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Sep 20, 2020 10:08 pm


Genre: Nordic Western Fantasy? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

System: Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.

Number of Players: 4 to 6.

Posting Rate: 3 to 4 times a week.

Tone: Mildly serious but punctuated with plenty of lightheartedness and Norse-style dark humor.


Howdy, drengr! Sagas & Six-Guns is the genre mix that you never knew you wanted. It's a mash-up of the 1800s American Wild West and Viking Age Scandinavian cultures. The game takes place in a fictional uninhabited frontier that has been settled by the Norse. This vast monster-filled wilderness is known only as "Western Midgard" or "Westgard". Cowboys, bank robbers, and law men exist side by side with rune-casting prophets, mead-drinking Jarls, and Valkyries. Ranchers worry about trolls as much as they do cattle rustlers, and gunslinging vikings hunt draugr to gain Glory in the hopes of joining the Gods in Valhalla. Magic and the supernatural exist in this setting, giving it a very similar "Weird West" feel to the Deadlands RPG, another Savage Worlds property. Likewise, 19th century steam technology is prevalent, which leads to an interesting fusion of magical runes and modern industry.

Although the game isn't based in the actual American Old West, many of the setting's locations are inspired by real places. Dødved (Deadwood) and Gravstein (Tombstone) are examples.


This setting uses the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) ruleset, so you'll need access to the SWADE core book. You'll also need a copy of the Sagas & Six-Guns core book. The PDF is available on DrivethruRPG and is currently Pay What You Want.


Imagine if a duster-clad Beowulf decided to take on Grendel with a trusty pair of six-shooters, or if Doc Holiday stormed the OK Corral wielding a rune axe and shouting oaths to the Allfather. That's the general idea behind Sagas & Six-Guns. The setting leans toward Norse and Cowboy tropes more than historical realism, so expect some artistic liberties in that regard.

Options encompass any number or combination of Wild West and Viking character concepts. Are you a steely-eyed Hólmgänger (gunslinger) who settles weregild disputes with a draw of the pistol? Are you a troll-slaying Gunmaiden in service to the local high plains Jarl? Are you a wandering Law-Thegn doling out punishment in the name of Tyr, the Norse God of War and Justice? Are you an ill-tempered Valkyrie who is trapped in Midgard due to the machinations of one of Odin's enemies? Are you an eccentric Rune Engineer who blends science with futhark runes for incredible (and sometimes disastrous) effects? Are you a piano-playing Skald who travels from saloon to saloon spreading tales so epic that they actually come into being? Lots of possibilities.
Last edited Sep 26, 2020 4:53 am
Sep 21, 2020 1:03 am
Holy moly does this look wicked! What a fantastic idea. I'll be watching this IC closely.
Sep 21, 2020 1:24 am
I'd be interested. I've been looking for an opportunity to try SWADE for a while.
Sep 21, 2020 1:37 am
Hello. I own SWADE and I would be willing to play if you have an opening.
Sep 21, 2020 2:11 am
Me too, I was about to start a SWADE game, but unfortunately the GM just disappeared. And this setting is so bizarre that it just has to work! :-)
Sep 21, 2020 9:00 pm
Alright cool. I'll wait a little longer to see if there is any additional interest, and then I'll put something together.
Sep 21, 2020 9:48 pm
I cannot overstate how mind bogglingly perfect that sounds... It's a pity that I'm in the middle of a move to the countryside and in no position to learn a new system at present. If you still have an opening a month from now, give me a shout though
Sep 21, 2020 11:51 pm
gurthor says:
I cannot overstate how mind bogglingly perfect that sounds... It's a pity that I'm in the middle of a move to the countryside and in no position to learn a new system at present. If you still have an opening a month from now, give me a shout though
Check back in. If there is still a spot open in a month, you can always come in then.
Sep 24, 2020 9:38 am
This looks awesome. So many cool character concepts could be made with this. I am picturing a quack doctor traveling in a wagon adorned with carved dragon heads. Or perhaps a gritty troll-hunter.

I do not have experince with SWADE, but I like learning new systems.
Sep 25, 2020 10:58 pm
i absolute love this game and am super down with joining anything to do with it
Sep 26, 2020 4:17 am
Ok everyone, I’ll put the game together this weekend and send out invites.
Sep 28, 2020 8:44 pm
Is this still happening? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to press on anyone, just to know if invites were already sent and perhaps some of us weren't selected. Thanks!!
Sep 28, 2020 10:27 pm
Okay, sorry for the delay, everyone. Invites have been sent. Let me know if you don't receive one for some reason.

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