D&D 5e Recaps

Jan 21, 2015 8:57 am
Unless anyone objects, I will be posting the recaps to my physical D&D game here on GP. This will be useful to my players due to better formatting options here than on our FB group, and may also drive a few extra visits to the site!

Session 1 - January 10, 2015


John as Shane Thorngage, Halfling Rogue
Shelley as Torgg Ironfist, Dwarf Cleric
Todd as Clanless Rhogar, Dragonborn Paladin
Moe as Aust Naila, Elf Ranger
Derek as Mendartes Evenwood, Half-Elf Sorceror
Mitchell as Erich Goodbarrel, Halfling Monk
Part One - Synopsis

Shane and Clanless Rhogar assemble a new party to investigate the mysterious tomes recovered during a previous adventure.
The adventure begins with Shane and Clanless Rhogar meeting Torgg, Aust, Erich, and Mendartes in the kingdom of Freemount at the Gassy Gnoll, the local tavern. After introductions, Shane leads them to the home of his benefactor, Perrin Highheel. Shane showed the group the mysterious leather-bound tomes. Clanless Rhogar recognized the writing as Infernal lettering, but couldn't decipher the words. Shane's sources pointed him to the nearby city of Alexandria, a two-day trip by horse.

The party wanted to avoid the horse trip if possible. Freemount is known for its high volume of port trade, so they began exploring seafaring options. Mendartes had connections with a vessel he had previously sailed with, the Enterprise. He took Torgg, Aust, and Erich with him to the port to attempt to secure passage to Alexandria.

Shane and Clanless Rhogar ventured past the inner walls of Freemount to the home of the Kingdom's Steward, Teagan. Through his service to the Kingdom, Clanless Rhogar was well-acquainted with the Steward, and intended to convince him to grant the party passage on one of the city's trade vessels. The pair met the Steward's groundskeeper outside, and were promptly showed in. Teagan, a thin and lanky man, welcomed Clanless Rhogar and his guest Shane. After a brief palaver, they had secured passage onto one of the King's vessels, setting sail for Alexandria that afternoon. Teagan called for a messenger to take a message to the port, advising the ship captain that he would be taking on six extra hands for the short journey.

Shane spoke up, and inquired as to whether they could make some extra coin by serving as additional security on board, in the event of a pirate attack or other calamity. Teagan had the power to grant passage on the King's vessels, but not to induct them as hired hands. He sent another messenger to the castle to deliver the request. As the meeting came to a close, Shane noticed a brilliant silver raven figurine on the Steward's desk. As he was turning to leave, Shane surreptitiously knocked the figure and several documents off the desk. He simply could not resist 'acquiring' the figure. Clanless Rhogar apologized for his companion's clumsiness, and Teagan impressed upon them that they had overstayed their welcome.

Back outside, the pair waited anxiously for the messenger to return, hoping that Teagan did not notice the missing figurine. Clanless Rhogar accosted Shane regarding the pilfered item, upset that his companion would risk his status within the kingdom for a shiny bauble. He instructed Shane to stash the silver figurine in the saddlebags on his horse until they were back to Perrin Highheel's home. After severl tense moments, the messenger returned, stating that the King did not require their services at this time. The pair wasted no time leaving, and went to gather the supplies they would need for the journey to Alexandria.

At the port, Mendartes hailed the Enterprise, attempting to secure passage aboard. The Enterprise was unable to take on any additional hands, and the ship's mate suggested Mendartes try one of the King's ships anchored nearby. The Dock Master informed Mendartes that one of the ships was, in fact, leaving for Alexandria that afternoon. The four companions walked over to the King's ship the Archibald.

Mendartes hailed, and Captain Nelson answered. Mendartes requested passage for he and the five others to Alexandria. Nelson conferred with his First Mate, and agreed to take them on for a fee of 5GP per head. This blatantly exorbitant cost offended Mendartes, and offered the group's considerable talents in exchange for free passage. He emphasized Erich's prowess as hired muscle to impress Nelson, but the Captain scoffed at the idea of a Halfling being hired muscle. He called for a demonstration, and sent a crew member named Phillips to fight Erich.

Phillips was no match for Erich. He managed to swing his scimitar once and hit nothing but air. Erich had him nearly incapacitated in less than 30 seconds. Nelson called off the fight and consulted again with the First Mate. This time, he offered them passage at the rate of 1GP per head. While Mendartes and the others were contemplating the still high charge, a messenger came to the docks with a fanfare and instructions for the Captain.
Clanless Rhogar and his party are to be granted passage to Alexandria aboard His King's Ship the Archibald at no cost, by order of Steward Teagan to Captain Nelson.
Captain Nelson was visibly displeased, but told the messenger that they would comply with the order. As the party celebrated, Nelson walked off below deck while having a heated discussion with the First Mate. Erich overheard him discussing sending a message and that the King would be displeased. Erich informed the party, and hid behind some crates at the dock. He intended to wait for a messenger to leave the ship and follow him to eavesdrop on the conversation. Mendartes, Torgg, and Aust returned to the Gassy Gnoll to wait for the party to regroup.

