Space game

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Sep 3, 2020 9:50 pm

I've had an idea for a game in my head for some time and I'd like to know if anyone would be interested.

Sci-Fy / Space

D6 - Space

Background: The year is 2352. Humanity has expanded into deep space through the invention of the hyperdrive. Of course we were not alone in the vast ranges of the milky way and although there have been some small and one great war in the past we are now at peace with all mayor factions and races. For now at least...

You are all onboard the space station West V that orbits around the swamp planet of the same name. It marks the current furthest reach of human influence in this sctor and is home to many different kind of people like explorers, mercenaries and traders but also smugglers, thieves and fugitives. Although it's formally maintained and controlled by the sector government a certain level of criminal activity is generously overlooked as long as you don't endanger the security of the station. Some smugglers even help to secure the surrounding space as the loss of the station would mean the loss of their most important hub for illegal goods.
Some see it as remote den of crime but it is also the staging ground for a lot of expeditions and colonization efforts reaching for the unexplored space that lies ahead.

You are one of the many inhabitants of West V. Maybe a mercenary looking for a job, a burnt out writer looking for inspiration or a teen who ran away from home. You only wanted to take a drink in the Spacefarer's Bar but your plans are thwarted as you are pulled into a bar fight...

General Information: I'd like to run this space game using D6. If you are not familiar with the system that's absolutely no problem. It's quite easy to get into it and I'll guide everyone through the character creation process and beyond. The rules are under the OGL licence and therefore free if you'd like to read them.
The lore is homebrew and I'd sparkle some lore in my posts whenever appropriate. Therefore you get a bit for bit understanding of the universe
I intentionally left a lot of room in the lore so that you can fit your character quite freely into the universe. You can play as a human or create your own alien race if you want to. Just jot down a short character concept and we'll make it into a character.
I'd make an introductory mission with the group (which will probably last for a few months) and after that you'd be free to explore the space as you will.
I'm aiming for 4-6 players and at about 3 post per week. If someone is lagging behind I'd move on with posting and let the lagging player's character do an appropriate but generic action for the situation he/she is in (like shooting at an enemy in a battle or helping repair a broken down vehicle)

It'd be my first PbP and D6 game so there will probably be some rough edges but I hope you forgive me for not being perfect on the first try ;)

The tone of the game I'm aiming for is something like a Star Trek episode. Some fun, some action, some difficult decisions.
Sep 3, 2020 10:04 pm
I like the concept and the game system. I've tried Star Wars FFG and the weird dice are just too arcane for me. I get the impression that in 330 years we haven't progressed beyond the Milky Way Galaxy but I also assume that Earth is still the center of our universe. I've read a lot of SF lately where Earth has been lost, not even a memory to the vast majority. I would like to delve into how the human race has expanded throughout the galaxy. I'm also a novice when it comes to the d6 rules. I'll need help creating a character although the concept I have rolling around in my head is a smuggler who has skills as a pilot but is just short a ship. What resources are you thinking of using for ships?
Last edited September 3, 2020 10:05 pm
Sep 3, 2020 10:16 pm
Aldrusian says:
I like the concept and the game system. I've tried Star Wars FFG and the weird dice are just too arcane for me. I get the impression that in 330 years we haven't progressed beyond the Milky Way Galaxy but I also assume that Earth is still the center of our universe. I've read a lot of SF lately where Earth has been lost, not even a memory to the vast majority. I would like to delve into how the human race has expanded throughout the galaxy. I'm also a novice when it comes to the d6 rules. I'll need help creating a character although the concept I have rolling around in my head is a smuggler who has skills as a pilot but is just short a ship. What resources are you thinking of using for ships?
Glad to hear that. There is a creation guide for ships along with the D6 Space system rule book. I've found everything here...
Last edited September 3, 2020 10:16 pm
Sep 3, 2020 10:34 pm
I'm very interested in being a scrappy, spunky, mechanic/engineer type!
Sep 3, 2020 11:39 pm
Scrol says:
Glad to hear that. There is a creation guide for ships along with the D6 Space system rule book. I've found everything here...
Noice. Hope you don't mind I've added this link to my list of links to download Open D6 here...
Sep 3, 2020 11:51 pm
kalajel says:
Scrol says:
Glad to hear that. There is a creation guide for ships along with the D6 Space system rule book. I've found everything here...
Noice. Hope you don't mind I've added this link to my list of links to download Open D6 here...
Not at all. That's a great compilation you have there
Sep 4, 2020 12:59 am
I am interested loved the old star wars d6. I have the books for d6 space as well.
Only thing is I am going away and won't be able to do anything until I get back Monday or probably Tuesday.
Sep 4, 2020 8:31 am
Absolutely no problem. That makes three potential players ^^
Sep 4, 2020 10:21 pm
I'm down. Can I play a robot that no one planned to gain sentience?
Sep 5, 2020 5:23 am
Regarding ships, I would be looking closely at either a Light Freighter or a Pirate Corsair with preference for the Corsair but it depends on how we could acquire either one. I would prefer something that could use a crew complement as small as 2 but could comfortably fit 8-12. I'll take a look at character creation rules next.
Sep 5, 2020 11:24 am
optimumsquare says:
I'm down. Can I play a robot that no one planned to gain sentience?
I like that idea. Sure thing you can play one. Would it be some kind of fugitive robot that ran away, a robot that 'plays dumb' so that no one notices that it gained consciousness or something else?

