INTEREST CHECK: Superheroes of 1776 (SWADE)

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Oct 16, 2020 3:15 am


Genre: Flintlock fantasy, pulp superhero, alternate history.

System: Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE).

Number of Players: 4 to 6.

Posting Rate: 3 to 4 times per week.

Prior Experience: None required. Players new to Savage Worlds are welcomed.


Legion of Liberty: Superheroes of 1776 is a flintlock fantasy setting for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE). The game takes place during the American War of Independence which spanned 1775 to 1783. The premise is that, for reasons no one quite understands, a tiny portion of people spontaneously developed superpowers about thirty years ago. This phenomenon has occurred (and continues to occur) among people of all races, nationalities, faiths, and backgrounds. Even stranger is that it only happens in the New World. Thus, the European Colonial powers, which include France, Spain, and Britain, are engaged in a fierce arms race to develop loyal superhuman fighting forces. Meanwhile, indigenous superhumans must contend with competing European interests as well as conflict between their own nations.

Superpowered humans are collectively known as preterhumans (as in, preternatural). American preterhumans are called "Legionnaires" or "Irregulars". British preterhumans are called "Stalwarts" or "Black Coats" (due to their distinct black uniforms). As a whole, preterhumans are viewed with a mixture of awe and fear by normal people. Religious communities can't decide if they're angels or demons, and scientists of the Enlightenment want to study them like animals.

In the Legion of Liberty, players serve in the Continental Army as powerful young preterhumans fighting against the British in the Revolutionary War. The focus of this game is on the historical military actions of the American Revolution, but with the added involvement of superheroes. The actions of the player characters will help determine the course of the war. Each character has been recruited by the Legion of Liberty - a secretive unit of the American Continental Army that conscripts and trains those with powers. Members operate in groups called cohorts (basically, superhero teams). The Legion is commanded by Paul Revere, the Fastest Man Alive. The King's Royal Preterhuman Regiment is the British Army's equivalent to the Legion.

The term "preterhuman" also encompasses those with unique abilities that are not necessarily classic superpowers. This includes inspired inventors who can build bizarre gadgets beyond the technology for the time period, as well as those who practice the ways of so-called "magic".

Note that this is a low level supers game. There are no equivalents in power to Superman or Wonder Woman. Rather, these supers are more on the level of pulp superheroes. Preterhumans born in the New World are powerful, but not so powerful that they can stand alone against artillery or an armed battalion. While a trained Legionnaire or Stalwart can wipe the floor with a regular human, or maybe even a squad of soldiers, a truly large group of opponents is still very dangerous and potentially lethal.

To participate in this game, you'll need a copy of the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rule book. I'll provide anything else that you need. I have a number of specific guidelines and rules for character creation, but these will be described in the game threads.

So what do you say? Does anyone want to get into some supers action in the name of liberty and freedom?

Should you feel like reading it, here is a brief bit of fiction to give you a sense of the setting.
[ +- ] Short Story

[ +- ] Please Read
Last edited October 19, 2020 6:40 pm
Oct 16, 2020 3:51 am
Hey, I'm definitely interested. Was supposed to play this a few months ago, but the GM bailed last minute. Wouldn't mind trying it again.
Oct 16, 2020 11:43 am
Sounds interesting. I like your disclaimer.
Oct 16, 2020 12:29 pm
Lol - the disclaimer is kind, but I'd be very surprised if this offended any Brits. In the 19th century, we sent gunboats to shell Chinese towns because they refused to buy drugs from us. I think we've come to terms with the fact that we weren't always the good guys.
Oct 16, 2020 12:29 pm
Ah, just saw your disclaimer, nice.
Oct 16, 2020 1:29 pm
I think we've come to terms with the fact that we weren't always the good guys
Yes, unlike us Germans. If anyone ever insinuated that we weren't always the good guys... 😠
Oct 16, 2020 1:43 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Yes, unlike us Germans. If anyone ever insinuated that we weren't always the good guys... 😠
Fair point. That's checkmate.
Native Americans have joined the conversation
Oct 16, 2020 3:30 pm
Color me interested here...
Oct 16, 2020 6:01 pm
Adam says:
Lol - the disclaimer is kind, but I'd be very surprised if this offended any Brits. In the 19th century, we sent gunboats to shell Chinese towns because they refused to buy drugs from us. I think we've come to terms with the fact that we weren't always the good guys.
Yeah, I figured that no one would be offended, but I wanted to address this just in case. 😅
Last edited October 16, 2020 6:02 pm
Oct 16, 2020 7:17 pm
I would be very interested in playing.
Oct 17, 2020 1:11 am
For those of you interested, do you have any experience with Savage Worlds? Just want to gauge where everyone is at.
Last edited October 17, 2020 3:35 am
Oct 17, 2020 1:28 am
This sounds really interesting to me. Let me think if I can fit another game in. I had family fight on both sides of the revolution. One from Pennsylvania (I think that is where he was from), and a German Hessian Solider hired by the British, eventually defected.

I don't think I've played SW before.
Last edited October 17, 2020 1:30 am
Oct 17, 2020 3:38 am
Shaquille_Oatmeal_ says:
For those of you interested, do you have any experience with Savage Worlds? Just want to gauge where everyone is at.
I have played a couple of games on here. I wouldn't say I am super familiar, but not a total newbie. I have the SWADE pdf
Oct 17, 2020 4:23 am
I've gm'ed SWADE with 50 Fathoms and Deadlands and have the core rule book, so pretty familiar.
Oct 17, 2020 7:04 am
Shaquille_Oatmeal_ says:
For those of you interested, do you have any experience with Savage Worlds? Just want to gauge where everyone is at.
You have been involved in both the SWADE games i have tried, so I guess you have a pretty good idea about my level of experience. I know my way around character creation and i have a decent understanding of the rules. But I would probably struggle to build something optimized.

I have downloaded the jumstart rules for this. It looks fun.
Oct 17, 2020 2:32 pm
Ok, that’s potentially five people. I’ll start putting something together, and then I’ll send out invites.
Last edited October 18, 2020 7:40 pm
Oct 18, 2020 7:31 pm
runestone says:
I have downloaded the jumstart rules for this. It looks fun.
Okay, good. Just so people know, don’t spend any money on the PDF for Legion of Liberty. This is only because I’m not using the default character creation rules described in that setting. I have my own rules that I’m using.
Last edited October 18, 2020 7:31 pm
Oct 18, 2020 8:00 pm
Have the invites gone out for this? I was just wondering if I made the cut.
Oct 18, 2020 8:30 pm
Machiabelly says:
Have the invites gone out for this? I was just wondering if I made the cut.
No, not yet. Just didn’t want people spending money unnecessarily.

I work on the weekends so I probably won’t have everything put together till tomorrow or Tuesday.
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