Erich did not have to wait long. Shortly after his companions left, a nondescript sailor disembarked and headed into town at a brisk pace. Erich followed, making sure to stay far enough back in order to not draw suspicion. The sailor headed to a shady part of the town that Erich was somewhat familiar with, to an ordinary-looking house. The sailor knocked on the door, which promptly opened just a crack. The conversation was terse and deliberately quiet, and Erich was only able to discern bits and pieces. He learned that due to his party being granted passage, a sensitive piece of cargo was being removed from the Archibald and would be shipped at the next earliest convenience, and that the delay would greatly displease the King. As the clandestine conversation came to a close, Erich ran back to the tavern with the news.

After their meeting with Steward Teagan, Shane and Clanless Rhogar hit the shops to pick up goods and supplies for the voyage. They stopped first at Gilbert's Goods, a general store, where they managed to convince Gilbert to give them a significant discount in exchange for Clanless Rhogar's endorsement of the shop. Next they went to Herbert's Armor Shop to try to find better armor for the Dragonborn. Again, they managed to leave with a hefty discount on the promise of Clanless Rhogar's endorsement. Shane left his companion to shop for anything else he might need, and continued on to meet with his contact at the Thieve's Guild, Styx. He tried to talk his way into getting a Forgery Kit for cheap, but Styx would not be budged. Shane paid up, then met with Clanless Rhogar to return to the tavern.

Back at the Gassy Gnoll, Mendartes, Torgg, and Aust were waiting for the others to return. Mendartes had a drink. Then another. And another. Clearly inebriated, he began harassing other patrons, and the young bartender. After repeated declined advances, the girl asked Mendartes to leave. He continued his unwanted advances, and the maiden began to yell for help. Torgg and Aust apologized for their belligerent companion, and dragged him out of the tavern, just as Shane and Clanless Rhogar were arriving to join them.

Mendartes was in no state to continue on their journey, and this upset Shane. After a brief lecture, Clanless Rhogar put his hands on Mendartes, and a faint glow surrounded him. Instantly, his drunkenness was gone. Erich showed up after all the excitement, and informed the group of everything he had learned. Shane intended to speak with Captain Nelson, and Clanless Rhogar and Erich planned to talk to the sailor who delivered the message.

Once aboard, Mendartes put his sailing background to use, climbing up the rigging, securing lines, and getting a bird's eye view of everything happening above deck. Erich pointed out the messenger to Clanless Rhogar, who pulled the messenger aside and asked him to show the pair to their quarters. Torgg and Aust idled around on deck, trying to overhear conversations among the crew.

Below deck, Erich and Clanless Rhogar went into one of the sleeping quarters with the sailor. Clanless Rhogar stood guard at the door while Erich interrogated the man. After seeing what Erich had done to his shipmate, Phillips, he promptly spilled his guts. Unfortunately, after much persuasion, Erich determined that the sailor knew little more than what had been overheard already.

Meanwhile, Shane was looking for the Captain's quarters. When he found the door to be locked, he picked it deftly and crept inside. He looked for any clues to what cargo may have been on board that would have elicited such a response from the King. After searching the room several times, Shane noticed the corner of a parchment envelope sticking out from a pile of papers. The envelope carried the seal of the King, and had not yet been opened. He used his tools to warm the wax slightly, then carefully lift the seal. The letter read,
My Trusted Captain Nelson,
I hope my faith in your crew, your vessel, and your skills is not misplaced. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of the secrecy of your task. Should anyone learn the contents of this cargo, it would be devastating for the kingdom and personally embarrassing to me. Godspeed on your journey, and I expect to hear good news from you soon.
-King Archibald II
The letter was deliberately vague, and gave Shane little useful information. He carefully resealed the envelope with some fresh wax, then locked the door. He needed to have a word with Captain Nelson. He asked to speak with the Captain and was instructed to wait by the Captain's quarters.

The boatswain was left on deck as Captain Nelson and his First Mate met with Shane and Mendartes in his quarters. Nelson took four glasses and poured a drink of amber liquor for each man. He sat down to hear what the passengers had to say. Shane explained that his party was aware that some precious cargo had been unloaded prior to the boarding, and gave his assurance that they were no threat. He even offered the services of his group as protection for the shipment. As the ship lurched forward, Nelson assured them that their services would not be required, and wished them to enjoy their voyage. He poured another swallow for the men, and asked Shane and Mendartes to return top deck. The First Mate closed and locked the door behind them.

Shane got the whole group up to speed above deck. Neither the sailor nor Captain Nelson had given them useful information, and the party was on edge. In the event of trouble, they put together a plan to take on the entire ship's complement, and even burn it down if necessary. As they devised their plans, the First Mate relived the boatswain of command.

The journey began uneventfully; but as night approached, a sailor began going to each deck hand and whispering something in their ears. After speaking to them all, he went to the wheel and whispered to the First Mate as well. The party noticed all of this and waited, prepared for the worst.
Last edited January 21, 2015 8:57 am
Jan 21, 2015 3:58 pm
I approve! I may just wanna make a subforum for it if enough people wanna partake!
Jan 21, 2015 9:30 pm
Nicely done! Thanks for posting this.
Jan 22, 2015 12:03 am
Next session is this Saturday, so the next recap should be up about a week afterward, unless I lose my internet for another week >_

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