L5R, the legend goes on

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Sep 22, 2020 1:48 pm
Hello there,

I'm currently running a game of L5R, with a custom system (the system is being tested on that game, and i already have some adjustments to do on it, will make those soon).

While the scenario has just begun, the official first night is done, and if my very first idea was to open places for 7 players (one by clan), that's not how it has gone so far, maybe later.

As for the moment, the characters are located at Shiro Daidoji, one of the fortresses of the Crane clan, and close to the border with the Lion clan, both of those clans being at war.

As for now, we have TOGASHI Suzume, an emissary of the Dragon who comes to lift the veil of an old prophecy, an ambassador of the Phoenix, ASAKO Inara, who made the way from her lands to answer the call for help made by the Kamis, a young commander of the Clan of the Crane, KAKITA Itsumi, whose mission is to lead one of the squads against the opposing forces, and finally, MATSU Reiko, of the Lion clan, but above all a magistrate sent on the orders of the Emperor to put a end to this conflict.

For now, i'm looking for a player who would be motivated to play as a member of the Scorpio clan, realizing that, with Scorpios cultivating secrecy and stealth, this is most certainly one of the more complex roles.

As it stands, it would be an envoy of the clan to the lands of the Crane, to find out what happened to a previous group, the latter being awaited by a Scorpion ambassador, already in place at the Shiro Daidoji.
It's also possible that the character is part of the Ambassador's suite, and happens to already be there, that will work too.

As a GM, my objective is to create a good story together, meaning the story is not fixed, and all the characters do and say can have an influence on how the whole evolves (or i try, at least). For the record, i'm a bit new to the L5R setting, and i take some liberties (if you know the universe before).
A good example for that is that i didn't list the vassal families, so that we can create those together when needed.

Last thing, the rythm is set to be 1 post / 1 week, so i know it's a bit slow but i'm french and english is not my native language, and i'm trying my best, promise.

If anyone's interested, just tell me :)

Thanks :)
Sep 22, 2020 2:54 pm
Mon dieu, c'est fantastique!

Okay, that's all my French.

I almost applied the first time this call came out. I'm in a lot of games, so if anyone else wisely chooses to embrace the wonders of Rokugan, take them instead.

That being said, I've played a fair bit in the L5R setting, but I'm no expert. A Scorpion involved in intrigue sounds excellent.
Sep 22, 2020 3:22 pm
I'd be interested but I know nothing about the system.
Sep 22, 2020 3:28 pm
Sure Qralloq ? You're first here to answer, so the choice is yours.

Windyridge: No problem for that, I provide the pdf :)

Here's the game: https://gamersplane.com/games/2441/
Here's the pdf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m2aVDVDecO4c0SHWzkuW9M6oINJO-p-I/view?usp=sharing
As I said, I have a few alter to do to that core, about LP tracking and adding a scale of failure/success more detailed.
Last edited Sep 22, 2020 3:29 pm
Sep 22, 2020 3:41 pm
Ok I applied! Looking forward to it.
Sep 22, 2020 3:46 pm
I have as well!
Sep 22, 2020 4:48 pm
Ok, i'll put you in, both of you.

Scorpio or Crab sounds the more coherent. Which one do you want to play with ?

Inscription closed for now, thanks.
Sep 22, 2020 4:54 pm
I like the Scorpion.
Sep 22, 2020 5:03 pm
Crab is fine with me.
Sep 22, 2020 7:40 pm
I've applied but only just seen you have closed for new players for the moment but if you get another spot open up consider me a interested :)
Sep 22, 2020 7:51 pm
I'll keep that in mind then :)

Unicorn could be ok with you ?
Sep 22, 2020 9:19 pm
Oooh, I've not played a Unicorn before so yes, very much so :)

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