Anyone want to run an AD&D 2e game...?

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Sep 29, 2020 3:43 pm
Hi all, forever GM here. Keen to be a player for once!

I've run many games in many systems over the years, but pretty much never get a chance to just run a PC. I've an itch for an old-school 2e game, and there don't seem to be many on here. If anyone is keen to start a new game, or has room for a player in an ongoing one, please let me know :)
Sep 30, 2020 4:11 am
If it sweetens the deal any, I'd be happy to run a game for the other GM (and others) to play in as well. I'd probably set mine in the Forgotten Realms, which is where I'm most familiar with the 2e lore (unless people wanted to play through the War of the Lance).
Sep 30, 2020 7:52 am
Hmmm War of the lance... Interesting.
Sep 30, 2020 4:14 pm
I haven't run any games in awhile for any system, but when it comes to 2e, mostly what I've run are homebrew settings or Ravenloft. I suppose I could throw something together for a few people. Consider me interested if you don't mind some rust, but I should add that I haven't run a 2e game in probably at least 20 years, and only played a few.
Oct 1, 2020 9:34 am
GeneCortess says:
Hmmm War of the lance... Interesting.
Just stumbled across my old copy of DLC1... good times :)
Oct 3, 2020 12:43 am
Syridar, I am up for running a 2e adventure. Dragonlance hmm?

"The air surges fierce and sweet,
carrying the clear musk smell of
the woodlands. The soft murmurs
of stirring leaves, insects, and
small animals fill the landscape.
The clear highland sky blushes
with the end of day and fades into
starry sleep. This is home.

From this rock outcropping, the
valley below seems peaceful, un-
touched. Dense forests of pine
carpet the mountainsides, broken
only by thick aspen woods. The
mountains, deep blue in the dis-
tance, circle the valley floor and
form a soft highland bowl.

Five years ago, you and your
friends parted to search for a true
cleric. Tonight, you meet on the
road to Solace Town and report on
your discoveries
Last edited Oct 3, 2020 12:44 am
Oct 3, 2020 2:18 am
I'll be interested in playing.
Oct 3, 2020 3:04 am
We need like 4 or 5 players, the series of Dragonlance starts with 4th level characters; and it's AD&D not really 2nd edition, however there isn't any hard distinctions between the two systems. The other thing is deciding whether to use the through line plot and the pre made characters or start with the through line plot and use new characters...
Oct 3, 2020 3:17 am
It is nice to see an OSR type game here. :) Is there much of this on GamersPlane? I'm a fan of many OSR games. Especially Old-School Essentials and games of that flavor. I'm curious as to how well a game like that translates to play-by-post.
Oct 3, 2020 3:53 am
Everybody likes to make their own characters.. winks.
Oct 3, 2020 3:58 am
umbraldragon says:
We need like 4 or 5 players, the series of Dragonlance starts with 4th level characters; and it's AD&D not really 2nd edition, however there isn't any hard distinctions between the two systems. The other thing is deciding whether to use the through line plot and the pre made characters or start with the through line plot and use new characters...
Great to hear!

I'd be up for the the original characters or new ones, either way. If we make new ones, I'm sure we can tie some of the saga's backstory to them if we like.
Oct 3, 2020 5:01 am
I would say, that using Old School Essentials Advanced or AD&D books to create characters would not be an issue, I have both. Backstory would be an excellent way to add texture and impetus/energy to push the initial story in the right directions so it doesn't feel forced. I would note that since this is a module designed around specific characters it may have that feeling once in a while. The rails are there, but the outcomes and some of the details can appear and should appear vastly different at adventure's end. What say you lads/lasses? Is the game afoot? Do we have enough players? (4 minimum) 12,000 xp, Any Standard non-magical items you can carry - we can discuss the encumbrance system I like to use; and 2-3 potions along with 2 miscellaneous magic items, determined at character creation with the DM. List of spells also discussed with DM approval. Does that sound OK? or should we modify that a little?
Oct 3, 2020 5:04 am
Encumberance: 2 or 3 pounds equals 1 unit. You can safely carry x units = CON. Ex: 13 Con = 13 units. 1 spell = 1 unit. Ex: 10 CON = max 10 spells and nothing else except what you carry in your hand, like a staff.
Oct 3, 2020 5:41 am
Sounds fantastic :) I have a lot of pbp experience, but I'm new to the site, so don't be afraid to give me explicit instructions as we set the game up.

Having said that, how would you like to do chargen? Do you start a game, then we roll ability scores there? I'd be keen to discuss party roles as we make characters.
Oct 3, 2020 6:17 am
Also, for anyone who doesn't have the AD&D 2e books, the For Gold and Glory book is pretty much straight 2e repackaged. It's also a free pdf. Highly recommended.
Last edited Oct 3, 2020 7:51 am
Oct 3, 2020 7:28 am
Important to understand there two version of AD&D... 1st edition and 2cn edition. I believe For Gold and Glory is 1st edition of AD&D.
Oct 3, 2020 7:53 am
GeneCortess says:
Important to understand there two version of AD&D... 1st edition and 2cn edition. I believe For Gold and Glory is 1st edition of AD&D.
No... definitely 2e.
Oct 3, 2020 10:19 am
Syridar says:
GeneCortess says:
Important to understand there two version of AD&D... 1st edition and 2cn edition. I believe For Gold and Glory is 1st edition of AD&D.
No... definitely 2e.
Yep, I'll Second this (pun intended)
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