party Loadout:
* Paladin
* Wizard
* Monk/Rogue
Last edited Aug 11, 2020 1:54 am