Regarding ships: Without spoiling too much. You'll be able to use one early on, which'll be a light freighter. If ya'll want to get another ship or keep the light freighter there will be possibilities to achieve that.

Great! That makes four players. I'll begin with setting up the game on Tuesday. Anyone else who wants to apply is more than welcome.
Last edited September 5, 2020 11:24 am
Sep 5, 2020 6:03 pm
Just wanted to make sure you're aware that we can't "apply" until you actually post the game. I assume you probably meant more people can express their interest by posting here.
Sep 5, 2020 9:07 pm
How common are robots? I guess if they are a real common thing, than no, he's probably not on the run, but he does regularily try and blend in with non-sentient robots so as not to attact attention. If robots are super rare, he can be on the run.
Sep 5, 2020 10:27 pm
Robots are commonly used. True AI was outlawed many years ago so that robot manufacturers always try to be on the edge to of having robots that are advanced but not concious. A sentient robot would certainly be a target for law enforcement officials.
Sep 5, 2020 10:36 pm
I'm at the point in character creation to make rolls. I've chosen to use the first method with 18 dice for attributes rather than the 79 point alternative. Will you be sending invites when you've posted the game?
Sep 5, 2020 11:12 pm
Aldrusian says:
I'm at the point in character creation to make rolls. I've chosen to use the first method with 18 dice for attributes rather than the 79 point alternative. Will you be sending invites when you've posted the game?
I'll send invites as soon as I post the games which will be at monday evening. The default character creation method will be the 18 point system. I'll post the details along with setting up the game forum. Everyone will be guided through the character creation process and I'll explain the rules along the encounters of the game. E.g. the first combat will only be an unarmed melee combat situation. I won't introduce all rules and possible combat moves at once but rather introduce them step by step in order to not overwhelm my players.
Sep 6, 2020 2:28 am
Do you allow templates? One of the ones in the generic space list is perfect.
Sep 6, 2020 2:54 am
I just used the blank template at the end of the d6 Space rules. I know I went back and forth and typed it all out on the character sheet but it didn't take that long and I figured I'd learn the game better that way.
Sep 6, 2020 3:08 am
In this case, the Technical Wiz template is pretty much what I would have built anyway. (I have run several games in D6 from the core system to Star Wars and beyond.) :)
Sep 6, 2020 10:33 am
ZivenOfNine says:
Do you allow templates? One of the ones in the generic space list is perfect.
Yeah sure the templates in the rulebook
are allowed. If you'd get templates from an external source I'd have to check them. But as long as they are balanced it's no problem.
Sep 7, 2020 1:34 am
Sep 7, 2020 3:09 pm
If the game isn't full I'd love to participate. I've never played a play-by-post game before or used the d6 system, but I love sci fi and writing so it feels like a good match for me to get started in both.
Sep 7, 2020 9:10 pm
You are gladly welcomed into the game FoxRafer.

I just sent out the invites.
Just head to the character creation section in the game forum, copy the character sheet template and make a thread where your character sheet is the first post.
I'll guide you through the character creation process.
Sep 7, 2020 11:26 pm
How many bodies do you have? Almost all of the games I’m in have collapsed, Covid sucks... I recall the old Star Wars d6 by WEG.
Sep 8, 2020 5:24 am
You're lucky. One place is left. Invite is on the way to you
Feb 6, 2021 10:52 pm
Bumping the thread because some players left.
We are reaching a point where I could neatly fit in new characters and we'd have place for 1-3 additional players.

