Oct 7, 2020 7:59 am
I want to try my hand at GM'ing pbp again.
I am normally an improvising kind of GM and that did not really work for me with Play by Post. So I have decided to grab an adventure from Adventures League and will run one of those. And since I love the Eberron and want to play in that setting, I have chosen the first adventure from the Eberron: Oracle of War campaign.
And this is where I would ask if anyone would be interested in playing a D&D 5e game in Eberron, but before I was even ready to make this ask for players-post I had 14 applications.I want to respect the process of asking for players only here in the Game Tavern, but I also what to acknowledge those who have already applied.
So I will now ask for players, in a first-come, first-served, but those 14 have 24 hours to confirm their application. If they do, the came first, even before the one who wrote the second post in this tread. I think it is fairest.
Link to game
I am normally an improvising kind of GM and that did not really work for me with Play by Post. So I have decided to grab an adventure from Adventures League and will run one of those. And since I love the Eberron and want to play in that setting, I have chosen the first adventure from the Eberron: Oracle of War campaign.
And this is where I would ask if anyone would be interested in playing a D&D 5e game in Eberron, but before I was even ready to make this ask for players-post I had 14 applications.
WOW! There is some love for EberronSo I will now ask for players, in a first-come, first-served, but those 14 have 24 hours to confirm their application. If they do, the came first, even before the one who wrote the second post in this tread. I think it is fairest.
Link to game
Last edited October 7, 2020 8:00 am