Scrol says:
Hmmmm... Well I plan for the campaign to heavily feature space ships and stations as well as future technology.
If you can make your barbarian work in this setting you are welcome ^^
I see him as some kind of combat engineer, not a soldier, but picked up compatible skill sets mining ice on his homeworld before some new untested science (biological weapon?) Killed everyone but him. Where he's just now coming back into society after years of bitter survival in the hardest conditions imaginable. Now that life is great, he's just a hedonist trying to love everyone and everything.
Sometimes, you just need to hit technology, really hard, to make it work. Not talking about necessarily a completely technologically inept savage. Just someone who eschews it.
For instance mechanics tools = good, I like making things and life on the frontier has made me really skilled at it
Communications device = I can see naked women on this? Awesome! Oh I can meet them too? How is this not the most important thing in your lives?
Guns = great!
Talking to people about things that are real = I'm not very good at it, but I'll always make a good point
Spaceship = probably good most people rave about them but he's only been on one other. And it worked a lot better than this one. But I don't really notice it when I'm inside one, it's just like... a room with different rules and higher stakes.
New worlds = well mostly all the good ones are called backwaters and no one seems to go there, your cities suck, they stink, and the people get up to a kind of crazy I don't don't understand
New unproven technology that has not been used by humans for centuries = very scary and bad keep that shit away from me or I'll shoot you.
Experimental genetic therapy to improve humans = bad and also pointless, especially if they can't beat him at chess or arm wrestling.
Talking to self important people who don't understand that life is a collective = look either I'll kill them, or they'll kill me, and I am going to try to be the one who lives.
The kinda guy who looks at the words "enhanced water" and wonders how such a thing is possible. More importantly why it tastes different. Why it is twice as expensive as plain Ole water, and who is dumb enough to buy such an obvious marketing gimmick. All before realizing that he is the only person drinking regular boring water.
Col. Jack O'Niell, Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, and Amos Burton are good examples of the character I'm talking about.
But I haven't the foggiest on how to Stat this guy out.