Part 3: The Spider's Web

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Aug 17, 2016 3:34 pm
It will take 10 days for a standard longbow to be crafted. If you want to make a special one, it'll be 15 days, and an amazing one will take 20
Aug 17, 2016 7:32 pm
Did you want to take on one of the side quests while you wait for him to wake up? There are a few:

1. The orcs at Wyvern Tor to the east
2. Going to see the banshee, Agatha, to find out about the location of a spellbook for Sister Garaele
3. Below:

The morning after you get back, as you are eating breakfast, a fit, silver-haired elf enters the Stonehill Inn and peers around as if looking for someone. Spotting your little group, he walks over and with a friendly smile says, "My name is Daran Edermath, and I run the orchard in town. You've all made a name for yourselves, saving Sildar and Gundren like that! I was wondering if you'd be interested in performing a small task for me while Gundren recovers?"
Aug 17, 2016 7:41 pm
Kama has not forgotten about the orcs, nor the banshee. "The orcs are the closest threat. You remember what the townmaster said. Without the Redbrands, there's nothing stopping the orcs from their raids. Plus we sorta took an advance on the bounty, so I think we have to take care of that first."

He turns to Daran and gestures for the elf to join their table. "Come, sit and eat. Tell us of this task and maybe we can fit it in somewhere."
Kama has 15 gold to spend on tavern food and drink, and treated whomever was around that night. If there's leftover coin, he'll treat breakfast, too.
Edit to add: "We might also be able to run that banshee errand, since Wyvern Tor is seemingly south of Conyberry."
Last edited August 17, 2016 7:49 pm
Aug 17, 2016 8:11 pm
Daran gladly sits down and begins his tale, "I am often out and about when not tending the orchard, keeping an eye out for the outlying farms and the prospectors looking for good mining locations. Lately, the prospectors have been telling me that there has been someone poking around the Old Owl Well, out to the northeast of here. At first I thought nothing of it, until they told me that if they got too near, they were chased out by the undead," he pauses to take a drink of water before continuing, "I know there's an old Netheril tower out there, so I'm a bit concerned that whoever is prowling around is trying to harness old magics and may cause trouble."
Aug 17, 2016 8:36 pm
"What is the Old Owl Well?" asks Kama. "I mean, is it really a well out in the middle of nowhere?"
Aug 17, 2016 8:54 pm
"Not really in the middle of nowhere, no. It's just in the hills south of Conyberry, I can show you where on a map..." he says, and then shows you on a map.
Agatha, Wyvern Tor, and the Old Owl Well are all northeast of here in basically a north-south line
That dotted red line is the Triboar Trail, which leads directly from Phandalin to Conyberry.
Aug 17, 2016 11:13 pm
"Well, all of these errands are in the same general area," says Kama, looking at the others in the group to gauge their willingness to take on these tasks. "I think since we'll have to pass by, it shouldn't be out of our way to check things out."

Kama's voice turns low, "It's not named after an owlbear, is it?"
Aug 17, 2016 11:16 pm
"No, certainly not," Daran laughs, "Have trouble with them in the past, have you?"
Aug 17, 2016 11:23 pm
Kama suppresses a cough. "No, no, of course not. Well, yes. But I got better."
Aug 18, 2016 3:47 am
I am satisfied with both my supply run and the successful hunt. I give half of the venison to the Shrine of Tymora as I won't be able to carry everything myself. Surely they would know where to best distribute the food. I fabricate the remaining meat and carefully wrap and label each cut, salting and curing smaller pieces and lightly smoking other sections for jerky. The rabbit and vegetables will keep for a week or more in cooler weather so those I will wrap and pack.

At breakfast the next morning, I listen as Kama plans our next move. "We help where we can. That is why we are here. If there is an owlbear threat, we can take care of that as well. We are better prepared than before." I nod towards the elf in a serious tone.
Aug 18, 2016 4:56 am
While strumming his lute, Stormsong, in a not so serious tone, laughs and says, "Orc marauders, old magic that employs the undead, and a wicked banshee?!? These tales really do write themselves! I'm in!"

Singing to himself, "I once ran across an old BANshee, in life a fair elf tall and fancy, she thought me a crook when I asked for her book, then *poof* I'm now a chimPANzee!"
Aug 18, 2016 4:05 pm
"Wonderful!" Daran says, happy that you've accepted the job, "You are as benevolent as I had hoped. Great song!" he says with a laugh, clearly amused by the huge bard.
Aug 18, 2016 4:06 pm
So, you've decided to accept these three tasks. How do you want to go about it? What preparations will you make?
Aug 18, 2016 4:23 pm
"Xora, how are you at navigating the mountains?" asks Kama. The map seems to indicate a crow's fly from Phandalin would be the most-direct route to Wyvern Tor, but that doesn't include searching for the orcs' specific location. "Otherwise, I'm thinking maybe we take the road to Conyberry, visit Agatha, then turn south for Old Owl Well and see about those undead. Finally hunt down those orcs and turn them away.

"How does that sound to everybody?"

Already equipped for travel, Kama will shop for another potion of healing. He also inquires where the four horses were led off to after the party's initial run-in with the Redbrands.
Aug 18, 2016 8:21 pm
Tipping his hat at Daran for the compliment, the bard asks, "What sort of undead was reported? I'm hoping for zombies -- much easier to rhyme than skeleton."

After reviewing the map, Stormsong makes a mental note to replenish road rations, tune his instruments, treat his leather armor and boots, sharpen and oil his weapons, and, as always, check the condition of his rope, repairing or replacing as needed.

To Kama, "Sounds like a fine plan," and joins him on his quest for healing potions.
Last edited August 18, 2016 8:21 pm
Aug 18, 2016 8:42 pm
Sister Garaele will provider healing potions at-cost, 25 gold pieces each, and she has 4 available. She also gives you a jeweled silver comb and tells you that in order to get an answer to the question, you'll likely have to gift her the comb and play to her vanity. The questions she wants an answer to is: "What do you know of the location of a spellbook penned by the wizard Bowgentle?"

You are able to get the horses back in your possession as well, which will speed your travel immensely.
Aug 18, 2016 8:56 pm
Kama will spend 50 gold pieces from his personal fund for two of the healing potions.
Aug 19, 2016 12:11 am
The gnome continued to work on the bow, he decided to make this one... extra amazing. He is ready to continue on with the party whenever they are ready. Gimblyn isn't particularly social and even though Phandalin isn't a large town, it can be quite overwhelming for him.
Aug 19, 2016 2:35 am
Stormsong scrapes together 21 gp and 8 ep for a potion of healing.

"Friend Gimblyn -- do you need any supplies, spell components, anything? I'd be happy to pick things up for you while you craft."
Aug 19, 2016 5:31 am
Tumtwig looks up at his companion for a moment before rummaging through his pouch.

"I swear, I swear I had some in here...."

After thirty seconds of looking, the gnome nodded his head at Stormsong.

I need some leather and fleece, not much though. Just small pieces, friend."

He smiled and continued to work on his bow. Gimglyn put so much pride into crafting the best equipment possible. No one can build a bow better than he could, or so he thinks.
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