Pretty much everything BUT D&D...

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Apr 8, 2016 6:24 am
Hello, all fellow gamers!

I've been reading, playing, and running (mostly running) RPGs for the last 27 years. The last six (since the D&D 4e version of Dark Sun came out), I've mostly lamented the fact that I can't seem to find anyone to play with IRL, so, after listening to the Delve podcast, I have also come to GP in search of new games, new friends, and kindred souls who enjoy playing make-believe.

I was gravely disillusioned by D&D 4e (picture a game with seven players and nine laptops, and so much min-maxing that three of my players quit when I took their characters' weapons as part of a storyline -- in Dark Sun! The mind boggles...) Since then, I live in a World where D&D no longer exists, and I l have re-discovered the richness and potential of our hobby in games like FATE Core, Hillfolk, Microscope, Fiasco, Ars Magica, the oWoD as revived by Onyx Path and, most recently, Symbaroum.

Currently thinking of starting a FATE Core game in the Eclipse Phase setting, using Transhumanity's Fate and the setting pretty much as-is.

Also interested and (relatively) easily persuaded to run Hillfolk, Night's Black Agents, Qin:The Warring States, and oWoD Werewolf, Mage, or Wraith.

Hope to find others with similar interests. Happy gaming to all, and well met!

Apr 8, 2016 6:32 am
Good to have you here. I have only just started to expand my horizons beyond D&D and have been wondering about running a Microscope game on here. Since you mention you have experience can I ask you; do you think it could be adapted to forum play?
Apr 8, 2016 6:43 am
Hey there! I think you'll find plenty to choose from here, and the forumites seem to be an active lot!
Apr 8, 2016 6:43 am
Welcome, cintain! I too was turned off by 4th edition D&D, but have since fallen in love with 5th edition! Having said that, during my separation from D&D I did also discover a ton of other game systems, many of them through GP. So yeah, looking forward to seeing you around here. :-)

Apr 8, 2016 10:43 am
I love playing and DMing 4E, however i like playing all additions. Always open to new games if i can figure them out.

Welcome to Gamersplane. Allot of different games going on in here.
Apr 8, 2016 12:23 pm
Welcome! I'm always happy to have someone with such a wide berth of knowledge in various RPGs! I can understand the frustration of DnD 4e; you may want to check out some of the public games of 5e to see how that plays and if it's more your taste. But we do have a wide variety of games and I'm looking to add more all the time. Even if a game isn't listed yet, you can always create a custom game and I can add it to my list of games to add!
Apr 8, 2016 1:29 pm
fluglichkeiten says:
Good to have you here. I have only just started to expand my horizons beyond D&D and have been wondering about running a Microscope game on here. Since you mention you have experience can I ask you; do you think it could be adapted to forum play?
I think so... Microscope would lend itself quite well for people to write long descriptions and dialog pieces, and the game would be safe/safer from grinding to a halt because someone forgot to post a dice roll or something. I think that a group where all of the members enjoyed *writing* narratively could have a blast playing Microscope by PBP. I'd love to be in such a game.

The fractal structure, with its eras, periods, and events, should be easy to keep updated in some sort of table format, for people to see. There's a Microscope app that does precisely that, too...

If you decide to run microscope on here, let me know. You've got me thinking about it now... :)

Apr 8, 2016 1:33 pm
Welcome. I enjoyed your title and support that.
Apr 8, 2016 2:38 pm
Well, hello and welcome.
Apr 8, 2016 3:48 pm
Hello and welcome.
Apr 8, 2016 4:58 pm
cintain says:

If you decide to run microscope on here, let me know. You've got me thinking about it now... :)
I certainly will. I'll probably set something up in the next week or two so I'll PM you to see if you're still interested.
Apr 10, 2016 6:33 pm
Welcome to Gamer's Plane. I only play a bit of D&D and find reading into and experimenting with other systems a good time.
Apr 10, 2016 11:10 pm
Welcome, Cintain. I've got a soft spot for Werewolf: The Apocalypse. I've run several oWoD campaigns, including Mage, Werewolf, mortal hunters, Dark Ages vampire, Victorian age vampire, and of course, Vampire: The Masquerade. Of all of those, werewolf is my favorite. The spirituality, the rage, the umbra and umbra spirits, the adversaries (Pentex, the black spirl dancers, banes) are so evocative for me.

I had never played 4e until joining Gamersplane. I tried it in a campaign and it was okay. No reason to give up my 3.5 or Pathfinder books. 5e is much better, but I have Not rushed out to buy the books. So many other games I'd rather play than filling another shelf with D&D stuff.

I've got Microscope and Hillfolk, and would like to try those. Hasn't worked out so far with my IRL gaming groups.
Last edited April 10, 2016 11:10 pm
Apr 11, 2016 12:28 am
Welcome! Im new to D&D and have only played 5e, however I think its great fun and hope you pick it up again... if you ever get bored of the other stuff you're playing. :)

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