Solo 5e

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Oct 5, 2020 2:54 am
Would anyone be willing to DM me in a solo adventure. I’ve found solo games really test me RP abilities and are really fun. I’m down for homebrew or a module.
Oct 5, 2020 4:18 am
Sounds like an interesting way of avoiding some of the worst pitfalls of PbF games (waiting on everyone's responses, managing action order, players dropping out without notice) while still keeping most of the advantages. I'd be willing to give it a shot, at least!

What kind of game were you after? Are you hoping for a short adventure to play out over a month or so, or an extended campaign that might last a year or more? Are there any particular themes or elements that you'd like to explore?
Oct 5, 2020 4:24 am
Honestly, I’m open to just about anything. I’d want to start at level 5-6 to avoid the squishy stages, but other than that, I’m game for anything.
Oct 5, 2020 1:41 pm
I've never played a one-on-one game before. I'm curious, but a little skeptical, too. Isn't part of the fun playing off another person's reactions and character? I also wonder what DMing it would be like...Are they usually pre-written stories, or pretty sandbox-y? I would think a sandbox would work well, since you only have to deal with a single player's whims.
Oct 5, 2020 1:47 pm
I have ran one (homebrew that didn't last long but I'm about to start running another) and played in one (Into Avernus but the DM had personal stuff so it ended). They definitely have their pros and cons.

Pros: They tend to go faster because you only have to wait on the DM or PC. You really get a chance to test your RP abilities because it's just you interacting with everything.

Cons: Can be difficult to gauge difficulty. DMPCs are almost a necessity (not necessarily bad if played correctly).

I'm sure there are others of both I am not thinking of. Personally, I love solo runs. It allows me to really explore the depth of a singular character and not having to worry about accidentally stepping on someone else's toes or becoming too domineering of a player.
Oct 5, 2020 1:56 pm
Yeah, I think I'd really enjoy playing in one. Setting the pace to my preferences would be a huge bonus. I've got a strange work schedule, so there are days I'm super busy and can't post at all, then other days I've hit refresh thirty times wondering where the heck everyone is :P

I think I'll start looking around for a one-on-one offer. I don't feel comfortable DMing one just yet, I'd like to get my feet wet first.
Oct 5, 2020 1:57 pm
It's a different, but very tailored experience. As a DM you can also allow the player to be more epic as they're not detracting from any other players.

It also allows certain classes to shine. e.g. in a party game rogues can't really spend their whole time solo-roguing (skulking in shadows, climbing all over the place, breaking and entering), but that's not a problem in a solo game.

It can work with modules - when they are cut to fit the character.

Unsurprisingly, their success depends on the chemistry between player and DM.
Last edited Oct 5, 2020 1:58 pm
Oct 5, 2020 2:02 pm
I've been playing in quite a few duets (one GM, one PC). There is very literature on how to do this, but some games like Vampire: The Masquerade just work as is. Other methods are to use a system like Scarlet Heroes to buff the PC enough to be able to survive in place of a whole party.

From an RP perspective, I'm finding the experience in many ways superior to a full party, at least in PBP. The story can be about only one PC and so it can be intensely personal without feeling that you're leaving other people out.
Oct 5, 2020 2:15 pm
@Adam: That's a really good point. Being a Rogue (Thief) in a big party can either feel underwhelming or selfish, but playing it along would be way more interesting, especially if you could plan a heist with a small group of DMPCs.
Oct 5, 2020 4:48 pm
I’ve started a solo game before, and it was really good, until the DM (who was introducing me to pbp) ghosted. I kept checking that thread for weeks. But then again, maybe that was on ourpose and I got the true pbp experience lol.
That wasn’t on here though. But I have seen there are modules designed for solo play that look interesting. I’ve even seen some that were for a DM’less solo play. I guess they’re more like the old fighting fantasy books though
Oct 5, 2020 4:56 pm
This is very interesting. It has never occurred to me before but sounds like it could be a rewarding experience. Would also like to try if someone is willing to DM it. How about an exchange? Like you DM me and I'll DM you?
Oct 5, 2020 5:07 pm
Normally I'd be all over a DM exchange agreement, but my minimal DM prowess is already being spent badly guiding players through a sub-par story :P. It'll have to wait until I find more mental space :D
Oct 5, 2020 5:10 pm
I completely understand. I am fairly new to the hobby. Currently DMing my first game as well. Had to step in recently when our DM was unable to continue due to personal reasons.
Oct 5, 2020 5:44 pm
I'm currently running two solo games for different players and I played in one before that came to its conclusion. I really enjoy it. Only waiting for one player and therefore always knowing exactly when to post is pretty good. It also allows to hone in more specifically on what the player wants out of the game than if you have to please an entire group
Oct 5, 2020 6:21 pm
I greatly prefer running solo games to groups, but do not feel comfortable running 5e. I play it, but wouldn’t be comfortable as the DM.

If you could make the jump "backwards" to Old School Essentials (aka BX D&D) then we could add some rules from Scarlet Heroes to easily beef up the PC and I would be interested in running a solo game in a homebrew world.
Oct 5, 2020 8:57 pm
I'll run a 13th Age game for you. I've done it before but the player sort of vanished from the site, so I have a story and everything set up.
Oct 5, 2020 11:24 pm
Astronaut: I’m game to exchange.

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