You can find the game description at the start of the thread or at the game page
Feb 6, 2021 11:12 pm
I'll pile on, if you'll have me. Space games are what I live for...
Feb 6, 2021 11:17 pm
I'm interested. Its always fun to learn a new system :)
Feb 6, 2021 11:36 pm
Great! Glad to hear that. Invites are on the way.
Feb 8, 2021 9:43 pm
sooo. are there any free spots? I've been playing one PBP right now for more than 1 year. Would like to give a try some SF :)
Feb 11, 2021 3:48 pm
bdciopp says:
sooo. are there any free spots? I've been playing one PBP right now for more than 1 year. Would like to give a try some SF :)
Sorry I just noticed your post now.
If you're still interested we'd have one spot left
Feb 11, 2021 4:10 pm
I am interested. I would like to play a sentient ape.
Feb 11, 2021 4:27 pm
SJoyner72 says:
I am interested. I would like to play a sentient ape.
[ +- ] What a strange race 🤣
Last edited February 11, 2021 4:28 pm
Feb 11, 2021 4:28 pm
SJoyner72 says:
I am interested. I would like to play a sentient ape.
Psst... you're supposed to call them humans.
Feb 11, 2021 5:59 pm
SJoyner72 says:
I am interested. I would like to play a sentient ape.
I've invited bdciopp as he was first. If a spot clears I'll give a shoutout again
Aug 5, 2021 7:56 pm
Hey there. I'm gonna bump this one as we are open for applications again.
We have room for up totwo or three players more.

The group returns to the base from their first mission and maybe they'll meet someone their who wants to help out and make a little money in return ;)

You can find the game description at the start of the thread or at the game page
Aug 9, 2021 6:55 am
Don't suppose you have room for a Neo-Luddite Space Barbarian type. Maybe the lone survivor of a failed colony on a backwater?
Aug 12, 2021 9:35 am
Hmmmm... Well I plan for the campaign to heavily feature space ships and stations as well as future technology.
If you can make your barbarian work in this setting you are welcome ^^
Aug 12, 2021 9:59 am
Scrol says:
Hmmmm... Well I plan for the campaign to heavily feature space ships and stations as well as future technology.
If you can make your barbarian work in this setting you are welcome ^^
I see him as some kind of combat engineer, not a soldier, but picked up compatible skill sets mining ice on his homeworld before some new untested science (biological weapon?) Killed everyone but him. Where he's just now coming back into society after years of bitter survival in the hardest conditions imaginable. Now that life is great, he's just a hedonist trying to love everyone and everything.

Sometimes, you just need to hit technology, really hard, to make it work. Not talking about necessarily a completely technologically inept savage. Just someone who eschews it.

For instance mechanics tools = good, I like making things and life on the frontier has made me really skilled at it
Communications device = I can see naked women on this? Awesome! Oh I can meet them too? How is this not the most important thing in your lives?
Guns = great!
Talking to people about things that are real = I'm not very good at it, but I'll always make a good point

Spaceship = probably good most people rave about them but he's only been on one other. And it worked a lot better than this one. But I don't really notice it when I'm inside one, it's just like... a room with different rules and higher stakes.
New worlds = well mostly all the good ones are called backwaters and no one seems to go there, your cities suck, they stink, and the people get up to a kind of crazy I don't don't understand

New unproven technology that has not been used by humans for centuries = very scary and bad keep that shit away from me or I'll shoot you.
Experimental genetic therapy to improve humans = bad and also pointless, especially if they can't beat him at chess or arm wrestling.
Talking to self important people who don't understand that life is a collective = look either I'll kill them, or they'll kill me, and I am going to try to be the one who lives.

The kinda guy who looks at the words "enhanced water" and wonders how such a thing is possible. More importantly why it tastes different. Why it is twice as expensive as plain Ole water, and who is dumb enough to buy such an obvious marketing gimmick. All before realizing that he is the only person drinking regular boring water.

Col. Jack O'Niell, Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, and Amos Burton are good examples of the character I'm talking about.

But I haven't the foggiest on how to Stat this guy out.
Aug 12, 2021 3:22 pm
Sounds good! I've sent you an invite. We will figure the details out in the character creation thread
Aug 14, 2021 12:44 pm
I'd be interested in playing and learning. Got an idea of a teen who's just wanted to see the galaxy and happened to stowaway on a ship headed to West V. Would be good at procuring goods and being a smuggler if he only knew how he came upon all the items in his pack.

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